For the record, this stuff smells unlike anything i have ever smelled before. It is putrid and it is solely my macabre curiosity that compelled me to smell it. Hahaha. It did indeed seperate in to layers. 20201103_201205.jpg20201103_201210.jpgTo remove the middle layer, i used a turkey baster to extract the "good stuff". This process produces way more than i actually used. 20201103_201301.jpg The amount tranferred to the jar was less than a cup to try and keep to the 1:10 culture:milk ratio. 20201103_201521.jpgThen add the milk to the 6 cup mark and set out at room temperature for 5-7 days as it seperates. 20201103_201711.jpg Once seperated we will strain the solids with cheese cloth; pouring the liquid in to the next jar and add the molasses. Then we should have a culture of a bacteria (Lactobacillus) that breaks down organic matter. I think i should probably move this science experiment to the shop. It may get too cold out there...
Well, pursuant to the instructions laid out in the original post, i left a "few inches" from the top. The reason why we leave that "few inches" is because this stuff GROWS! WHAT?! 20201104_195427.jpg This was a picture taken last night. I took it because it started to curdle at the top which was neat. Then a picture this morning...20201105_071630.jpg...whoops. Uhh...that junk is getting taller! I hope leaving JUST a few inches was enough. I guess if i have to i can scrape off the top...maybe. :/ uhh...what the heck? Hahahaha. Wild stuff.
Couple hours later and the jar is full. It seems to have formed a plug at the top and of no threat at spilling over. Just in case i placed in a bowl to catch any spills. Smells like fancy cheese.
Whoops! Checked my calendar and saw my Lacto was complete yesterday.

The "cheese" part collapsed on itself and diminished in volume. It never overflowed but it was close. Now i need to review what's next. I think it's straining the fluid with cheese cloth (probably why it's called cheese cloth) and add a bunch of molasses. Then i think it's complete.

My clones have taken a turn for the worse. I bought organic soil thats amended and it is a touch hot and has scorched my roots. So i dug my old bonsais out of the corner of my yard and started watering them again a few days ago. I almost lost Harley-Tsu. 'pillars really did a job on them. I changed up what i usually do and it bit me in the levis. The soil was to be mixed at no more than 50/50. I did not read that until i saw the problem. Rookie mistake. So i am scrapping the AC/DC breeding project and sprouting some half autos to inbreed and see if i can get any pure autos from the progeny.
Time to strain it.
I put cheese cloth on the top of the jar and resecured the screw part of the lid and poured the liquid out in to another jar. I filled it to 825 ml and the original thread is requesting 1:1 (culture:molasses) ratio. My/our big jars fit 1750 ml and half that is 825 ml. I found out a 16 fl oz of molasses (container size) is about half that amount. So i need to grab another while at the store next time to keep this 1:1 ratio requested.

Here is the culture and molasses before gently agitating to mix it in.

I poured the rest in a bucket of sardines and molasses i was trying to make an emulsion with. Someone told me its more of a Leachate. What i am after is a fermented plant food fit as an all purpose application. I expected the bucket to knock me over with it's smell. It had zero smell. WTH? I added it anyways and poured the rest on our new compost pile to see how quickly it works. :)

Now...starting the new seedlings. NYCDiesel(auto)×Skunk(photo). I am looking for a male and female to inbreed. Film at 11. ;)
The sugar was sub the molasses i was missing. The original author said they bleach the sugar and i don't want to mess with it. I will get an extra bottle of molasses.
As i mentioned, i mixed my new soil too hot and have scorched seedlings and clones roots. (Bruh?!) Rookie manuever. I bought new soil to fill pots and i bought a hot soil and didn't read mixing ratios and BAM! My, my ,my. New gear means new attention and reading. and learn. So i scrapped my AC/DC breeding project and jumped on to sprouting some half auto seeds to inbreed them. I got 2 sprouted so far and 1 more ro go. It's hard as hell with the back room running at winter temps. :p I remixed some soil for the solo cups. I used mostly compost and a touch of castings. I flipped out and got scared and filled 3 more with E.B.Stone seedling starter. Hahahaha. I have nutrients to get them past the 2nd week. I am going to pop a couple more and test the "new soil". So at worse i could end up with 6 plants. Not likely. I am not growing for big plants and a fat harvest. This round, if it works, is to make seeds. My intent is to breed half autos and maybe try another strain and cross it as well if i get my SourSkunk male.
I have successfully isolated Lactobacillus. Now as i am researching what to use it on, i FINALLY run across this fermented plant food i am after. It appears i am at the entrance of the proverbial "rabbit hole". Fermented? Yeah...that goes along with fermented plant juice & fermented fruit juice & fish amino acids. This method is referred to Korean Natural Farming. I have found threads here detailing this method. I don't know that i want a bunch of mesh sacks with rotten fruit sitting around. Hahahaha.
Adding the Lacto, also known as LAB (lactic acid b...?), breaks down the material and allows the extract, leachate, collect in the bucket and voila! Fertilizer...hmm. What the heck am i doing. This DIY attitude has almost painted me in a corner.
I already have a fish hydrosylate i made. As soon as the plants are big enough...wait. I need test subjects! I need to sprout a few more! "Robin! To the Bat Cave!"
Just acquired this little jewel...
This has been a much needed tool in my utility belt (batman reference). Feminized seeds? Where do i sign up. Now...test subjects...

The Lacto will not go to waste. I have been super busy redoing our porch roof after removing a rotted eve. Still not done. Bleh! After this its a few more tasks needing addressing, including front bannister for the steps. lack of posting is totally due to not doing anything.
I believe i have lost Harley Tsu. Pillars and too hot soil killed the strain. I have sprouted seeds from her in hopes. Even if its a halfy of Harley. Man...i still have AC/DC and she is alive and well. So CBD is not absent from the property.
We do however have some new back neighbors and they are younger with younger friends as well. The adults around here don't bother me and my grow. These kids (20's) are not locals and bring a whole new facet to trying to execute my grow outdoors.
I think this year will just be some testers thrown out and sew what happens. I expect thievery.
I have met the guy and he is cool. Young guy trying to get some where in life with a lady. Sounded like a baby in tow. I however don't trust visitors. They have nothing to lose cuz they don't live there. Sooo...
I am reconciling with myself and some unhealthy habits i have (smoking cigars) to get rid of and use that extra cash to fund firing up the 1000w HPS again for some indoor fun. I figure running that is going to increase the bill by about $200 a month once we reach the "tier 2" usage.
I can't put my eggs in one basket outdoors with the potential of bandits. Not my cup of tea.
So...the out building has been used before and equipped with fan, cooling hood hung for adjustments and ducting to exhaust the heat.
Minor modifications will need to be made. I need to move the magnetic ballast to an exterior addition to circumvent the heat it creates...hmm...i may need it cooled in the summer time. I also need to acquire an AC for those hot months. The room is small and comfortably fits a 4×4 tray with walking room around. Short ceiling so...LST. Dang it. I love my smokes.

Turn the page on that crap...
This is my bucket o' mischief.
I started a "make your own emulsion" thing. Uhh...wildly aromatic.


I saw a video of a dude making an emulsion WITH the addition of an anerobic bacteria called Lactobacillus. This little organism is amazing. It breaks down organic matter and populates to keep bad microbes from taking over. I knew that was what i was after. That bucket sat for a month and i couldn't stand to stir it anymore. Hahaha. Pee-Yew!

So after isolating the culture i made a whole mason jar of it and had quite a bit pure culture left. So I cracked the bucket that has sit undistrubed for 3 weeks to add some to it. I couldn't smell the bucket at all. At least not over the smell of the culture. I saw the top of the liquid in the bucket was dead and not active. It had a few mold spores on the top but, of course there would be. I poured in half of the remaining culture and poured the other half on a new compost pile.

Fast forward a week or more, i go to crack the bucket and get a look and check condition. The top of the bucket was ALIVE! Tons of bubbles and terrible smell is back. This is supposed to turn in to FAA (fish amino acid). We will see. i researched more about "fermented plant food", i learned about Korean Natural Farming. This method includes FPJ, FFJ, and FAA. Lactobacillus has not been mentioned in the fermentation but i have seen it used in the fish stuff. The lacto breaks down organic matter is probably a great jump start to the fermentation.

I am going to let the bucket sit undisturbed a couple more weeks and recheck. I think that due to the culture not being present, i allowed a nasty cocktail to brew. Lacto being added, should correct this situation.

This fermented plant food is what i found when searching for a reliable low number all purpose plant food.
Kellogg's stopped making their all purpose fish/kelp/Molasses for no good reason. Or someone bought it all. I would have. So i bought Dr. Earth's all purpose and was happy with the results. It takes a couple weeks to kick in but the plants love it.

I continued to search for info on fermented plant food and i ran across AgroThrive. Their claim to fame is that they are the main supplier of nutrients for organic fruits and veggies. Not the SOLE provider, but a big supplier. They send out free samples. They had an all purpose liquid with low numbers AND organic. I sent for them. They arrived and of course i need to look and smell. It looked dark like Dr. Earth's black liquid. Just as dark. The smell was exactly the same. They both have a vinegary/soy sauce kind of smell.

I knew i was on to something. Exaclty what, i hadn't a clue. I still can't tell if i am after fermented plant juice or something Lactobacillus makes. I think its the same. Sorry for anyone reading who already knows this stuff. I am just learning home ferts.
...oh. And that Lacto i isolated? After adding molasses to it...guess what? It smells JUST LIKE THOSE FERMENTED PLANT FOODS! VINEGARY! So i know...i am on the right path...for something.
A problem i am contemplating that HAD happened was the use of municipal water to make the ferment.

The website "dudegrows" has a thread on local municipalities and what they are using to treat their water with. (Search "dudegrows municipal") People recommend letting a bucket of water sit out over night to "off gas" the inherent chlorine used to treat the water. Well, if they treated with chloramine, like our suppliers do, sitting it out won't work. It needs to be treated to break up the chloramines (fish tank water treatment) or it needs to be ran through a vitamin C filter to rid it.

I did not do either... It was bubbling last time i looked, after adding the LAB (lacto). So it has to be getting broke down.
Up on my roof today i spoke with my new neighbor, who just so happens to be in law enforcement. (Yay...) Now i know i can't trust 'em. (Kiddin...) I saw that Mars Hydro has a black friday sale. I am eyeing their TSW2000 and the TS600. The 2000 will fix my amp problem in the outbuilding with an AC in there for summer grows. The foot print shrinks from the 1000w, but that cant be used out of winter months w/o AC and that is another ball of wax. The 600 will replace my 150w HPS in the backroom so i can have a veg chamber with better spectrum and no heat issues. We will see if that pans out right. I got cuttings taking root but the light(s) aren't even ordered yet.
Well, BackLip...he is my backyard neighbor. ;) Our county has a moratorium on outdoor cultivation. It is against the law to grow outdoors where i am. (...but hey, it's Califurnya?) Before our county opened up dispensaries (Contra Costa County) they passed the "temporary" outlaw of outdoor cultivation. Probably to drive more people to "buy", then to grow. So...that's why I am overjoyed at the idea of dropping some cash to move my grow indoors. Then the spot of cash i came up with?'s destiny! Hahahahahaha.
patient puffer growing indoors..?

I don’t even know who you are right now man! Lol

it won’t be no home made tent built with 3/4 inch PVC piping and furniture grade 3 way elbows will it?..... :battingeyelashes:

Because I may know someone that knows a thing or two of building those!! :cheesygrinsmiley::rofl:

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