Orange rust spots on older leaves - Pics

Same problem here. Any ideas? Your help b appreciated.
Hell yeah brother. I got this problem as well. But I got two plants going, and only one of them is showing the yellow leaves, the other plant is not right next to it. But they're growing great at the moment. Is it ventilation you say...?
Hello my plant was doing fine then over the last couple days it started to do this can someone please help I’m a new grower and have no clue I’d did some research and I thought it was a phosphate deficiency I try to correct that new growth is looking good or growth is getting worse and smaller leaves are starting to appear with more of these on it or down around the bottom of the plant please help


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I was wondering if what I have is nute burn as well? I recently added quite a bit of nutes to my plants during watering and this instantly started with 1 of them.. all leaves pretty evenly.. I am in 1 gal pots.. just flushed with 2 gallons of water .. hopefully it stops gaining this but here it is


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I was wondering if what I have is nute burn as well? I recently added quite a bit of nutes to my plants during watering and this instantly started with 1 of them.. all leaves pretty evenly.. I am in 1 gal pots.. just flushed with 2 gallons of water .. hopefully it stops gaining this but here it is
Nah. That ain't nute burn. What type soil?
Nah. That ain't nute burn. What type soil?
Jiffy seedling mix for now they are new.. no nutrients lol.. is it overwatering? Because those were my only 2 diagnosis.. i was on fence.. so I flushed to be safe since alot of people said to.. and now will just let dry.. since it occured not even 24 hrs after watering with nutrients
Let me see the whole plant.
Its still a little droopy from the flush but yeah i also noticed some crows feet tips.. i noticed this about 36 hrs ago.. just wish i had gotten better responses.. a few people swore triphs.. which it definately was not.. my instincts told me over watering though.. since the initial reaction was drooping plant.. then it stopped drooping and started bronzing tips.. then bronzing the whole leaf edges.. hopefully the flush and drying out commencing now will end thus atleast
Jiffy seedling mix for now they are new.. no nutrients lol.. is it overwatering? Because those were my only 2 diagnosis.. i was on fence.. so I flushed to be safe since alot of people said to.. and now will just let dry.. since it occured not even 24 hrs after watering with nutrients
Huh. That's weird. Just keep growing them and see if it continues.
Its still a little droopy from the flush but yeah i also noticed some crows feet tips.. i noticed this about 36 hrs ago.. just wish i had gotten better responses.. a few people swore triphs.. which it definately was not.. my instincts told me over watering though.. since the initial reaction was drooping plant.. then it stopped drooping and started bronzing tips.. then bronzing the whole leaf edges.. hopefully the flush and drying out commencing now will end thus atleast
Nothing wrong with that bad mutha. It'll start kicking ass. Let it get a little bigger.
Hello my plant was doing fine then over the last couple days it started to do this can someone please help I’m a new grower and have no clue I’d did some research and I thought it was a phosphate deficiency I try to correct that new growth is looking good or growth is getting worse and smaller leaves are starting to appear with more of these on it or down around the bottom of the plant please help
Hey friend, u never got an awnser and my leaves are identical to ur pic on right w rust spots and yellowing. Did u ever find out what caused it? How did that plant turn out?
It was either nute burn or overwatering.. probably a bit of both.. i flushed a little and she recovered VERY well.. here she is right now.. believe nute burn tho


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as you can see theyve grown up.. fast lol.. and look amazing .. my advice from this.. be easy on the nutes till they can handle it.. theyll do well .. and easy on the water.. i went from once a day to once a week lol.. well now im week 1 flower soo.. bit more water
In my experience it's salt build up in the soil peat mix is bad for it. Being naturally acidic we use lime to sweeten it. When soil is recycled ( no matter what bullshit you condition it with ) salts from nutrients bind to the perlite and during the watering and the flushing process it's slowly leeched out. We used the same soil on 4 runs now and they problems that this brings both in harbouring pathogens and salts is not treatable unless you want to genuinely flush it. However when you do you must turn it to ensure a consistent baseline re sweeten and test again. Bog soil is a terrible medium. You will never see a commercial greenhouse using it for a multitude or reasons. Fox farm pro mix it's all basically the same coir is not any different in terms of intention. It's there to facilitate and anchor a root zone. That's it. When we speak of IPM and canopy management we should not define a single issue rarely is it one single issue. The signs may be pointing to the effect however the cause is the issue. PH fluctuations, are a cause of many effects, as is moisture content, root compaction, and wind velocity. I have no doubt it could be a PH issue it's doubtful it's a fungal issue if your rh is less than 60%. PM and downy mildew is far more competitive and that would be your issue. I also would suggest if you have fans at the canopy subsurface that may be a aggravating factor. Wind velocity disrupts the both the available co2 o2 (yes they take in o2) and the rest of our atmospheric gases needed for all processes. It also closes the stomata and vacuoles in an attempt not to transpire too quickly. That is like plugging your exhaust and intake on your car and with no flow you no go. The plant is forced to transpire on the leaf surface to facilitate flow through the thing outer wall and then you have a breeding ground for PM and to compound the issue with no available gases to facilitate photosynthesis the plant stalls. The lower fan leaves fall and look just like rust. Due to surface tension, poor transpiration and a plant the can't repair it's self. The problem is never one problem never look at the effect as the issue always look to the cause. Start with asking is it mobile or non mobile and work your way off that. I'll post links to the 4 studies that we're done on this.
rust explained.


rust, how many of you have had this and been beaten by it? lots i bet!!!
first, rust is a fungi. it is opportunist. it preys on unwell plants. if something is a miss, rust is a sign. rust has been identified to have 7,000 species. it attacks crops of every description. but we're only interested in one variety arn't we?
if rust is present early in a grow, you have problems as it's an indicator something in your room is a miss. usually ventilation. go through your system and double check things are in place and working properly.
rust is an air borne fungi. if given the opportunity, it WILL take hold. it usually does during flower as this is when the plants immune system is at its weakest as its energies are concentrating on re-production, not survival.
depending on what part of the grow you get it, you can cure/minimize it with either chemical or natural remedies.
it enters the leaf via the stomata and then it's off and running.
fungacides used are generally copper based and include; thriram, manzecob, maneb or zineb at 10 day intervills.
baking soda, 1 tea spoon/ quart of water. spray on.
copper sulphate, read lables.
fungacidal soap sprays;
garlic sprays, 1/2 cup minced garlic, 1 quart of water. let sit 24hrs, strain, spray.
sulphur, one of the best natural sprays. it is low in toxicity.
micro kill, a citric based killer. i use this with great success
Thanks, the first post that directly addresses this incredible, outrageously invasive, killer of entire crops. I am trying an ozone generator to disinfect the room. Neem powder with canola oil does not work, I tried that :-(. Bordeaux Mixture--UC IPM seems to be an option as well. h202 with baking soda seems to work but not much. I am told do not mix neem with sulfur treatment there not compatible.

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I'm not sure if it applies to you, but you can get this type of damage from smoking cigarettes around your plants as well. While the carbon dioxide might be good for the plant, the tar and nicotine clog up the pores in the leaves limiting the amount of gas they can take in and expel. If you smoke near the plants, stop. It might solve your problem.
Correct. Ive seen this same thing. Dont smoke near your grow!!!
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