Pat Gets Hairy With A Gorilla

Well Pat in the case of the lightd here's a good tip they'l charge you custom duties but from my calculations it still worked out cheaper to order from there even including the postage. But the duty was pretty hefty though, about 25% of the value. Also if you do order you may get a phone call asking what's in the package so they know what category it falls under. Tell them that it's electronic components you plan on building / soldering. Don't say it's light fixtures or grow lights they'l charge even more.

edit - sorry to hear you had a kak day
Yeah bru they charge alot but for my 700w mars I paid about 8k which isn't bad at all. I don't mind paying that little extra because in the end it'll still be cheaper than anything you can get around here. Compared to the Gavitas from GT Hydro the 600w COB would kick it's ass.

LoL don't get me started on this fucking place. My ass is sore just being here
And those plants are looking pretty happy! What do you use for humic, fulvic and amino acid?
Shot buddy :passitleft: LoL I can't remember the specifics of what each one does but it helps the plant take up nutes better. I also don't want to lie and say they do this or that then I'm wrong :rofl: let me quickly google search it for you
And those plants are looking pretty happy! What do you use for humic, fulvic and amino acid?
Here we go bru



Lol ok, $600 equivalent for a nice cob array isn't bad at all Pat
Yeah man it isn't at all. I honestly don't need more than that. Specially if I'm running two big tents and then this mini tent too. Three tents ain't bad man. But currently I can't afford shit. This place is paying hella crap....
Yo people mon :party: so the dicks still be flopping in my face like they do for a prostitute at my work. LoL anyway I had some disgusting lightburn on the bigger plant so I had to lower that girl down.

First she looked like this

Standing on the drainage rig added about 15cm to the height so I dropped it into my big pot saucer and off we went




The frostyness building up good on this girl. It might almost be time for her to get chopped and buttered up in the craziest buttery oily inter-animal annual sex orgy :rofl:

Lets see what these clones looked like 8 days ago on 9/10/17

Moving on to today they received another round of sexy bondage, here's what they were before my magical fingers got up in there




Afterwards they both got really really moist :ganjamon: most likely because I gave them water:rofl:



So I'll still be doing updates and stalk other people, however not sure how active I'll be with looking for a new job.

Stay blessed friends :passitleft:
LoL like alot of pitbulls also :rofl::

I don't know about that. My last pit was a scary dog. He was smart as well, and would be strategic about trying to bite people. My previous pits were never like that.
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