PantyRaid's 1st Grow - With LST!

Ok guys! It's been dried and vape-d!

So this strain was supposed to be a 60-day Lemon Autogrow. Not sure if it was stress or genetics, but it didnt autogrow. Instead, it vegged for about 4 months

Here was the original bud:


It was really leaf-y but still felt pretty heavy in my fingers for its size and fluffiness

The steam method was really easy and although it seems counterintuitive that steam would dry the buds, it totally works!


I looked at the trichomes and they seem pretty clear to me, but what the fuck do I know.

Then, I ground it up, loaded it in my pax, and.....

The vapor is a little citrus-y, so maybe it really is the lemon autogrow??

It's yummy & feels pretty laid back. I like it!!! I can't wait for there to be more of it!!!!
Hello! Just a little Sunday pic spam!

The pizza seems to be loving the new light! The only issue is that some of her leaves got a little singed the first couple days. I guess she wasn't used to the amount of light I gave her!


The buds seems to be filling in a little already! In my trichome close-ups (none were very good so I'm not gonna waste your time with them) they still all look clear to me, maybe some cloudy. Still have a ways to go!
Thanks!! One thing I have noticed: Suddenly she has way more white hairs being produced, and they're super thick! Does this mean that she's about to have a growth spurt?

VERY possible - from the looks of your last pic she has a ways to go, there's lots of greatness left in her. She wants to be a CONTENDAH ;)
Where've you been stealth :riskybusiness:

Lurking around, :)

Its a busy time of year at work, and lots of family responsabilities going on now also, not spending as much time on the comp as I used to over the summer.
Lurking around, :)

Its a busy time of year at work, and lots of family responsabilities going on now also, not spending as much time on the comp as I used to over the summer.

ah, I completely understand! Whenever you have the time, drop by my journal, the ladies are missing you, and your beanbag is getting cold haha:laughtwo:

>>>Suddenly she has way more white hairs being produced, and they're super thick! Does this mean that she's about to have a growth spurt?

Hey Panty, Kush is definitely right:thumb: When she starts putting out like that, then it means she is still desperately trying to find male pollen in the air in order to procreate. the fact that she still has energy to do so, means she is still growing. The more pistils she throws out, the denser the bud us going to be.

But remember to always check the trichomes, because even in some strains, a fully mature plant with mostly amber tricchomes can still try and produce pistils until the day it is chopped!
ah, I completely understand! Whenever you have the time, drop by my journal, the ladies are missing you, and your beanbag is getting cold haha:laughtwo:

>>>Suddenly she has way more white hairs being produced, and they're super thick! Does this mean that she's about to have a growth spurt?

Hey Panty, Kush is definitely right:thumb: When she starts putting out like that, then it means she is still desperately trying to find male pollen in the air in order to procreate. the fact that she still has energy to do so, means she is still growing. The more pistils she throws out, the denser the bud us going to be.

But remember to always check the trichomes, because even in some strains, a fully mature plant with mostly amber tricchomes can still try and produce pistils until the day it is chopped!

Those tricky plants them....
Hey good question Panty! I always start a flush around the last two weeks before harvest in soil. Now determining the amount of time you have left is purely off of gumption, so you will need to check your trichomes daily to kind of get a clue of the rate they change from clear to cloudy.

A good rule of thumb that has gotten me great results is, when you start seeing a couple of amber trichomes here and there, your plant should have an estimated 1-2weeks of flowering left. Now what determines if it is 1 week OR 2 weeks is all dependent on the growers taste in 'type of high' I'm sure you already know the differences between a majority of cloudy trich's compared to a majority of amber trich's, so I won't go into too much detail there...but overall that should be a rough guide into estimating the time you have left!

Now for the flush, molasses and water is PERFECT! I usually go for any where between 1-2 TSP of molasses per gallon of water. Now don't stress when you start seeing your biggest fan leaves start to die off. all sorts of deficiencies can pop up at this time, but it is completely normal, as the plant is exhausting all of its stored nutrients, and of course most of these nutrients are located in the foliage ;)

You'll be sure to have least amount of chemicals in your final product, and the smoke will make her taste extra good :laughtwo:

There are a lot of different tips out there that growers use at the final stages of growth, either for taste, yield, and even color. I have a few more tips to offer, just let me know exactly what you are looking for in your final product.

And in any case, there is loads of info on the Harvest, Preparation & Curing section of the forums. I'll also give that a good read through :)
Amazing info! I have yet to see a single amber trich, so I'll keep feeding her! She definitely is going through way more water now, and I've been feeding with every water. She seems pretty ok with it!

My fan leaves are already on their way out. I'm trying to not stress over it!

I'm definitely interested in messing with the color! I even looked at a thread about using food coloring, sounds like a terrible idea.
Of course, a greater yield and better taste are nice too. I'm hoping to get about an ounce off the plant, which isn't bad for a first time with so many fuck ups along the way!

I want to harvest for a heady high, for myself. However, a friend of mine doesn't react as well to heady highs so I wanted to let a few buds mature extra long for her, so she can have a tailor-made bag, just for her. Does that make sense?
An oz is definitely a good goal to reach, especially for the size of the plant. I still can't believe you vegged for 3 months and she only got THIS big. Nature sure works on her own schedule now doesn't she! Just to put it in comparison, I currently put my plant through only 2 months of vegetative growth, and I am aiming for a final yield of 12.5oz maybe a little less.

That goes to show that, with better lighting and a good nutrient regime, you had the possibility of having a MUCH bigger yield. I hope you have been taking notes throughout this grow, as I am sure you can triple even quadruple this yield, next time around ;)

>>> I want to harvest for a heady high, for myself. However, a friend of mine doesn't react as well to heady highs so I wanted to let a few buds mature extra long for her, so she can have a tailor-made bag, just for her. Does that make sense?

Yes, a staggered harvest is totally possible. Meaning the nugs most exposed to the lights can be cut down first, then you can leave the rest of the branches on the plant until you are satisfied! Just make sure you don't let them go too long, as they will really start to lose their potency after a while:thumb:

>>> I even looked at a thread about using food coloring, sounds like a terrible idea.

Whaaa :trance: I have never heard of such either hahaha! Do you mind posting the link on here or PMing me, that sounds too interesting to pass up a quick glance!

As for proven methods to get those fall colors to set in are somewhat less complicated than the food coloring logic. What I do is, start to lower my grow space temperature to below 75F during the day, and below 60F at night. I have the ability to control my temps based on my ambient room temps. So I basically just let the AC bring the room temp down to around 65F. (And yahh, I've been freezing my ass off, since I sleep in the room my grow tent is located in :laughtwo:)

I am also going to be placing buckets of ice water in the grow tent before lights off, to further decrease the temperature lower than 55F. THIS is when you start really noticing color hues such as purple, blue, and red start to show itself on a plant. Although some strains can show change in color as high as 60-65F, and some EVEN show these colors without any type of temp adjustment, as it is a strong phenotype in that specific strain.

I say you should try the bucket of ice and water, and if you can find a lid, and attach a fan to pull the cold air out of the bucket, you will have a makeshift AC of sorts. Tell me if you need me to go into more detail ;)
Yes, in theory that would work, but there are a few things you should consider. When lowering the overall temperature, the difference between your night and day temps shouldn't be greater than 10F. For example, if your night temps are 59F then your day temps should be around 69-75F. The only reason I mention this is because a huge temp difference can stress your plant. And this late, you don't want TOO much stress as your lady might want to turn into an hermaphrodite!

But if you can keep your temperature difference in a reasonable range, then you should be good ;)

I'll have a read through those threads, thanks!
Yes, in theory that would work, but there are a few things you should consider. When lowering the overall temperature, the difference between your night and day temps shouldn't be greater than 10F. For example, if your night temps are 59F then your day temps should be around 69-75F. The only reason I mention this is because a huge temp difference can stress your plant. And this late, you don't want TOO much stress as your lady might want to turn into an hermaphrodite!

But if you can keep your temperature difference in a reasonable range, then you should be good ;)

I'll have a read through those threads, thanks!

Seriously, is there anything you DON'T know?!??!
Seriously, is there anything you DON'T know?!??!

Thanks for the kind words Panty! I try :laughtwo:

So I had a read through of those food coloring experiments! It seems VERY interesting, completely changing your bud's color by just dipping the stems in. Those pics look lovely too. I'm still kind of worked up, as one comment made me realize that we would be smoking whatever is in the food coloring. The added sugar doesn't really aid the argument of glucose crystallizing in your lungs, as there is bound to be a whole lot of glucose based sugars in plants that go through a Molasses-Only flush!

I might try this on ONE, maybe TWO nugs from my bagseed harvest after, AND IF I find a food coloring that meets my requirements! I'll be sure to update you with results when I do ;)
Okay so I just went through over 50 pages between 3-4 different threads on the subject of food coloring and cannabis. Overall, my final assumption is that food coloring is not the way to go if you want good tasting smoke. It seems like the color extract does add to the overall appearance, but takes away from the taste. Here's a quote from one of the growers who originally thought of this idea

FDD said:
i smoked it.

DO NOT DYE YOUR WEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT TASTE LIKE POO POO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it turned black and nasty and i dumped it out after 3 hits. blue pot is for smurfs.

Okay so after reading that, and also seeing how people are now just trying to change the flavor of their weed with juice concentrates, etc, made come to a conclusion. I will not be experimenting with food color....ALONE :laughtwo:

Going over a few ideas from the original thread, I will try and get my hands on some of the extract used to flavor tobacco leaves. As I know color enhancement is basically a no-go because of flavor and taste, maybe the with the use of extracts that are already known to be used in smoking products (such as a grape or vanilla dutch), this could lead to something worth experimenting.

We will see. On another note...I think I may be way too stoned right now :blunt:
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