OldMedMan's Aloha Journal Part 2

:yahoo: I'm all caught up... Dang, ya turn your back for a couple days and it takes twice as many to get caught back up with everyone!

*Hand Salute* to ya OMM... Honestly, I think the kids today are so self centered they fail to consider anyone else. Recently I asked a gal who was whining about the student loan interest rate increase why she was so concerned about the interest rate and not the principle for the tuition costs which have been growing faster than the phony "official inflation rate"...

I was attacked and called everything but a saint... When I pointed out many people didn't go into debt for their degree, including me and my GI benefits, my sister who after having three boys, divorced, worked at Denny's as a waitress full time, attended school part time and now has her Masters and is a High School teacher, or my mother who also divorced when young and went to college AFTER she retired and got her Masters debt free, I was again attacked for "bragging" about my family and I was then told, "It's harder today then when you were young"!

I was speechless... Many kids are bought up believing they are extra special, far more important than any others and even when challenged on stupidity, incapable of justifying their positions of greed, so get defensive because someone DARED to question them!

Had I acted in public as this young female I would have been summarily slapped by my mother for disrespecting another AND my upbringing, reflecting badly my mother's efforts!

You did right Brother and F'm if they can't show a modicum of respect for you, your service, your age and accomplishments much less your obvious disability... They will soon learn how tough life can be and I won't be offering a hand up to anyone I who displays "expectations" in fact I've done some serious thinking... If/When the SHTF, I'll have a couple cans of soup ready to offer... Those who whine about the lack of a can opener will be sent packing AFTER they return their can of soup!

Oh My , Oh My, that was brilliantly written AuGrowR.
You covered it all. I love it! :bravo:
China Yuman is a new strain for me... It looks like a Sativa or Sativa dominant cross as the color is a bright green unlike the Kush which looks a darker shade of green...

All looking good OMM! :thumb:

Hi there AuGrowR.

China Yuman is from ACE seeds and you are right it is a Landrace 20% Sativa and 80% Indica. This is my second time growing her. A very nice mellow smoke.

By the way, if no one has told you, here is a great place to look up strains.... en.seedfinder.eu

We all plant more than we should our first grow. Actually it's good that you had to move a few out into the sun.
There is nothing better than real sunlight to grow with. Now you have first hand experience. Peace my Friend. :peace:
:yahoo: I'm all caught up... Dang, ya turn your back for a couple days and it takes twice as many to get caught back up with everyone!

*Hand Salute* to ya OMM... Honestly, I think the kids today are so self centered they fail to consider anyone else. Recently I asked a gal who was whining about the student loan interest rate increase why she was so concerned about the interest rate and not the principle for the tuition costs which have been growing faster than the phony "official inflation rate"...

I was attacked and called everything but a saint... When I pointed out many people didn't go into debt for their degree, including me and my GI benefits, my sister who after having three boys, divorced, worked at Denny's as a waitress full time, attended school part time and now has her Masters and is a High School teacher, or my mother who also divorced when young and went to college AFTER she retired and got her Masters debt free, I was again attacked for "bragging" about my family and I was then told, "It's harder today then when you were young"!

I was speechless... Many kids are bought up believing they are extra special, far more important than any others and even when challenged on stupidity, incapable of justifying their positions of greed, so get defensive because someone DARED to question them!

Had I acted in public as this young female I would have been summarily slapped by my mother for disrespecting another AND my upbringing, reflecting badly my mother's efforts!

You did right Brother and F'm if they can't show a modicum of respect for you, your service, your age and accomplishments much less your obvious disability... They will soon learn how tough life can be and I won't be offering a hand up to anyone I who displays "expectations" in fact I've done some serious thinking... If/When the SHTF, I'll have a couple cans of soup ready to offer... Those who whine about the lack of a can opener will be sent packing AFTER they return their can of soup!

We really need to bring back corporal punishment! These kids have gone downhill since law prevents a stern discipline. Amen AG, DharmaDog and I are ready for SHTF! Food, medical(duh) I'm a medic, AR-15 in one hand, MP9 in the other, and Dharmadog has a mondo bone to beat looters with lol!
Hi there AuGrowR.

China Yuman is from ACE seeds and you are right it is a Landrace 20% Sativa and 80% Indica. This is my second time growing her. A very nice mellow smoke.

By the way, if no one has told you, here is a great place to look up strains.... en.seedfinder.eu

We all plant more than we should our first grow. Actually it's good that you had to move a few out into the sun.
There is nothing better than real sunlight to grow with. Now you have first hand experience. Peace my Friend. :peace:

Love the pictures!! I had to laugh at myself when I read your response. My first grow I tried to grow 8 plants in a 1 x 3 foot cabinet!! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Love the pictures!! I had to laugh at myself when I read your response. My first grow I tried to grow 8 plants in a 1 x 3 foot cabinet!! :cheesygrinsmiley:

That's my old Buddy CF! Good to see you pause from making millions to visit us. :party:
:cheesygrinsmiley: cool pics!!! You go OMM!
Good Weed OMM:circle-of-love:
well let me start off by saying I deeply apologize. I have successfully killed the beautiful (not so much now) medi bomb:(
back to the drawing board.
your pictures with that new camera are wonderful:bravo:
Good Weed OMM:circle-of-love:
well let me start off by saying I deeply apologize. I have successfully killed the beautiful (not so much now) medi bomb:(
back to the drawing board.
your pictures with that new camera are wonderful:bravo:

Hi My Buddy fish cake. Very good weed to you too :thumb:

No apology necessary my good man. I still can't think of what caused all that to happen. In fact none of us could figure that one out. You and the wife are on good terms aren't you? Just covering all the bases. :grinjoint:

Just start again, clean and scrub everything good and give it another go.

Going to post some pictures and talk about that wonderful camera in just a few minutes. Love ya fishy.
Part One of a Picture Update :thumb:

I Love Lucy


A Lemon Skunk Bud.


A Lost Coast OG Kush Bud


China Yuman


Argan's Haze #2


DnaFim's OG Kush


A Black Russian Goodness


Second part coming up!
Part 2 of the Picture Update

Violator Kush 1


Violator Kush 2 and Moby Dick


Side of the House Girls


Here is Shed shot taken by the big Camera


A Shed shot using my old camera. The big camera kicks it's butt, however I had to get very far away to take the shot. I couldn't even get close to the other girls with it. Got figure out how to use in close quarters if possible.


Same shot with my old camera....no where near the quality of the big cam.

Got some studying to do!:high-five:

Looking absolutely kush-tastic OMM... what a lovely tropical garden you have :Namaste:

Hi My friend. :peace:

Thanks, today I just found myself out there twice just nosing around. I think I have this thing about keeping them in sight.

Just went out to smoke one out back....Lucy the mastiff next door scared hell out me. Lucy is on duty!
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