Panama Incident outdoors 2024 By Gwhunran

My outdoor grow in 2024 by gwhunran.

How the Panama Incident came about. :hmmmm:
A couple years ago, I had Headroom Incident (Neville G13xPineapple C99xSour Diesel) growing in the Sue grow area and Panama by ACE growing in the Sally grow area. The Headroom Incident self pollinated giving me hundreds of seeds.:oops: I ended up getting less than a dozen seeds from the harvested Panama buds. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I created a grow spot out of 60+ gallons/227liters of used Potting MIx with general purpose granular fertilizer and fish emulsion added too.
A small retaining wall was built. A ground cover sheet was secured under the blocks. The soil was mixed up good again, and leveled sort of,🙄 then the ground cover sheet was secured over the soil pile. 🤠

A seven gallon fabric pot was placed on the dirt pile and the bottom was cut out along with the barrier sheet underneath, so the tap root would have a lot of soil underneath. :) The pot was filled with Happy Frog soil.
Three 2liter soda bottles with their tops and bottoms cut off, were filled with used clay pebbles, and buried into the soil pile, so water can be added efficiently. They'll take the water about as fast as I can pour it.:)

A plant was grown from one of the Panama seeds, which I'm calling Panama Incident.:)

The plant was transplanted into the seven gallon fabric pot in late May. Since then the different supports and scrog screen was added.:) It's much easier to work a screen, when you can walk all the way around it. 🙄:cheesygrinsmiley:

Outdoors 2024 (4).JPG

Building the grow pile.

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Different angle of the 60 plus gallons of used potting mix.

Outside garden prep 2024 (2).JPG

Soil pile covered with ground cover sheet and secured. The empty 2 liter bottles that will be used to water the pile. :)

Outside garden prep 2024 (1).JPG

Making the watering bottles. Bag contains used clay pebbles.

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Bottles containing clay pebbles installed in the pile for future watering.

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Homemade 2liter watering insert filled with clay pebbles.

Outside garden prep 2024 (5).JPG

I can still put a top on it. Keeping junk out of the rocks. The outsides were hit with black spray paint before the fabric pot was installed.

Outside plant set up ready May 2024.JPG

Seven gallon fabric pot installed. The bottom of the pot had an X cut through both it and the barrier sheet. The flaps were rolled back and secured in place, then the pot was filled with Happy Frog soil.

Next post shortly will include pictures of the plant.
Panama Incident
Headroom Incident (Neville G13xPineapple C99xSour Diesel) X Panama by ACE

HI Day 35 flower (3).JPG

Picture of Headroom Incident, flip +35. 2022

Panama Day 49 flower (2).JPG

Panama by ACE, flip +49 from 2022

HI and PI (1).JPG

Seeds in the bag are Headroom Incident. Seeds in the tube, came from the Panama, and it will be called Panama Incident.

Panama Incident plant 5-30-24 (1).JPG

Panama Incident, May 30, 2024. Plant moved into fabric pot. This plant almost got trashed. :oops: It sat there with only a set of cotyledons for several weeks.:hmmmm::hmmmm: I went as far as to plant a Blue Dream, that sprouted, and ended up being put down because of no area to grow it.:( I had to choose between them.:( Hope I made the right choice.:)

Panama Incident plant 5-30-24 (2).JPG

Panama Incident, May 30, 2024.

Panama Incident plant 5-30-24 (2)2.JPG

Panama Incident, May 30, 2024.
Panama Incident
Headroom Incident (Neville G13xPineapple C99xSour Diesel) X Panama by ACE

Taken a few days ago.
Supports have been added, with a scrog screen as well. It would be possible to make a higher screen if necessary.:hmmmm::)

I've been tying and tucking. Making sure to weave each branch to screen for strength and stability.🤠 It's easier to to when you can walk around the whole screen.:cheesygrinsmiley::bong: I'll get more pictures tomorrow.:)

PI 7-17-24 (1).JPG

Making use of a scrog screen on this Panama Incident grow. July 17, 2024.

PI 7-17-24 (2).JPG

Making use of a scrog screen on this Panama Incident grow. July 17, 2024.

PI 7-17-24 (3).JPG

Making use of a scrog screen on this Panama Incident grow. July 17, 2024.

PI 7-17-24 (3).JPG

Making use of a scrog screen on this Panama Incident grow. July 17, 2024.

PI 7-17-24 (4).JPG

Making use of a scrog screen on this Panama Incident grow. July 17, 2024.
Outside Scrog, big sativa-ish plant, I'm def watching this one :headbanger:.

Also the Headroom Incident sounds like an awesome accidental cross, and one I could try to replicate in the future lol. Have you grown the seeds out before?
Thanks gee, :) I'm thinking the same thing about the cross.🤠 I don't know a thing about making seeds for genetics.:hmmmm: It's always an accident.🙄 They were both tall plants.:) The HI started flowering faster when flipped and stretched a lot pretty quickly. The Panama started flowering slower and stretched for a lot longer than the HI. The plants are stretching now and just now showing their sex.:hmmmm::) I didn't think there was a chance in Hades of getting a male from two females.:rofl:
I gotta feeling you won't be tucking for long, gw. Then it's stonehedge mode...:yummy:
I'm giving it a shot. The longer I can keep it up, the shorter they will end up. I hope.
She's still going strong. :cheesygrinsmiley::bong:

PI 7-20-24 (1).JPG

Panama Incident, July 20, 2024

PI 7-20-24 (2).JPG

Panama Incident, July 20, 2024

PI 7-20-24 (3).JPG

Panama Incident, July 20, 2024

PI 7-20-24 (4).JPG

Panama Incident, July 20, 2024

PI 7-20-24 (5).JPG

Panama Incident, July 20, 2024

PI 7-20-24 (6).JPG

Panama Incident, July 20, 2024 Example of weaving one of the main limbs into the screen.

PI 7-20-24 (7).JPG

Panama Incident, July 20, 2024 Example of weaving one of the main limbs into the screen. :love::)
Its a lot of fun DOING IT outdoors nudge-nudge ☺️ just joking ,, good luck on the outdoor garden 🤞
:rofl: It's been a while since Doing It outdoors. These days I'm just thrilled to be Doing It at all.🙄:rofl:
& by the way nice tapestry🤙✌️
Thanks, I'm counting on the sun to do it's work.:) My only real problem right out of the gate, growing outside is only having four to five hours of direct sunlight a day.:hmmmm: I've got near 50 large hardwoods on the property, so there is only one place that gets that much sun.:oops: And that's only because the neighbor on that side cut a large tree down, that opened up the spot for growing a plant. 🤠:bong:
I had the same shade issue at my old place. I had to move my pots around the yard to follow the sun. But i also grew autos ontop of a flat roof which had all day sun until it became too hot to do so. That's a great looking trellis grow fella. I sure hope the sunshines for ya till harvest:green_heart:
I'm hoping the PI is getting enough. :hmmmm: My last attempt in the same spot was in a large pot. I'm wondering if my past attempts were limited by running out of root space in the big pot.:hmmmm: That shouldn't be as issue this time.:cheesygrinsmiley:
I love my trees.:love: My house is in the shade about the same time as the plant. Most of the direct sun is from 0900-1500, with some dappled shade between 1000-1130 and more dappled shade after 1500.🤠:bong:
Yeah big old trees are wonderful ,,900 to 1500 isnt to bad ,, i have a similar issue but like @Greengoodness have to move my pot around to achieve those hours ,though can move more to get longer hour im not always at home to get the most input ,, one makes the best with what we have ,,, 🤙✌️
I do love my trees. I'm coming up to harvest time on the MAC, and the Purple Ghost Candy won't be far behind. They'll give me enough for the year and it'll take the pressure off getting the outside plant to produce. So, I'll be comfortable having fun with the Panama Incident. The bugs can get bad and the fall can be cold and wet. So we shall see if I can get her to the finish line. PI has potential to be pretty good and this one did not start flowering early, like the Fuel D.OG did outside last year. I moved it from a longer lights on inside to a shorter outside light period and they started flowering early. @InTheShed brought this up a while back and I think that's what happened with last year's outside Fuel D.OG :)
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