The Story Continues.......................................................................
Actually getting back to a regular job was just fine for me. I've already mentioned getting all my RATT rigs all up and running. We finally got them all up and I will tell you I had seven very good Buck SSgt's - E-5s. They worked their butts off, getting things working.
I had one PFC I had to get out of the brig, he was in for smoking dope. I had a long talk with him, truthfully I told him this was his last chance to save himself. Do not smoke anymore dope, at least not on base. Go off base, if you just have too smoke. I also told him we had random piss tests. OK, he said. Three days later I was down checking things in the motor pool. I opened his Ratt Rig door. I almost got high on the spot. Smoke came billowing out. I stood him at attention and crewed his but out. He made promises, Right!
One morning while we were in the motor pool and he asked to go to his room, he had forgotten something. I said 10 minutes, no more. About 20 minutes later I was to told to go see the First Sergeant in the barracks. We I got there, there was the CO, the First Sgt.
and my boy. Every day the Co and First Sgt inspected the barracks. When they got to my boys room...they found him with his music booming and he was rolling a J. Back to the Brig and a dishonorable discharge. Idiot !!
OMM goes to the field.
One of our firing Batteries went to the field, of course we went too. One second night there, I was sleeping on the back of a duce and a half. I felt a really bad pain in my back.
I knew what it was.....Kidney Stones, I had them a couple of times in Greece. I told one of my guys to go get the Medic for me. Here he came....a PFC. I told him what I had and he said he would be back in a moment. I waited and waited, then I went to his tent. The idiot had a manual out reading up on Kidney Stones. This got me in his face! Get your ass in that jeep and take me to the field hospital! They took one look at me and I was air evacuated back to base.
A month later we went to the field again. Pretty much the same thing happened and I was air evacuated again.
Next month we when to the field again. This time I had an old shack to stay in...didn't help. Air evacuated again. My field days were over. This time when they went to the field, they sent me to help where I could at the Division Headquarters. I was to report to the Commander. I found him and waited while he talked with one of the firing batteries Commanders. The Commander never got any messages telling him when they were going to the field. He was always got the word late.
I said "Sirs I have seen his before, can I take a crack at finding out what's wrong."
They looked surprised and said "Yes." I had seen this before. All I did was go to the desk of the clerk who handled all orders to the Batteries. I opened his desk drawers and there were all the orders for that Battery. This kid didn't like that Commander.
I went back and told the CO what I had found. They both laughed and shook my hand.
I had brownie points with the CO. Perfect! This helped me later on. Big time!
Next up I had to investigate an incident that happened in the Mess Hall with one of our Lady Soldiers. She was going through the chow line and asked the cook on the serving line for some meat. He then his garbed his crotch and said "I got some real meat for you, right here!" Idiot!
She then went to see the Mess Hall NCO and told him what happened. Damned if he didn't say the same thing! Two idiots! So she made a formal complaint to the Division Commander. Soon after our Battery Commander held a men only meeting, which I attended and he told all the men not to even talk to her. I was stunned. This was totally wrong. I went to the Division Commander and told him about the whole thing. Boy was he pissed. I was her barracks commander, so the CO asked me to go talk to her.
After work I did go see her in her room. She was a cute little blonde and was changing clothes. I turned my back and started talking to her. She said "I though I was right doing what I did." "I said you did the right thing!" She said I could turn around so I did. Then it hit me! She was a stoner! Just something about her. I smiled and asked her if she wanted come over to my place and get stoned. She just beamed and said "Yes!".
She spent the night with me......and many more nights to follow.....Tao, Ann, and I had some great times together. For the next 6 months we had a lot of fun down at Big Sur and other places. She liked Lucy too! She was smart and wanted to go into law. She wanted to be a Lawyer. I got a letter from her after she got out and she was in Law School. She was doing it!.
To Be Continued .............................................................................