Oz's First Grow - Pyramid Tut In Coco

To be sure, I am not in judgement of anybody having some beers in the evening. I'm not referring to a social setting. I'm talking about alcoholism. Put it this way, the doctors told me back then that, if I didn't stop I would be dead in months. MONTHS. Here it is 30 years later. Sobriety is more than not drinking. But I won't get into all of that. Really my main point is that, alcohol is so much more toxic to your body than cannabis, especially if using it medicinally. I am happy my stubborn nature didn't prevent me from giving it a try at this stage of my life. I'm so happy I did.
Hi all. Hope all is great, green and glorious in your gardens today. Here....the sun is shining, the birds are chirping and.......the wind is biting lol :)
G.F.....I couldn't agree more. Alcoholism is horrendous. Dependency of any kind is controlling and destructive and, without wishing to sound patronising, you've done fantastically well to achieve 30 years of sobriety.....hats off to young lady :)
Trichster....burning the midnight oil AND some last night mate :) My body clock is a little out of sync with Emma being back home I guess :)
Magic M my mate.....how are you? Hope Sweets is keeping you well medded buddy :)

Well, had the boy around early and we "played" with the tents layout and air/temps controls. The warmer weather has caused a few issues. My temps have gone up to mid-high 80s so the aircon is on from lights on to off. It sits well at 75-78 with it on but the extract side is vented directly out the door and into the house....bit of a pain when guests arrive. Anyway, oil burners are dotted all over now for smell control......sorted lol :)
Hi Trichster. Thanks mate :circle-of-love: Yeah, things are definitely getting better here. I'm happier with the sun on my back and my woman by my side :)..........Ohhhhh, and my Tutts BOOOOOMING :)
Hi mate......it's funny you should mention that because we were discussing yesterday lol :) He's as keen as a tramp with a sarnie to bring you some down lol :). It's 33 days since flip now and I'm thinking PK13/14 is due after the next feed? That'll be 5 weeks and 2 days :)
The boy will be around tomorrow so I'll get some pics up along with a decent update of all the girls.
Quick Q.......about the baggies....how long usually before they show their sex? There are no obvious signs yet and the 2 I kept are booming along and staying pretty tight and squat so, fingers crossed, they'll be girls lol :)
Hi mate......it's funny you should mention that because we were discussing yesterday lol :) He's as keen as a tramp with a sarnie to bring you some down lol :). It's 33 days since flip now and I'm thinking PK13/14 is due after the next feed? That'll be 5 weeks and 2 days :)
The boy will be around tomorrow so I'll get some pics up along with a decent update of all the girls.
Quick Q.......about the baggies....how long usually before they show their sex? There are no obvious signs yet and the 2 I kept are booming along and staying pretty tight and squat so, fingers crossed, they'll be girls lol :)

I saw this show last night on CNN with Sangye Gupta about med canna and they showed this family who is in business together, getting ready to make 50 million dollars a year and they all get high together with their kids (grown). One of the daughters said she's been smoking since she was younger. It reminded me of my own dad and how we used to get high together. He wanted to show me before anybody else so I didn't smoke Angel Dust. That was very rampant back in the late 60s early 70s. Not many people understood why my father would get high with me, but we understood. It was a respectful thing, not some kookie wack thing. I miss my dad. He died of AIDS in 1993. Eventually, he went a whole different way than I went and he, unfortunately, contracted HIV. I escaped with only Hep C. That's my dad story. I love you dad.:green_heart::green_heart:
Wow GF, that's quite some share :Namaste: :circle-of-love:. It's funny how "parenting" is perceived. Your Dad obviously loved you and wanted to take away the curiosity (and stigma) factors surrounding MJ.....hat's off to him for that :Namaste: .With my Dad (ironically) it was drinking. I was allowed to drink from a very early age (I mean SESSIONS at age 12). He never smoked or did any drugs OTHER than alcohol.....he died of a heart attack in 1996. My Mum died of one in 1967.........hmmmmm, wonder when I'm due???? Sorry, I shouldn't be flippant I know but I guess that's why I love and live my life. Every day is a bonus and I crave new experiences and knowledge....hence my growing.
OZ yep time for pk my friend, give em the full deal now! :) and as for baggies sexing. It is dependent on strain etc but 3-4 weeks maybe? Not sure to be honest as only ever gone from bought fem seeds :)
GF and OZ, my heart goes out to you both. Im lucky my parents are both still about. My dad in Vietnam and my mom in france. I just dont see em ever maybe once a decade if that. (Im the Black Sheep, lol) So I rely on my new adopted family here at 420 :)
Oh that is so interesting! Ozzy, of everything in my life there is one thing I am certain; that is the love my father had for me. He used to tell me wild horses couldn't take me away from him! Oh, we went to concerts and all kinds of groovy things back then. Everybody smoked pot in New York. Parents, kids, kidss kids. Ha.

And further interesting is that my father was a relatively well known hairdresser in New York. The name of his salon was Black Sheep. I have a beautiful Black Sheep on my mantle in the great room (what do people call that big room...living room, family room?) Anyway, everything is connected. I'm certain.
Wowwww, how spooky can life be? I'm VERY much the "black sheep" in my family....for a multitude of reasons lol :) And know what? LA is right....420 is my extended family. I've said it many times before....so many DIVERSE people, different histories, different futures too....but SO MUCH in common :)
Black sheep..... Well I'm golden balls in my family lol well my younger brother is actually but we are lucky to have a very supporting easy going family. That said if they new my hobbie there would be "shame" in the air..... Back to what we were saying in my grow. Tell good ppl something's bad enough times then they believe it (camnabis)
How's it hanging up your neka the woods just seen ur email ozzy guna reply now:)
All good here mate :) Been a good SUNNY day and got a bit done too :)
LA mate, sorry I kinda skipped over your reply on the last post. Yes mate, I'l give them Nutes, Boost and Molasses tomorrow then Next feed (3 days later) BOOOOOM....Nutes, Boost, PK13/14 with Molasses every 3rd feed :) I can't wait to see the results :)
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