I couldn't agree with you more on the importance of keeping this discussion going in a civil manner. I too believe the greatest benefit may come from a combination of oils, or, at the very least, a protocol that uses doses that are varied in the oil chosen for each dose. I've not been able to reconcile using only CCO when the process destroys Myrcene, possibly the most valuable player on the team, not to mention the other components destroyed in the process. I suppose we add myrcene in with the inclusion of mangoes in the protocol, but it still makes me uneasy to not have its cannabis configuration as part of the meds.
I think we'd be smart to include as many different delivery systems into the healing plan as possible.
I get your point about the bloodstream and I agree there too. I amend my statement to include the bloodstream as a desirable pathway to the tumors. Hadn't thought of it that way. The value of having more brains thinking it all through. Thank you for opening my mind.
It's unfortunate that the grant proposals to study cannabis sit waiting for our politicians to catch up to the urgent need. Thankfully we work with a plant that can't negatively impact your health, but it behooves us to keep learning all we can out here in the trenches. People are fighting to live out here while they play power games in our legislatures.
Liquid sunflower lecithin is available on line. I haven't been able to find it in local stores, and I live in a major metro area, so I'd look on line for that. I'd be interested in hearing how your treatment goes when you get around to doing so. Please track me down at that point. I'm easy to find.
I'd encourage you to look up Cajun when you're ready to start for possible assistance in working out those ratios and setting a protocol for your friend. I'm sure there's a way to do what you suggest, but you might be better off using the mixes separately, at different dosing times.
I'm still new to this, hence my recommendation that you speak to someone who's actually trained to do this professionally.
My last resounding "YES!" is to your thought that a well-designed, strongly bioavailible capsule makes everyone's life so much simpler. That's what I think many of us, myself included, are hoping to work out.