OldMedMan's First Grow Couchlock 2009

Hi Ms. chump stain :surf:
Great question. I talk to mine all the time, even nudge them every once in a while. I feel better and some how I think they like it. :grinjoint:

Music is a whole different thing. I've read articles about it and some think it helps. But what kind of music? Would they like some good Led Zep? Queen's Fat Bottom Girls? Maybe some Beethoven? Head Bangers stuff? New age?

We have to get more input on this one...:hmmmm:

:hug::hug::hug::kiss::kiss::kiss:OMM:kiss::kiss::kiss::hug::hug::hug: Hi honey! I had to come check out what the ex's are doin' and WOW!!!!

My vote for music is Fat Bottom Girls, one of my favorites... or maybe you could go with I got stoned and I missed it by Dr Hook, I had a blast listening to that one recently when siscokid put it in my journal. He had never heard it and I sure loved the memory lane trip! Oh me oh my!!!

Gees... Tad is outstanding, eh?!!?!!! And the twins look mighty fine too! Joanne looks wonderful but like she could ?maybe? go a bit longer. I see you are lookin' at trichs - whatcha comin' up with? It's hard to know when to harvest, eh??????

Some things I noticed with mine is that a number of them had their hairs turn brown and trichs were starting to go cloudy... which led me to think those were indications that we were getting real close to harvest... but then they started spoutin' out new growth and really fattened up those buds tremendously (I bet they gave me 1/3 more bud in the last couple weeks) and STILL the trichs are not 50% amber. From having harvested hermies one to 3 weeks early, I can honestly say that the yield was GREATLY reduced becuz they didn't have their ending time to fatten up.

Don't know if any of that helped (blind leading the blind?), but there it is!

Time to germ another batch of seeds for your next grow. lol. I told my wife that the current grow should give us enough to last close to a year. However I am already itching to start another and experiment a little. I do want to try one outside this spring. See if I can produce one of those outdoor monsters.
Have you seen any amber trich's yet? I spotted the first amber trichs on the tips of the upper bud leaves on Wanda.

Thanks, going too be good having him back home before he ships out on his next deployment. Don't think he's going back to the sandbox, I'm guessing pirate patrol off east Africa, or the shipping lanes that wind through Indonesian waters. He can't say where naturally, but I know he's not thrilled.

Say hello to your ladies for me:cheesygrinsmiley:

Hi Buddy, I would have sworn I answered this already. Probably forgot to hit a key. Senior Moment again. Damn.:smokin:

You call them amber, I call em red. I spend at least 30 minutes everyday checking the trichs. I take a sample from a top bud and a bottom bud on each plant.

Read somewhere about a grower who had many reds on a bottom bud and none on the top buds, so I check both places.

Here's what I have found:

Joanne all clear trichs.
Tad and Rose and Mary 3 to 4 % red, 50 to 60 % cloudy (you would love that) and the rest clear. So the wait goes on.

Hopefully your son is not thrilled because it is boring and not dangerous.:grinjoint:

The ladies shook they're buds for you.:cheer:
:hug::hug::hug::kiss::kiss::kiss:OMM:kiss::kiss::kiss::hug::hug::hug: Hi honey! I had to come check out what the ex's are doin' and WOW!!!!

My vote for music is Fat Bottom Girls, one of my favorites... or maybe you could go with I got stoned and I missed it by Dr Hook, I had a blast listening to that one recently when siscokid put it in my journal. He had never heard it and I sure loved the memory lane trip! Oh me oh my!!!

Gees... Tad is outstanding, eh?!!?!!! And the twins look mighty fine too! Joanne looks wonderful but like she could ?maybe? go a bit longer. I see you are lookin' at trichs - whatcha comin' up with? It's hard to know when to harvest, eh??????

Some things I noticed with mine is that a number of them had their hairs turn brown and trichs were starting to go cloudy... which led me to think those were indications that we were getting real close to harvest... but then they started spoutin' out new growth and really fattened up those buds tremendously (I bet they gave me 1/3 more bud in the last couple weeks) and STILL the trichs are not 50% amber. From having harvested hermies one to 3 weeks early, I can honestly say that the yield was GREATLY reduced becuz they didn't have their ending time to fatten up.

Don't know if any of that helped (blind leading the blind?), but there it is!


(((((Hi you ole sweet girl!)))))
I like Fat Bottom Girls too. But I did listen to sisco's post in your jounal. I got to see Dr. Hook in person once....a very log time ago. Still love him tho.:slide:
I have been reading you're journal right along, haven't made any comments. Somebody beats me to it every time. I only comment when I know the answer
to help you. :grinjoint: Well....I do drop in just to say hello sometimes. Got to have my granny fix.:ganjamon:

Well, the trichs are not even close to what I want, 40 to 50% red (amber).
Joanne is still clear, so you are right she will be a late finisher. :smokin:

I think you are right if those girl/boy plants had went full term you would have had a much better yield :smokin:

(((((LOVIES TO YOU TOO Girl !!!!)))))
Time to germ another batch of seeds for your next grow. lol. I told my wife that the current grow should give us enough to last close to a year. However I am already itching to start another and experiment a little. I do want to try one outside this spring. See if I can produce one of those outdoor monsters.

I hear that buddy!:grinjoint: Now I got to figure out how to do it. I can only have 4 big plants and two little ones to stay legal. (I know that doesn't make sense , but that's the law). Most of the seeds I have at the moment are not fem'd, so that doesn't leave me but three to germ and then grow them a bit to find out the sex. Pain in the butt. When I harvest the others I can then germ 3 more. Maybe I can come up with some fem'd seeds, I hope so.
Looks like I have more time to these finish, so who knows?

Sure glad you have cool wife.....maybe you can experiment a little more.lol
Wouldn't hurt a thing.:cheer:
(((((Hi you ole sweet girl!)))))
I like Fat Bottom Girls too. But I did listen to sisco's post in your jounal. I got to see Dr. Hook in person once....a very log time ago. Still love him tho.:slide:
I have been reading journal right along, haven't made any comments. Somebody beats me to it every time. I only comment when I know the answer
to help you. :grinjoint: Well....do drop in just to say hello sometimes. Got to have my granny fix.:ganjamon:

Well, the trichs are not even close to what I want, 40 to 50% red (amber).
Joanne is still clear, so you are right she will be a late finisher. :smokin:

I think you are right if those girl/boy plants had went full term you would have had a much better yield :smokin:

(((((LOVIES TO YOU TOO Girl !!!!)))))

Stop it!! Ya makin me feel older than I wish to remember...lol. Hows'bout some Little Feat.."Willin" would be a good song to do a bowl to...or maybe you two wish to hear Old Folks Boogie....lol.
Stop it!! Ya makin me feel older than I wish to remember...lol. Hows'bout some Little Feat.."Willin" would be a good song to do a bowl to...or maybe you two wish to hear Old Folks Boogie....lol.

So you remember too! I thought so.:grinjoint:
Any thing by Little Feat would be fine for me.
Damn you are old! Your catching me.:ganjamon:
Hi Ms. chump stain :surf:
Great question. I talk to mine all the time, even nudge them every once in a while. I feel better and some how I think they like it. :grinjoint:

Music is a whole different thing. I've read articles about it and some think it helps. But what kind of music? Would they like some good Led Zep? Queen's Fat Bottom Girls? Maybe some Beethoven? Head Bangers stuff? New age?

We have to get more input on this one...:hmmmm:

OMM I have found in years past that the gardens I frequented all blossomed with the blues from Robert Johnson, Muddy, Hendrix, T-Bone, B.B. King, Elmore Leonard, and Duane Allman. While later in the morning they enjoyed everything from the Byrds to the Zombies, with a little SuperSession in between.
But that was a "long long time ago" maybe these some of these new strains like???? madonna? LOL.

Dude just great feed, seed, and lovin' in between is all these mamma's need.
Good Luck, and Great grow, OMM with the COUCHLOCK !!!:cheer::cheer:
OMM I have found in years past that the gardens I frequented all blossomed with the blues from Robert Johnson, Muddy, Hendrix, T-Bone, B.B. King, Elmore Leonard, and Duane Allman. While later in the morning they enjoyed everything from the Byrds to the Zombies, with a little SuperSession in between.
But that was a "long long time ago" maybe these some of these new strains like???? madonna? LOL.

Dude just great feed, seed, and lovin' in between is all these mamma's need.
Good Luck, and Great grow, OMM with the COUCHLOCK !!!:cheer::cheer:

Hey man, I forgotten you are older than dirt too! lol
Somewhere in the begin g of this journal I mentioned a line out of a Hendrix blues number and here it is again.
"See that red house over yonder,
That's where my Baby used to stay"
No one even noticed. I thought "I'm too old".::smokin:
I can see why your garden did so well. Playing music like the blues just hits the spot.

The strains are more like Lady Gaga or the Black Eyed Peas today. :peace:
Hey man, I forgotten you are older than dirt too! lol
Somewhere in the begin g of this journal I mentioned a line out of a Hendrix blues number and here it is again.
"See that red house over yonder,
That's where my Baby used to stay"
No one even noticed. I thought "I'm too old".::smokin:
I can see why your garden did so well. Playing music like the blues just hits the spot.

The strains are more like Lady Gaga or the Black Eyed Peas today. :peace:

I anint been home to see my baby in 99 and 1/2 days....
wait a minute somethin's wrong here.. the key wont unlock this door..
I gotta bad bad feelin.. my baby don't live here no more
-Red House, jimi hendrix
another great is Hear my train a comin'

I guess we are gettin on in the years I don't even know who lady gaga is I had to ask my daughter
Lady gaga or is it lady ganga. Who the heck is that? Forget it, I don't even want to know..
Sounds like everythings under control. Just have to wait 'em out now, but it'll be worth it.

I found a few more seeds! One big, heathly fatty, and several smaller ones. Makes 4 so far. The search continues:cheesygrinsmiley:

Found out last night my son doesn't know himself. Think he was playing with my brain. But he looks good, and is in good spirits, all that matters.
I hear that buddy!:grinjoint: Now I got to figure out how to do it. I can only have 4 big plants and two little ones to stay legal. (I know that doesn't make sense , but that's the law). Most of the seeds I have at the moment are not fem'd, so that doesn't leave me but three to germ and then grow them a bit to find out the sex. Pain in the butt. When I harvest the others I can then germ 3 more. Maybe I can come up with some fem'd seeds, I hope so.
Looks like I have more time to these finish, so who knows?

Sure glad you have cool wife.....maybe you can experiment a little more.lol
Wouldn't hurt a thing.:cheer:

Can you start the new ones indoors in a stealt hiding spot? At least give you a head start. Bring the out when the are strong enough and you have pulled your current crop. Also keep in mind femmed seeds are not a sure thing. Better odds than non-femmed but no where near 100%. Cloning is the only sure thing when you clone a known female. I hope to do that on my next go.
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