Outdoors IKLWA And Cherries Dubelee In MA

It seems late for pistils Bode. The IKLWA has them thankfully. Cherries D not so much for the big girl but the one in the pot is starting something. I've been treating her with sts for some fem seeds so maybe. I noticed something yesterday but couldn't be sure. Still stretching!
Are you going to move them indoors when it’s too cold 🥶 and they’re still flowering? CL🍀
Thankfully. Guessing it's a race against mother nature soon.
It is. There's still 2 1/2 months to go so we have time, 2 solid months anyway. I have a mind that gets lost in time and I have to really keep on things. We're going to be ok this season!
Are you going to move them indoors when it’s too cold 🥶 and they’re still flowering? CL🍀
2 things Cap'n. One, they're going to finish before that comes. And two, they will be 7 and 9 feet tall and 6 or more feet wide planted in the earth. I won't be uprooting them. I harvested on September 12th last year. It was an exceptional season. Maybe it will happen again!

The 3 gallon potted one I'm reversing sex on can be brought in and I will do that to keep pollen contained. I think I'll set a light up in the shed for a short time for that.
I love your most excellent trees, and the great net-wrap you documented as well! And when I used to harvest cherry tomatoes I tended to eat more as I picked than ended up back in the kitchen. 🍅
The two best lower branches have been getting STS once a weekish for 4 applications now
I'd go with every 3 days for two weeks but I hope your timing works as well!
I'll set a light up in the shed
Is it time for another colonoscopy? I feel like just I had one a few years ago. :hmmmm:
It is. There's still 2 1/2 months to go so we have time, 2 solid months anyway. I have a mind that gets lost in time and I have to really keep on things. We're going to be ok this season!

2 things Cap'n. One, they're going to finish before that comes. And two, they will be 7 and 9 feet tall and 6 or more feet wide planted in the earth. I won't be uprooting them. I harvested on September 12th last year. It was an exceptional season. Maybe it will happen again!

The 3 gallon potted one I'm reversing sex on can be brought in and I will do that to keep pollen contained. I think I'll set a light up in the shed for a short time for that.
Yeah I was thinking that might be a problem but what will you do if it’s an early winter 🥶? CL🍀
Highya SO, CL, guys

We don't mention things like that, because it hasn't happened yet, and we're having such great outdoor harvests, we have a little extra to tide us over in emergencies. Better to leave the negative stuff for those who revel in it. Happy Smokin'
I love your most excellent trees, and the great net-wrap you documented as well! And when I used to harvest cherry tomatoes I tended to eat more as I picked than ended up back in the kitchen. 🍅

I'd go with every 3 days for two weeks but I hope your timing works as well!

Is it time for another colonoscopy? I feel like just I had one a few years ago. :hmmmm:
I love your most excellent trees, and the great net-wrap you documented as well! And when I used to harvest cherry tomatoes I tended to eat more as I picked than ended up back in the kitchen. 🍅

I'd go with every 3 days for two weeks but I hope your timing works as well!

Is it time for another colonoscopy? I feel like just I had one a few years ago. :hmmmm:
Nice to see you're caught up at work and making the rounds again! You are correct sir! Cherries get eaten at will. :p

The sts schedule got tainted early and often Shed. Rain rain rain! I'll tighten times up. Hoping for a sign soon!

That plumbers camera I borrowed from my BIL is finally going to pay off. :cheesygrinsmiley: I'll have my staff schedule you in! Can't be too scoped is our motto here at the farm!
Yeah I was thinking that might be a problem but what will you do if it’s an early winter 🥶? CL🍀
I have to be able top let go if that happens Cap'n. If Mother Nature wants to come early it's her prerogative. I have the tent grows going for our meds we rely on. It'll be a sad day but outdoors is hers to control.
Highya SO, CL, guys

We don't mention things like that, because it hasn't happened yet, and we're having such great outdoor harvests, we have a little extra to tide us over in emergencies. Better to leave the negative stuff for those who revel in it. Happy Smokin'
Yeah this! If Bode or I had a failure to harvest and if we could, we'd share to limp to next harvest.
Hi, @Emilya Green , maybe you can advise me before I supplement my outdoor ladies with sweet candy, something you're familiar with.

The plants are pretty good size and in good health now standing at 7 and 8 feet tall ish in the ground. My holes are about 3 cubic feet/22 gallons and it's a @GeoFlora Nutrients fed garden. I've read you like sweet candy and I'd like to try it!

My question is how much? At 22 gallons for the hole that calls for 22 to 44 grams? @ 1 to 2 grams per gallon. My question is, am I figuring from the proper place? Is plant pot/ground space the number to use or is it 1 to 2 grams into each gallon of water used? The latter is making sense to me. I want to make sure. Thanks!
I was never very accurate about my usage of SC. After working with their numbers, the recommended amount seemed so small that I just ended up using their enclosed scoop. One scoop for a 5 gallon bucket of water is what I used, and it seemed to work well.
Appreciate it EM! I'm heading out! They're going to love it! Have a green day!
Appreciate it EM! I'm heading out! They're going to love it! Have a green day!
By the way, that scoop that comes in the bags is ridiculously small... I would estimate less than a gram of the product. That one tiny scoop gives the water a very satisfying dark molasses'ey look, and I never once thought that I was not giving enough. 2 scoops seemed like a lot, and I did try that mid bloom for a while, at least with no detrimental effects that I could see, but the darkness of the water seemed to indicate that it was too much. I have always been impressed with how dense the SC product is.
By the way, that scoop that comes in the bags is ridiculously small... I would estimate less than a gram of the product. That one tiny scoop gives the water a very satisfying dark molasses'ey look, and I never once thought that I was not giving enough. 2 scoops seemed like a lot, and I did try that mid bloom for a while, at least with no detrimental effects that I could see, but the darkness of the water seemed to indicate that it was too much. I have always been impressed with how dense the SC product is.
Hehe, I haven't found it yet actually. A half tsp is 2 grams so I used my 1/2 tsp measure. Thanks for the heads up, I'll look for it.

This will be a good experiment Em! I checked for brix a few days ago and got a 3. I'm expecting this and feeding for flower next feed should bring it up. I want to check it before the next feed though next week to see what happens. Thanks again! :love:
Your outdoor beauties continue to impress! :bravo: Excellent work on the netting. I think I should have done something like that for mine.
Your outdoor beauties continue to impress! :bravo: Excellent work on the netting. I think I should have done something like that for mine.
Tough break on that big beautiful branch Beez! I was surprised to see that happen knowing the vigor they have in a SIP! Didn't expect it at all! You did good patching and tying her up!

Hi all, Happy Sunday!
The past couple of days i've been getting the nets on. The weather is going to get blowy and I want to ensure a safe ending for them.
So they got me up a ladder to pound 5, 8 foot stakes in the ground and ziptie horticulture net to each. I have a quick explanation of the process.

The stakes got hammered in and are kind of plumb. They want to go off at angles in my yard because I have stones everywhere below. I do the best I can.

Next I run the netting around and cut it to length and open it up a little so I can tie it to the top of each post with a zip. I make the stakes more plumg at this time. Where I tie them to the net determines a lot.
I tied the net to the tops first and let it drape over them.
After the draping I go to stake one where it starts and ziptie it to the stake. All the way down. Before I move to the next stake I gently push the bush in and get a nice tie onto the next one. I then gently pull and prod each branch into a proper hole on that section. Repeat until done.
They get a nice bracing in case buds get heavy and hopefully wind won't bother them now too!

They have nice bases these days! 2 inches around!
Cherries DubeLee
Good times!

I have a sneaking suspicion that these ladies have linked in to your tree line myco network. They belong to the trees now.. Cannabis seems to shine the most when she’s within range of the trees network. Great stuff Stone! They outcompeted everything, while still allowing their surroundings life.. Gorgeous.
ReDONKulousness in here Otter! Dayyyyuummm! Nice work sir!
Hey Ween thanks brother! I can't wait to try this IKLWA!
I have a sneaking suspicion that these ladies have linked in to your tree line myco network. They belong to the trees now.. Cannabis seems to shine the most when she’s within range of the trees network. Great stuff Stone! They outcompeted everything, while still allowing their surroundings life.. Gorgeous.
Interesting Keffka! Could be! There's tons of trees right there. Matter of fact if I look straight up there's an oak tree canopy completely covering the sky. It was dropping sap on one of them all summer until recently!
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