Ok, so.. still nobody is tackling the 'no euphoria' effect with tacking.
Lets look at a few things:
1. oromucosal (tacking) should be, in most cases, right next to intravenous absorption-wise.
2. as shown above, approx. 10% of what is absorbed via parenteral routes (IV, oromucosal, smoking) will go to the liver.
3. as shown above with smoking, conversion from ∆9 into OH-11 happens.
4. with IV and oromucosal, even more is absorbed than with smoking, and this we know from way back when, when talking about bioavailability and absorption.. sooo, even more (proportionally) will convert from ∆9 into OH-11.
And now, here's the kicker .. if even more is being absorbed via tacking, why are you not feeling it?? Look at the small list right above, the logic is right there, unless somebody can show otherwise.
Next, i propose a small experiment for those who are willing. I cannot be a part of it, only because i don't make CCO. The experiment is more for those who are tacking, but anyone with CCO can do it.
- One day, in the afternoon for example after lunch, take your normal tacking dose orally.. just swallow it. Write down the results.
- A few days later, or the next day, after lunch, take that same dose, melt it into a tablespoon of olive oil, and swallow that. Write down the results.
- Let us know, possibly even after a few stabs at it, how it all went.
The purpose of said experiment, will be explained by the participants
.. and after that we can discuss some more .. have fun