Otterfarm Flooded! NextLight Mega Responsible!

Good day folks, I have a little story this morning. We've been noticing gnats in the living area of the house lately. I usually don't have too many in the tents. not so many to bring them upstairs anyways! So I took to figuring where they were coming from. Under my chair cushion for apple cores? No. Standing water, messy gardening area? No. Then a light went on:idea:in my head. I remembered the pine bark mulch I got last month or two from under the snow. My hopes were high that this was it and it was! As I slowly opened the bag with flashlight in hand I peered in to see so many gnats I had to immediately close the bag without letting all of them out, and move to the door at the same time. My skin was crawling with the thought of them becoming such a mass of life right under my nose. Disgusting little B's that they are. Maybe thousands in there!:eek:
So the moral of the story is: Don't let your bag of mulch get moldy if it's been chipped out of the snow and brought in the house. Spread it out and get it dry! OYE!
Highya SO,

Cute little story. When I grew in the cellar, I had about 15 total insects (2 years) on those stickey yellow traps.

Shouldn't take too long to dry out. It's 16% humidity today, lol. Cheers
Wowza! George from The Vault has another seed sale and Give away!
Lotion up brother! Me too! It's dry city. They won't last.
Be greatful I saw my hydrometer the other day in a room here said 12% lol
Every thing that's brought in from mothernature is a potential source of bugs. Nice getting those AHA moments. :laughtwo:
Even the clothes we ware too
I just got finished skimming your whole 23 page journal, Otter! A few things I noticed along the way. First, you are a very good grower of meds. Your plants are very well cared for and look beautiful. And that light, Good Lord does that thing throw a lot of light! And @Van Stank grown Stank Genetics always seem to be a highlight in most gardens in which they are grown.

Hoping you have lots of strong air movement and circulation in your tent. You've done a beautiful job with this grow. And the pollen.....I actually am not affected by the pollen usually but that was not the case with the Quarter Pounder auto pollen. That pollen gave me the sniffles, I was sneezing, had itchy eyes and just didn't quite feel very good. I ended up having to take a couple Benadryl which took care of things for me.

I would love to follow along to see your harvest numbers and see some nugget photos.

I just got finished skimming your whole 23 page journal, Otter! A few things I noticed along the way. First, you are a very good grower of meds. Your plants are very well cared for and look beautiful. And that light, Good Lord does that thing throw a lot of light! And @Van Stank grown Stank Genetics always seem to be a highlight in most gardens in which they are grown.

Hoping you have lots of strong air movement and circulation in your tent. You've done a beautiful job with this grow. And the pollen.....I actually am not affected by the pollen usually but that was not the case with the Quarter Pounder auto pollen. That pollen gave me the sniffles, I was sneezing, had itchy eyes and just didn't quite feel very good. I ended up having to take a couple Benadryl which took care of things for me.

I would love to follow along to see your harvest numbers and see some nugget photos.

Sweet Beez! Thanks for your compliments, it's a reflection of all the members I read here including you. I agree, between the Stank genetics and the Nextlight, there should be magic happening in there. We'll see. The lights are so bright I can't take good pics and I won't shut them off, so I'm really the only one to see the buddage until they get bigger. The stankberries have 2 foot swords on them!

I do have plenty of air I believe. 2 clip fans for above and a 6 inch fan below. Plus removal with a 6 in extraction.

My goal is to beat my 23 dry oz tally from last grow in the 4 x 4. The light and genetics could do it.
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