Orange Rust Spots On Fan Leaves


Well-Known Member
Hey all, ok I looked all over the internet for an idea what could be happening here with my Leaves.
And I got plenty of answers , all different.
So I have a 5 week old Auto Northern Lights.
In Happy Frog Soil.
In 3 gal vertical long pots .see photos.
And because of all the Nutrients in this soil I have not fed this plant anything.
Because there is another million opinions on when and what to feed them.
They are in their Preflowering form so I know I have to tackle what to start feeding her.
My PH is 6.0
Has anyone seen this before ?
Or has anyone experienced this issue ?
It's appearing on older Fan Leafs only but spreading.
Thank you.


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It looks like a possible Potassium or Manganese deficiency. Beings your PH is at 6, I'm leaning towards Potassium. Have you inspected for critters? The 2nd pic has something on the leaf below the rusted one, that looks like a worm.
Good eye .
I was went back to look at the leaf with the possible worm.
It was still there.
I took it off and examined it under a Jewelers glass, it wasn't a worm.
Most online answers were no one really knows what this is.
Everything from Rust Fungus to Mag.
If it's Just I'm screwed.
It hit my tomato plants 4 yrs ago I will never forget.
Killed them all.
The Afgan next to this one has one leaf starting.
The leaf is right next to the Northern Lights that has the problem.
Like it jumped.
The Unknown plant from a found seed in a bag of soil is fine.
That's next to the Afgan
Boy sure looks like M. and P. And Cal is next if I don't raise the PH.

I believe so as well. I think your looking at a PH problem, luckily it's an easy fix, and should clear up in a couple of days.
The leaf chart definitely shows the best option of what is happening .
And going into a flowering stage she probably needing these Nutes.
I haven't t fed anything yet up to this point.
I live in a crappy rural area.
Can't find CalMag or anything except friggin Mircle Grow
The leaf chart definitely shows the best option of what is happening .
And going into a flowering stage she probably needing these Nutes.
I haven't t fed anything yet up to this point.
I live in a crappy rural area.
Can't find CalMag or anything except friggin Mircle Grow
I'm in the same boat! Ha! Thank god for Amazon and FedEx. You could look up organic Calmag remedies, like Epsom salt.
Delivery would take days .
You think I have sometime here to play with ?
I will look into the Epsom theory.
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