Omega Garden's Volksgarden Rotary Garden






this is the end of week 6. this strain will
probably go 9 or 10 weeks.

I am giving them about 500 mls of CNS 17 bloom and 5 teaspoons of
monster bloom. I will be giving them my homemade sugar/molases
sweetner in a few days. Then I hit them with Fox Farms Cha Ching
for increased resin production.

After talking to my really helpful friend at the hydro store he
warned me not to let the buds grow into/through the screen because
this creates a massive hassle when it is harvest time. You have to
cut and mangle the top buds out of the screen. To avoid that he
suggested I simply pull the plants out of the screen everyday by
hand. It isn't very hard at all. Keep in mind that this isn't a
typical scrog grow. This was an emergency scrog to protect the
plants from the light and save the yield, not to increase the yield
from the start by training the plants through the screen. All this
because of sour d genetics. Sigh.

Really thick, brother. Looking excellent. What are the benefits you are receiving from your sugar/molasses mixture?

nice, the screen is working well! i hope my SC doesn't act like the SD! lol.

how are the buds deep in the wheel under the canopy developing? doesnt look like much light gets through that dense ass screenogreeno. would your tops turn out bigger if you trim the bottom branches? or are those bottom buds still coming out viable?

Lookin Good maxx!

also, i think your budds are pretty much done growing vertically by this point don't you? do you think you might be better off pulling the screen for these last few weeks? or maybe just the last two? instead of knocking around all the trichs by pulling them out of the screen every day.

just a thought.
herb fellow, my friend the baker uses molassas regularly. he said he notices a difference. here is some info on the benefits:

- MOLASSES is probably the best outside source of many sugars, such as table sugar, corn syrup and several more complex sugars such as polysaccharides found in humus products.
- Sugar can be added to the soil in irrigation water, drip & pivot being the most effective.

In the soil it can:

- Feed microbes to stimulate the conversion of nitrates to the more efficient NH2 form of N to synthesize protein more directly by the plants.

- The roots can directly absorb some of the sugars into the sap stream to supplement the leaf supply to fruit where it is most needed, and ALSO directly feed the roots for continued productive growth.

- This ADDED sugar can also help initiate fruiting buds in a steady-slow
fashion while maintaining normal growth.

-EXCESSIVE amounts of ADDED SUGARS applied foliarly can shock the
plant resulting in shortened growth internodes, increased leaf maturity & initiation of excess fruiting sites. This can be a short term effect lasting only a few days.

-hope that explains it.
After talking to my really helpful friend at the hydro store he warned me not to let the buds grow into/through the screen because this creates a massive hassle when it is harvest time. You have to cut and mangle the top buds out of the screen. To avoid that he suggested I simply pull the plants out of the screen everyday by hand. It isn't very hard at all. Keep in mind that this isn't a typical scrog grow. This was an emergency scrog to protect the plants from the light and save the yield, not to increase the yield
from the start by training the plants through the screen. All this because of sour d genetics. Sigh.

Ordinarily I would suggest otherwise, but your Volksgarden is definitely not ordinary for a ScrOG setup lol. In a flat-plane setup you could just take your sawzall and play Paul Bunyon with the trunk (or trunks) of the plant(s) and a couple of people could carry the screen to a trimming table.

But you have so many plants... And that thing is a three-dimensional surface. When I mentioned your setup to those voices that I hear discussing ScrOGging when I'm at the ice cream parlor, they seemed to have all ran off screaming into the night.

If not for that, you could always just go with larger holes (what are those, 2" square? After all, unless the look of the medicine is the most important thing for you, you could always just cut the buds AT the screen and then you'd have "top shelf" top shelf buds, and "lower shelf" top shelf buds lol.

As far as using the screen to keep them from growing into the light, I take it that the outer surface of the "hood" is warmer than is comfortable? Someone that I heard jabbering in a pizza shop was saying something about finding the tops of their buds right up against the glass of his (traditional-style) air-cooled fixture a time or thousand one cycle when he was working 96+ hours a week, but in all fairness it probably didn't help the end result any.
EXCESSIVE amounts of ADDED SUGARS applied foliarly can shock the plant resulting in shortened growth internodes, increased leaf maturity & initiation of excess fruiting sites. This can be a short term effect lasting only a few days.

Molasses for size and flavor.

As to the screen I can't remove it now because the plants are too
tall. Its not really a question of burning themselves on the
light. The cool tube is air cooled, however it is still warm to
the touch and the closer they get to the bright lights the more
they tiger stripe and turn yellow. Bright lights will do that to
plants that get very close.

Yet to see a home made version of this idea yet. It would make an interesting thread.

maxximus that is one wild setup.:grinjoint:

Yes Molasses is a great way to sweeten and enlarge the resin glands.:rollit:
My current nutes don't require addition of molasses for chleation. I used it with Fox Farms nutes for the soil plants. Now with my Aero setup molasses causes yeast that clogs the jets.:smokin:

I would very much like the challenge of building one.:surf:

my father is an industrial engineer, and i am an electrical engineer, and we discussed building one for a while before i decided to just buy one. It will pay for itself in 1 cycle, and i figured that we could learn about the system before we tried making one. The biggest advantage to building one is that you have no real size restrictions, so you could make the wheel alot bigger. I was thinking 6 or 8 foot diameter. you could fit so many plants in a wheel that size and you wouldn't have as large a plant hight restriction. bigger rockwool cubes would probably have to be used. and prob 2 600 watters. The biggest problem that i see so far with trying a DYI is weight. Unless you have access to huge plastic dies and manufacturing equipment, your options are basically wood, metal, or fake wood (composit). any way you slice it its gonna be heavy as hell, and unmovable.

now that I've had a chance to play with one, I think if I ever wanted to expand, which i can't imagine i would, id just get either more volk's or a bigger machine like a rotogro or a bonzai (or a big omega). But the volks is so easy to move from room to room, or anywhere to anywhere, i prob would rather 3 or 4 volks to one big ass rotogro.

(I was like 30 seconds away from getting a $5,500 rotogro but then i thought what the hell do I need a 320 site for? My name isn't Pablo Escabar.)

We still might build one because this is our hobby, and we like to experiment. But i would say to all DYI'ers out there thinking about it, the price is not as big an issue as it seems since you should be able to double your gr/w with one of these and make it back in one cycle if thats your goal.

P.S. hey maxx, how bout the lower nodes on your plants, are they filling out?

Hey Wheel,

I think that the wheel's limits are really from the light. You can use higher wattage to a point, though the light has it's limits as well.


If you follow the math in this chard, making a wheel that is 8 foot in diameter would require a light many times more powerful then what works well in a 4 foot diameter wheel.

More visuals from the Omega Garden website. It's all in the math.


It's all scale .


I must have swiped that one from Hubble

Cosmic inspired gardening dude:idea:
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