Original Jack Herer, Blueberry, Tangerine Dream

Strawberry Gum Auto, flowering - check
4 x Dutch Kush seedlings popped and up - check
8 x Space Cookies cloned and rooted - check
Lights cranked up a bit for a couple of weeks more veg while the SG develops, then it's showtime :cool:

Strawberry Gum Auto, flowering - check
4 x Dutch Kush seedlings popped and up - check
8 x Space Cookies cloned and rooted - check
Lights cranked up a bit for a couple of weeks more veg while the SG develops, then it's showtime :cool:

Everyone looks healthy and happy.
I was reluctant to bin the Space Cookies mother plant so bunged it in a corner
It stretched to within an inch of the lamp so I rubbed the stem about 6" down and tied it to the stem
That was a couple of days ago and now it's pretty much back to where it was
My next experiment is.......... I'm going to lay it on its side at about 45/60 degrees across the back of the tent and curl the top round the corner
Pics to follow
Coooeeee :ciao: I'm here. Yup, it worked:thumb:
Subbed and along for the ride..

Edit.. I have been following.. I've already read the first page and left likes..
Really can't remember:hmmmm: sorry
Thought so... I do it all the time
Nikon D40, manual focus f5.6-8, 1/3 power flash -0.3 compensation 1/250 18-55 Nikon zoom @50mm, since you ask
The D40 has a 'Flash Late' function, so it flashes at the end of the shot, not at the start - prevents blur but soaks up colour, also picks up hi-lites
Never use a potato to take a photo or deep fry a camera to make chips
That's where im going wrong. Thought the chips tasted like plastic.

Sounds like you know what your doing with the photo ography.
It shows too. Really good quality pictures your getting.
Im using the Nikon D3200. 18-55.lense But it's always in idiot mode. It's got more buttons than I have brain cells and I ain't got a clue how to use it
Time to straighten you and your Nikon out pal
Never use it in idiot mode, you will get idiot pictures
If you want a shallow depth of field, choose A mode and use the right hand roller to go to 3.2-5.6
Adjust flash with the button beside the flash on the left and the roller, adjust compensation with the button by the on/off and the roller - they both have +/- by them
Switch to manual focus on the lens and shoot the bit you want to emphasise (eg pistils, trichs)
Go into spanner settings and set your focus to spot metering if you want to use S mode
You can set shutter speed in the same way (1/250) but it will widen the aperture to allow more light in and shorten your depth of field, so always focus on the front third of your photo
There is no 'exploding head' emoji :laugh:

I've just sent that to the printer and I will follow those instructions to the letter; when the plants wake up.
Really appreciate that mate.. cool, i'm looking forward to trying it out now.
I will send you the first picture and you can critique it..
I'm off to have a fiddle with the camera.. it's early hours of the morning and the whole house is asleep, but you've got me itching to try it out:laugh:
Thanks again. Really appreciate it.:thumb:
There is no 'exploding head' emoji :laugh:

I've just sent that to the printer and I will follow those instructions to the letter; when the plants wake up.
Really appreciate that mate.. cool, i'm looking forward to trying it out now.
I will send you the first picture and you can critique it..
I'm off to have a fiddle with the camera.. it's early hours of the morning and the whole house is asleep, but you've got me itching to try it out:laugh:
Thanks again. Really appreciate it.:thumb:
Howdy do mate, hope all's well..

I'm starting not see the difference in this camera now you've give me a crash course in how to set it up..thanks for that.. trouble is, i shake too much, so I've ordered a tripod..

Anyway..are you doing any updates tonight. Or has the lemon haze glued you to your seat.?
Howdy do mate, hope all's well..

I'm starting not see the difference in this camera now you've give me a crash course in how to set it up..thanks for that.. trouble is, i shake too much, so I've ordered a tripod..

Anyway..are you doing any updates tonight. Or has the lemon haze glued you to your seat.?
Hi Squig - Just use it on S function and select a 1/500+ shutter speed, auto ISO and you can shake all you like
... and yes, just sorting the pics... in a minute... honest
Forgot to say, with handheld macro don't try to focus too precisely; just focus about right, then simply move slightly closer or further until you see the sweet spot


Forgot to say, with handheld macro don't try to focus too precisely; just focus about right, then simply move slightly closer or further until you see the sweet spot


Beautiful looking plants, they have a nice structure.. How long have these been in flower? My brains not working well enough to work it out.

Just tried to focus by moving in and out. I wobble to much :laugh:
I will get there eventually..
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