Outdoor Autos & Photoperiods Oregon

OK well i had to look back from last post so here's a update on my outdoor autos in there 1gal containers. They are filling out seem pretty happy besides loosing their green that will come with age and enviorment/container size. ;) but overall they are coming along well considering. Got a purple pheno not sure what strain it is doing it because.......my flippin tags got erased do to waterings LOL i don't know what the hell they are now :ganjamon::rollit:I'm guessing mid July or abit later to start chopping some?? I'm not sure i will check trichs and pistols but they'll be close to 65days soon from seed maybe more?? Next year if i grow autos outside i won't start them so early an set them out till early June.

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Here's the blooming Slurricanes still filling out and drinking well. I feed Alaska Fish Bloom everyother watering do to their small 15gal containers needing fluids everyday an sometimes 2x but i'm trying not to water to runoff all the time. I've had no moths nor catipillars from them yet. A few small earwigs chewing but nothing else so far. Did'nt take photos of my other 4 photos vegging away. They look great to me staying with the limits of there 10 & 15 gal. pots so they are under 5ft and should stay that way. I just water alot and feed. :green_heart: They do seem to be perhaps stacking their branches in prep for preflower time will tell.

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