@Graytail I forgot your question.
I have the tensiometers and have been trying to keep them moist for the most part.
I am told by the
blumat representative that 150 to 180 mBar is the perfect range for cannabis in flower.
So when they get close to that 180, I either water or drench, keeping notes which plant got what and when.
If the plant such as the MC 1 which takes a little longer to dry out, is not ready I usually wait and give her whatever when she is ready.
As far as the drenches go I have been alternating them up until now, and only giving them 10 ml + 3 ml tea. (these are 8 gallon pots) So a touch more than the 8ml the directions require.
The Mc 1 would have got her GE drench and the others were due a 1/4 trans + tea. ( I have not given them plain RO as of yet)
But I gave them all a Super Drench, Cats are due next.
I just don't want to give them to much or too many drenches in a row, so thats why I ask if Plain RO and brix next or go ahead with Cats and brix maybe a day or two later.