Just got caught up Opar. Looking stellar :popcorn: great job and I am glad you got some great members helping you out. I'm here watching and learning hope you don't mind.

1). Topped again 2 days ago
2). Started 2 week timer to flip
3). Got carried away, did some serious HST.... damn I wonder if I killed them.
4). Scrog’d those girls up best I could... need to read up on scrog’n some more.
5). Raised up the light to max height and turned up to 750, running MH

Any thoughts on 600,750 or 1000 for 4x4 tent with light at max height?
Will feed ph’d water and calmag only tomorrow, and then regular nutes on Sunday. I hope I didn’t just kill 6 or 7 weeks of work.... pics below:

Lord have mercy:

Before a day or two ago:





Only the problem Blue Dream escaped the torture...
Any comments or constructive criticism welcome.... I did buy a 3x3 ebb and flow tray, but I think I’ll try the shop vac method, as I have access through 3 of the 4 walls (for the runoff).

Hoping to get another layer of netting in, or two before the 2 weeks are up..... I know I didn’t train right, I just hope I can learn from it going forward, once they recover a bit, I think i’ll Lollipop them?

Opar that’s what I run ebb&flow , flood and drain . I see @Backlipslide keeping an eye on you . He’ll make sure you got it right !
I ran the 1000w mh/hps and loved it too hot right now . I love those beer bottle size buds it makes .
Looking great Opal. While doing The scrog I’ve learned the hard way to pretty much stop training after the first week or two of flower. I had a much lower yield my first try because I thought I was supposed to just keep training them.
Opar that’s what I run ebb&flow , flood and drain . I see @Backlipslide keeping an eye on you . He’ll make sure you got it right !
I ran the 1000w mh/hps and loved it too hot right now . I love those beer bottle size buds it makes .

To get large bud like that, need to keep temps under 80 in flower? Any benefit to increasing the MH to 1000 from 750? Sorry, just not sure how I should proceed with the lighting....

Looking great Opal. While doing The scrog I’ve learned the hard way to pretty much stop training after the first week or two of flower. I had a much lower yield my first try because I thought I was supposed to just keep training them.

Great tip, I’m worried about the blue dream taking over the bubba kush 2.0’s in flower, but hoping to control things by adding another scrog screen... gotta go watch some video about scrog’ing again.... I just wanna make sure I get a decent harvest of each strain... which I guess is what everyone’s looking for eh? :)
Hi Opar. Nice plants! I see your blueberry is giving you an issue. Reading through your journal I noticed your using coco with perlite. That combo being essentially hydro is inert(having no food value) and folks water it every day or even more. There's lots of aeration with it and it dries quickly. I didn't read every word so if you knew already then even better. Nice work!
Thanks @stoneotter ! Yes I am trying to emulate a successful grower, but that one blue dream has given me trouble from the start, it is getting better now, so I’m hoping it’ll produce something....

Here is a photo of the gals today... I was going to do a calmag water only , but did a full nute/ cal mag feeding instead, they are already bouncing back, I adjust some of the stems in the scrog, and removed a few dan leaves that were shading some of the young bud sites.... I think this trellis net has holes that are s little large, but hopefully that will not be an issue as they grow over the next few weeks. The screen is so low, I’m hoping I can get 2 more in place for flower.... I turned the 750 back down to 600w on the MH... was pushing 85 degrees, back down to 78ish now. My humidity does run dry at around s 43-45%... ah well

You keep mentioning getting more screens for scrog. What is the idea here. Have you seen it done? I would just think it would block out the lower net during flower but you just keep surprising me lol

Looking good!:cheer:
You keep mentioning getting more screens for scrog. What is the idea here. Have you seen it done? I would just think it would block out the lower net during flower but you just keep surprising me lol

Looking good!:cheer:

Hey @Silverfox125 , yes, I did see it done by HygroHybrid. I screenshotted a look st his monster 1 plant scrog, and it has 3 screens. I was originally going to try to do this exact thing, but quickly realized for a first grow, I need to figure out how to train and properly care for these gals before I can attempt an optimal grow like this... I hope I can post the screenshot without violating any rules?


Because I went with 4 plants (2 strains) I don’t even know if I will get a full canopy or perhaps have too much canopy... I hope 2 weeks gets me where I want to go for the flip
Thanks @stoneotter ! Yes I am trying to emulate a successful grower, but that one blue dream has given me trouble from the start, it is getting better now, so I’m hoping it’ll produce something....

Here is a photo of the gals today... I was going to do a calmag water only , but did a full nute/ cal mag feeding instead, they are already bouncing back, I adjust some of the stems in the scrog, and removed a few dan leaves that were shading some of the young bud sites.... I think this trellis net has holes that are s little large, but hopefully that will not be an issue as they grow over the next few weeks. The screen is so low, I’m hoping I can get 2 more in place for flower.... I turned the 750 back down to 600w on the MH... was pushing 85 degrees, back down to 78ish now. My humidity does run dry at around s 43-45%... ah well

Very nice Opar. Keep it up brother
The spacing looks great to me @Opar . they look really healthy so I wouldn't recommend changing too much at this point. It looks like a couple more weeks Veg to have pretty much a full canopy. Then they will almost double in flower depending strain. I think your temps are perfect at 75 degrees too.
Great job man.

So my pH pen is busted, so I went by previous measures for the pH down.... need to replace pen (got submersed and is now acting up).

Calmag’d Tap water from 110ppm to 220ppm, then floranova grow to 600ppm (380ppm dose). Used some Superthrive and rhino skin. I’ve been using rhino skin(silica) all the way along in veg, so I decided to up the light back to 1000w. Hoping to see some big growth.

I noticed the top right plant in the photo below, the canopy starting to grow uneven I guess I should let them grow for awhile and then bend it? Trying to figure out a strategy to keep canopy even

I am impressed with how quick they are bouncing back.
Wow Opar. Some serious growth there..Very nice.
You can totally bend the branches to keep the canopy even. You kinda what to pinch first and then bend slowly. But definitely be careful not to get overly aggressive on the bending part, more pinch.

Thanks @Sparkey224 , I’ll let them grow abit and then lay ‘em down!
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