Pat Gets Hairy With A Gorilla

my mya baby

and my mouth piece aka the boss stella ..

They said what's up.
Dawg love from Canada .
What's up Canadian Doggos LoL they are adorable brother. You're lucky to have them to give some love. I was also looking at a rescue pupper but he's so cute

Just looking for some cuddles
What's up Canadian Doggos .. LoL they are adorable brother. You're lucky to have them to give some love. I was also looking at a rescue pupper but he's so cute

Just looking for some cuddles

They are little rally my best friends man sad really but I love my girls

Cute puppy .
Enjoy that Santana and those cookies .
I always do brother. He's just that good :passitleft:
They are little rally my best friends man sad really but I love my girls

Because we are already here let me give another preview of my clones which is really starting to get into their stride





Ya know how we do it!

Left girl is a little bit light again but the girl on the right isn't as light. So the left one might just get it's water tonight and the righty tomorrow morning when I wake up.

I can't be more happier with these two atm. Growth is visible on a daily basis and I am loving it. No stress. None. This is the life :rofl::ganjamon:
I always do brother. He's just that good :passitleft:

LoL sad my fucking dick bro :rofl: it's the best to love your puppers!

Because we are already here let me give another preview of my clones which is really starting to get into their stride





Ya know how we do it!

Left girl is a little bit light again but the girl on the right isn't as light. So the left one might just get it's water tonight and the righty tomorrow morning when I wake up.

I can't be more happier with these two atm. Growth is visible on a daily basis and I am loving it. No stress. None. This is the life :rofl::ganjamon:

Looking great
Your plants look real healthy Pat.

Dog ownership is great. I've always had dogs. They really help bring your stress down and quality of life up. I might take a little break when mine are gone but I'm sure it won't be for long. Just wish sometimes I didn't live in the city so giving them a place to run would be easier. I usually sneak into the park at dawn so that I can throw the ball for my guy without anyone getting nervous. Something about a big Doberman male running full speed scares people!
Totally the case PW. The one thing I will say is that they're clumsy - they can bowl people over when they're playing without even realizing. But so many of them are just big babies. You wouldn't believe how many people avoid us when I walk my guy though. They'll cross the street so that they don't have to walk past us.
Ahoy fellow saffa! Just wanted to ask, I saw over on TheBlaze's thread you spoke of getting parts from rapidled. Have you bought any yet? Asking as I've bought some stuff from them and had to pay some import duty. I see you were thinking of getting from digikey wondering if they work out cheaper? Their prices seem to be in dollars anyways?
Looking great
Shot buddy :passitleft:
Look at those girls go, great job! :passitleft:
What's up Kid, shot brother. Really liking how they are currently :passitleft:
Your plants look real healthy Pat.

Dog ownership is great. I've always had dogs. They really help bring your stress down and quality of life up. I might take a little break when mine are gone but I'm sure it won't be for long. Just wish sometimes I didn't live in the city so giving them a place to run would be easier. I usually sneak into the park at dawn so that I can throw the ball for my guy without anyone getting nervous. Something about a big Doberman male running full speed scares people!
Thanks Dobe :passitleft: yeah man it's been a few years since I last had a pupper but eager to get one again. Just need a better job :rofl: shit is hitting the fan, but it's like diarrhea so it's the brown rain
Most of the Dobbies i've met are actually on the gentle side, just overgrown babies! .
LoL like alot of pitbulls also :rofl:

Totally the case PW. The one thing I will say is that they're clumsy - they can bowl people over when they're playing without even realizing. But so many of them are just big babies. You wouldn't believe how many people avoid us when I walk my guy though. They'll cross the street so that they don't have to walk past us.

LoL big scary doggo keeps the bad fuckers away :rofl::rofl:

Ahoy fellow saffa! Just wanted to ask, I saw over on TheBlaze's thread you spoke of getting parts from rapidled. Have you bought any yet? Asking as I've bought some stuff from them and had to pay some import duty. I see you were thinking of getting from digikey wondering if they work out cheaper? Their prices seem to be in dollars anyways?

What's up bru. Nai I haven't bought from them, I will most likely buy from them but not digikey because they don't have everything you'd want to build a complete light. They don't have good heatsinks but yeah Rapid is the go to for me also. I'd rather pay a bit more and get everything from a good source
My Quantum boards are from Horticulture lighting group.
I think he's asking regarding places that's in South Africa also brother :passitleft:
Yo. So currently there's alot of shit happening at my work, people getting upset over me wanting to leave for a better job. Getting shit attitude, I went for an interview at a recruitment agency today to help me get another job. Honestly it's got me stressing alot, because even if other places phone to enquire about me they'll speak shit and I won't be able to leave because of a bad reference.

Anyway peeps I took a few photos before coming to work tonight. The bigger girl has no photos but might be nearing time for her to get the chop and butter up. Maybe in this week, I can't get cheesecloth to save my bloody life.





These girls haven't received any nutes as of yet but seem very healthy. Most likely in the middle of the week they'll receive a bit of humic, fulvic and amino acid. Then next week a little bit of BioGrow :passitleft: this growing is more chilled than I could have hoped for
Well Pat in the case of the lightd here's a good tip they'l charge you custom duties but from my calculations it still worked out cheaper to order from there even including the postage. But the duty was pretty hefty though, about 25% of the value. Also if you do order you may get a phone call asking what's in the package so they know what category it falls under. Tell them that it's electronic components you plan on building / soldering. Don't say it's light fixtures or grow lights they'l charge even more.

edit - sorry to hear you had a kak day
I'll look around but these boards are coming out of china, may be a place in SA that stocks them.
I'd say it's better to import these lights because over here they anyway have to import them and they put a massive increase in the price. The Mars ii 400w at the Hydro shop is like R6500?! That's about $450-500 for a piece of shit :rofl::rofl: so imo, it's better to import it yourself and just do a bit of research. Rapid has everything you require so why not go for them? My 600w cobs I want would be around $650-700 on Rapid which is more than fair for me
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