P9 Hunts For The Unicorn With Mars SP 250s

Jamming along...

BoptangXBCP is still the "star of the show". Topped on the 11th;

Here's what I got now;

I should be topping a few more this week too. Both Cheese, Both Northern Lights, Kali-China, and Shiskaberry are pushing up the 5th node now. I'll clip them as soon as I have enough stem to ensure I don't FIM.

Green days y'all.
Short one today.... too high to function the fucking camera. LoL
Short one today.... too high to function the fucking camera. LoL
Really nice start man that is going to be full once they veg out
Are those the Sp150s or the SP250s Looks like they are doing a good job
SP 250.

I had 3 in my old space, new room doesn't require all 3. I downsized to 2 and sold the 3rd to my bestie growmie
Did a bit of cleaning, maintenance, and feeding this morning up in the attic.

It takes me 2 water runs to get em all fed. LoL

I'm not gonna be hauling water much longer. I figured out how I can plumb in my deep sink upstairs. Next available day, I'll be instilling...

Each plant was fed (per gal)
1tsp Protekt
1tsp Foliage Pro
.5tsp Cal-Mag
Every pot was watered til run-off, approximately 1 gal each.

Here's the group now...

Was able to get some clips on the BopTang X BCP. Hey @InTheShed
Do these look correct to you?

She's aggressive! Holy shit!

I'm sure she's gonna be a rockstar!
...gotta' luv the plumbing addition!...that hauling would get old fast... :thumb: ...cheerz...:high-five:...h00k...:hookah:...
Yeah, I started looking today, I've got 3 PVC vents that cross through the attic space. I can tie in there for my drain.
The grow area actually sits right above my hot water heater. I can tie in to the cold line with a "T" fitting, drill a single 1/2" hole into the attic (through sheetrock) then I can tie the sink in with cold water; hot isn't necessary IMO.

Hell yes! They are finally moving now...

Off to the races! Stankclips worked like a champ!
Hell yes! They are finally moving now...

Off to the races! Stankclips worked like a champ!

Sweet!!! You have Electrical ... HVAC ... and soon plumbing ...

If you take a mattress up there and nap ... that will cover the CO2 ...

Funky Monkey is gonna be buried in a Sea of Green in no time!!!

This is a good grow amigo ...
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