OMM it is great to hear you talk about Hawaii, I almost moved there back in 05' my X-wife was pushing for 200 acre spread in DownEast Maine. I was leaning to Hawaii then I found out all was a setup for her and her boyfriend. Well a good lawyer and three years in court later I can tell you Hawaii might someday be on my horizon again. I was talking to a guy 2yrs ago who was licensed in the State of Hawaii to grow something like 1 acre of his land with MMJ is that possible? I was astonished.
I used to have a nightclub, tiki bar and sports bar in Miami Bch back in the late 80's early 90's moved back to RI to have a family but have thought about hawaii as the next logical step to live out my days. There was a snow storm here last week it left almost 2 feet of snow in the city and more at the house down the beach. I need warm tropical breezes, MMJ, and Rainbows in the morning to set my day up correct.
What would you say it costs to live there, are taxes as high as in the norteast? I pay avg 10k per home in State Tax + sewer tax, and 2k for the Narragansett Bay Commision in the effort to keep our bay waters clean. NY pumps raw sewage out to sea and hauls waste on barges out to sea for dumping. I used to work as a fisherman and lobsterman in my younger days, nice out on the Sea no cops, red lights, parking tickets, it is the best. If I can't afford hawaii I have thought about life at sea sailing worldwide maybe finding paradise some where on earth. It seems everywhere has been spoiled by the people who don't care about preservation of these wonders and just want to build a McMansion, screwing up the whole enviroment. Many of these homes have 6 bedrooms 5 baths and two people living there, what a waste, my dad is 84 and lives comfortably with a wife younger than me but did not buy some crazy house. People used to savor the greatness of America and its beauty now they overbuild and hope to sell the lot with hopes of servicing the debt, everything today is about servicing the debt. It makes me sick