Our Ongoing Grows

They are perfect for that @Pennywise they hold almost a gallon. And the ones I got,, I got ALOT of use outta them. One thing I like is they are square and I can fit 10 of them on each little table I have.

The ones @Dankman_420 found are nice too.. They kind of have the same root channels. I wonder how hard it wood be to transplant from them. That pinwheel design might catch alot of roots?

Here's another one that has afew of the plastic root maker pots. The smaller ones might be nice?
Damn, one of my favorite things about Christmas,, is I get a huge ass ham bone with alot of meat on it.....2 pounds of beans, onion, bell peppers, and atad of seasonings, and a crockpot and we got a huge mess of beans.. And smother a big chunk of cornbread with them. And a chunk of onion on the side.. I love that shit..........

Just had to get me a new wall fan.. 3rd one I've burnt up in the flower room in the last 3 years.... I run two wall fans in there along with a dehumidifier,, which I haven't had to empty in a month? I best check it? But R/H

But yea @Pennywise those square ones are nice for that.. I plan on calling Monday to find out what the real S&H is. They only cost what a buck and change. I'm going to order 35 of them. If all works out.. Maybe I should check out another hydro store? Lord knows we got tons of them scattered around PDX area........

I think I see a hair on my Doc Holiday. Later today I'm going to take her out and give her? a real good look over. Besides,, it's time to give them all a maintenance spraying. Then once more in 2-3 days later.

I had made a mistake that pic I called Wheliche? Isn't. It's a Mozzarella;
I also have two of these
and three of these;
Vampira's Weed, amigo - the IHG Crypt Kicker used was very good.
They were made by;
And two of the Doc Holiday;
I do hate reg seeds...

You need to grow 3 plants to make sure you get a female.
Well @lazyfish , I called that place for them pots... Struck out. He said they, the manufacturing merged with someone and haven't been putting these out for abit... Explains why I can't find them.. BUT I'm going to contact the company Botanic? and bug them.. If not,, I might look more to a round one. That one off Amazon looks good. I'm just alittle scared of that pinwheel design in the bottom.. I know roots will get all caught up in them when you got to transplant. I'm leaning to the root maker 1 gallon rounds. I did find square 1 gallon root makers,, 500 in a lot. and I'd have to go cross country.. Oh well.. It costs more from the company, 'root maker' but I'm thinking it might be worth it. I've seen them before.. They are 'super' heavy-duty plastic that should outlast my ass????? But I'm going to do alittle more looking before I pull the cord... Here's a pic of my little tables,,, them square white ones fit perfect, that's why I'm anal about them. 2 across, 5 deep on each....

After I go do my therapy. JK kind of,,, I just have to go jump thru acouple hoops with the pain doctor this morning.. I'll tell ya the pain meds monthly are a crock of shit. I mean when they test me,, thse tests can tell if you been drinking up to 5 days. I know I've been scolded about drinking quite afew times. And the list of shit they test for is a damn page long.. I find it funny to look at how many things I've came up dirty without doing anything. I mean I don't dabble in almost everything anymore, cept shrooms every once in a while.. Mainly the 4th and New Years... But all these drugs that show,, stuff that doctors don't care about. They worry about drinking and hard drugs. But least this doctor will prescribe even tho pot is still classed as an illegal drug. And they worry about ODing when you drink on top of pain pills. Hell, I been on pain pills of self-medicating since before some of these doctors got outta kindergarten. Oh well,, it's a routine visit,, High, Piss every second visit, and Bye. But they have called me after two weeks just to count the pills in my bottle,, to make sure I still had my doses.

I don't know what happened in my cloner.. My Cripit cuts didn't make it. They got that slime. Well I cleaned the cloner up real good and took afew more cuts.. The sad thing was I had to take off a plant I had in flower for a week. So I'll have to deal with the reveg......... IF that fails,, my only other choice is to reveg as one comes outta flower... I do like what I got the first grow of it.. The heavy yield of Stoney ass buds from Stoney Girls.

I just uppotted that Doc Holiday for flower,,, but what I 'thought' I saw as a female preflower,,, wasn't...... I can't find a sign of sex. Guess she's going to have to go in as an unknown......... She? is a wide short fat leaved thing'. Perfect shaped leaves and stance of a plant........ Even the small second one is expressing the same traits. Cute' little plant.

Well Sorry, I got a dose of diarrhea of the mouth. But it's almost time to bail. But I'll be back'
If you want some options apart from Amazon for grow gear, I've used ZenHydro out of Cali and PlantLightingHydroponics out of Ohio and both are cheap and ship quick.
By done deal,, I didn't mean buying pots,,, but damn doctors...

My search for the 'proper' pot will continue.

I really like the looks of the 1-gallon root maker pots. All I can find say discontinued but in stock,,, but I've got a line on some. 3 bucks apiece. I'm not sure if they wood fit the table but? I know the rounds won't. Not least in the numbers..

AND I do like white.. The more white you got in any grow room,, the less light absorbed by the dark colors....

And seeing I have an abundance of energy,, lol,,, for the moment,,, I'll pull a cork,, and I drug one out I haven't shown yet. From Bomb Seeds;

damn it,, they ain't got them either. But the search continues.

I have that, and the Mozzarella, about ready to uppot.
I think so @Pennywise look me relook;

Yea I been there,, these active air pots are really thin.. I have 15 or so of the 7 gallon size.. Nice pots,, but they are really cheaply made' and if ya look at the way they hit the ground,, the 4 corners,, if you ever drag these across a rough surface, especially right after watering, they wear or really fast...

but with this second look, these are a second option for sure.. Same square inches as mine, minus the channels, and 10 wood fit in each table..

good eye'''. I might have to pop on them as a 1-gallon intermediate pot. I do like being able to fit more small pots on each table,, for the space, and ease. Another thing I like about these measurements, 6x6x8 is they give depth. And I use these aeroponic cloners,, roots tend to get 'long'. 8" depth helps.....
@Pennywise that's the most productive method of turning a crop... Cept the time it takes to grow afew mother capable of producing enough clones. Does make a pain in the ass to water too,,, unless you run spaghetti tube with drippers or something.

But acouple/three weeks veg on good healthy rooted cuts, and enough cuts to go wall to wall, then flip. 2-month later...

But you do need to find the 'right' strain. Need one that produces a BIG main cola,, with minimal branching. You find one that makes a couple/3 oz main bud,, you should yield 3+oz's per 1/2 foot. You could fit 100 at max, pots in a 5'X5',, what's that 18 pounds. Like said of course,, the 'right' strain. I've never heard of 18 pounds outta a 5X5. But is possible. I'll guarantee a SOG with outproduce a SrOG.
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