Pantagruel Goes Big

Wow - yeah that looks mighty fine there, that should do it nicely. Where did you get your LED lights - I've got a 600w digital HID and building a bigger grow room this weekend - maybe time to upgrade lighting looking at your setup.

Yes, I see you're running out of space over there :)

Mine are from our sponsor TopLED. Lately I have been thinking that full spectrum LED's may be better because the focussed spectrum ones seem to demand much higher calcium and magnesium and probably create other issues too. I have always believed that it is hard to improve on nature. I think that the older model reflectors at TopLED are actually full spectrum and those are priced really, really well. If I come into a few bucks I will invest in one of those just to test the hypothesis.

Temps are definitely creeping up into the 90's with the addition of the MH. I have it cycled to shut off every 90-120 minutes for a cooldown which seems to be working nicely. Next cycle I think I will swap in the Eye Hortilux HPS though. More powerful and cooler.
Eye Hortilux is looking down on the canopy now. Sorry about the different colour-schemes but there are so many lighting spectra going on in there the camera doesn't know what to make of it :)

Pics show a moderate defoliation and rearranged the girls also.

I have a theory about the odd cal-mag deficiency burn condition to which LED grows seem susceptible. It always looked to me like the patterns were most pronounced where there was intervening foliage to create an outline. There is a phenomenon called edge-diffraction which acts like a prism to produce a diffraction spectrum. Led grow lights are not a full spectrum point source. They are a specific set of a discrete spectra produced by discrete sources. Now, even when this reintegrates it does not equal a full natural spectrum since it is by design a PAR spectrum. But more importantly, over smaller distances, spectral re-integration will be incomplete, so there will be areas of banding with a wide variety of different types of sub-spectra. Obviously some of these sub-spectra alter the nutrient uptake process - this is KJC's hypothesis. I agree, and the physical mechanism triggering this effect appears to be made worse as the diffraction effects of the leaves exaggerate the problem.

At about 18 inches I can just see a pattern of faint dots which suggest an overlay pattern of the intervening foliage....
Bit of a screw up here. I bumped my timer on Tuesday and changed the settings so my girls got 15 hours of light Tuesday and 14 hours yesterday when I caught it. I know you can run 13 hour days on flower, hopefully this incident won't be too serious.
Bit of a screw up here. I bumped my timer on Tuesday and changed the settings so my girls got 15 hours of light Tuesday and 14 hours yesterday when I caught it. I know you can run 13 hour days on flower, hopefully this incident won't be too serious.

You should be OK - I did the exact same thing last week. Pissed me off - I was going to bed at 11PM (lights set go out @ 7PM) and saw the lights still on ... that happened for 2 days straight after 7 days in flower. I just delayed flowering a tad more and plants stretched more than usual - I'm at almost 44" tall right now which is HUGE for indoor, for me anyways. I don't have enough room now and have to build (in process) another grow/flowering room to accommodate my girls girth (36") and height, I think due mainly to letting the lights go too long in the middle of stretch. They are reaching for the sky now and getting very large. I guess not a bad thing but more work that I was going to do anyway eventually but now is an emergency situation. Tomorrow should be move day hopefully!
Way cool! Thanks for the tip LA, I've noticed some of your time-magic in your journals.

The pots are drying out much faster now as hoped. After 5 days the plants are all noticeably droopy. Perfect for building up the roots. I upped the volume of water and the nute strength by 20% The snaps were taken while I watered. You can see the one Red Dragon in particular is really limp.

Fimmed Red Dragon

Double-topped Red Dragon

The girls bounced back nicely after their feeding. I'll take some more canopy pics in a few days. Hopefully there will be a huge burst of growth! :)

I'm pretty happy with the size of my plants this run. They haven't stretched quite as much as hoped, but I know they'll continue to grow over the next 6 weeks.

This Kali Mist is the smallest and was a runt right from the start. However she is turning into one nice little budsicle as you can see so the yield should be decent. At 4 weeks, she has a full two months left to go.

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