OldMedMan Goes Indoors Part 2

The Story continues.............................

RS had been gone for three weeks and I got call from her . She was hysterical and crying.. Would I come up and see her? I would and left right then. She gave me the address to where she lived and I found it easily. I didn't have to knock, she was waiting with the door open. She grabbed me and held on for dear life.. I was wondering what was wrong. Turned out that she had gotten a job with the Napa Newspaper stuffing inserts
into the paper. They fired her after three days, she couldn't do it.

A friend got her a job in a nursery. She knew absolutely noting about plants. She lasted 4 days. Fired. . She was hired as a waitress.......lasted half a day. She kept getting the orders wrong..

Then she told me she had spent most of the two thousand I gave back to her on the house and food. (Probably for booze too I thought.). We talked for a while and went to bed. She held on to me for dear life. It hurt me to see her like that, very depressing.

In the morning we talked some more...I asked her why she just didn't live with her parents?
"They would try to brain wash me again", she said. I knew for certain they would and there would be no booze for her. Her parents loved her, but were very strict..
She said she wanted to come back home with me, I looked at her and said, "Remember you didn't want me in Greece and threw me under the bus. You didn't care, it was all about you. No you can't come back with me...How do I knew you won't do it again!
She said "But I love you!". Yep, I've heard that before too!

Then she started cussing me and I left. That was so hard to do. .I never wanted to see her cry. By the time I got home I was mess. I kept telling myself to take her back. For the next few months, I would go see her or she would drive down to my place. She did go back to her parents place and they told her what a bad person I was. They bought her a new car and told her don't worry about working. How stupid..

She would keep telling me things and how that she had changed. I started driving up to see her a lot .We would get a motel room and make out....that was about it. Most of the time she was drinking. We were going no where! I went up to see her one time and it was so bad, when I got home, I actually thought about killing myself . That scared the crap out of me, so the next morning I went to Mental Health Services on base..

I told the lady there I felt like killing myself. After about 2 hours of taking tests. She graded? them and came out and said "Your suicidal". Well no sh*t I thought to myself.
Then she said I will get you a counselor, .She came back with a young Second LT.
I thought to myself "I could probably counsel him.." I saw him for three times. Every time I saw him he would give me his card and say to me " If you get in bad place and need a friend, just call me anytime day or night".

. Another few weeks went by and after a very bad day with RS. When I got home I called my counselor. He came right over and walked in and said "At a time like this everyone needs a hug". Then he put his arms around me. And started hugging me. and then he started feeling my ass up! Right there in that moment of my greatest need, he feels me up! It hit me right then that I had forgotten that life is nothing but a practical Joke!
I started to laugh. I mean laughing....belly laughing....laughing so hard I stared to cry, knee slapping laughing... He started running around saying "Please don't tell the Army!"
That made me laugh that much harder. I took him to the door and told him that he had helped me more than he would ever know.. I felt well. A big relief had come.. I was OK!

I went to see RS one more time in a hotel room and we started to make love. Then she said "you only come to see me for sex!". I thought that over and got out of bed. Looked at her and said " You know your right and and left. She filed for our divorce, and I let her have anything she wanted. She took almost everything we had bought in Greece. That is another story coming soon..

To Be Continued.........................................................................
I'm still loving the story, OMM! :bravo:

When I first read about the counselor grabbing your *ss, I was a little put-off, but was then literally LOL reading about how hard you were laughing at the situation! :laughtwo:

One thing you should understand being in Hawaii is that a marriage is a lot like a hurricane....It starts off with a good blow job, but by the time it's over, your house is gone! :)

RS sounds like she was seriously bipolar!
:green_heart:I'm up to page 80 and once again...:green_heart:

I got this BIG HUGE GRIN on my face and have had a ton of CHUCKLES!!!:rofl:

NO NEED TO RESPOND - I'll write again tomorrow when I get to finish getting caught up!!! Page 80.... remember where I was...

Wish I could have brought you and THsea a bit of my mj tincture and my bestest hash!!! *sigh* ... oh - but it doesn't sound like you needed anything more!!! LOVE IT - YOU SO DESERVE TO RELAX AND ENJOY!!!

I'm still loving the story, OMM! :bravo:

When I first read about the counselor grabbing your *ss, I was a little put-off, but was then literally LOL reading about how hard you were laughing at the situation! :laughtwo:

One thing you should understand being in Hawaii is that a marriage is a lot like a hurricane....It starts off with a good blow job, but by the time it's over, your house is gone! :)

RS sounds like she was seriously bipolar!

Hey Mr. Krip. :high-five:
The Counselor, bless his crazy self, actually popped me back in to reality. He did his job! :circle-of-love: Loved your comparison with a hurricane, it was right on!. I saw RS two more times in my life and as usual she was mad once and strange both times. :high-five:

We have another month are so on this grow, so I will continue to tell the story. I started to change and got back to my old and new self. :Namaste:
:green_heart:I'm up to page 80 and once again...:green_heart:

I got this BIG HUGE GRIN on my face and have had a ton of CHUCKLES!!!:rofl:

NO NEED TO RESPOND - I'll write again tomorrow when I get to finish getting caught up!!! Page 80.... remember where I was...

Wish I could have brought you and THsea a bit of my mj tincture and my bestest hash!!! *sigh* ... oh - but it doesn't sound like you needed anything more!!! LOVE IT - YOU SO DESERVE TO RELAX AND ENJOY!!!


Hey Mr. Bear.:thumb:

I'm glad they didn't get them all, too. I've never grown Chocolope, so all I know is she should be good smoke. xlr8 just harvested one and I haven't read his smoke report yet. Got to go see your girls! :circle-of-love:

Aloha OMM!

My Chocolope is still up in the tent (only one left right now) and I haven't even "sampled" her yet... But, I can't wait to give her a try!

What a crazy way to get your head on straight again! Probably way more effective than any other treatment. I'm sure glad it worked for you, but I'll bet you weren't expecting that. Sheesh!

I hope RS eventually got her head on straight - sounds like she was on a path of self-destruction, and trying to pull you with her.

BTW - Have you grown the Matanuska Tundra strain before? I've heard that's a good one for pain relief.

Your plants look really great - green and healthy. Take care of yourself my friend! :high-five:
Aloha OMM!

My Chocolope is still up in the tent (only one left right now) and I haven't even "sampled" her yet... But, I can't wait to give her a try!

What a crazy way to get your head on straight again! Probably way more effective than any other treatment. I'm sure glad it worked for you, but I'll bet you weren't expecting that. Sheesh!

I hope RS eventually got her head on straight - sounds like she was on a path of self-destruction, and trying to pull you with her.

BTW - Have you grown the Matanuska Tundra strain before? I've heard that's a good one for pain relief.

Your plants look really great - green and healthy. Take care of yourself my friend! :high-five:

Aloha to you too Buddy!

I love the leaves on the Chocolope. She's a beauty. Like you can't wait.

Hell yeah! It worked.......it was such A SHOCK. I just got back to reality fast.

No RS kept headed on the road she was on. Damn Shame. More on that later.

THsea suggested the Matanuska Tundra and your right, she good for pain.

Same goes for you...take care of your self.:thumb:
OL MAn...I haven't laughed as hard as I just did in a long time!!! I just ran that through my mind, you feeling like shit, him coming to talk to you and hoping you were on the same page as him as he grabbed your ass!!! My lord that is so damn funny!!!! What a joker this man was huh.... I hope you didn't recommend him to any of your good buddies on base, you know, in case of an emergency breakdown when they just needed a hug and a nice hand full of ass!!! Thank you for making me laugh my ass off!! I'm sure he felt silly as you were laughing uncontrollably too huh!!:welldone:
OL MAn...I haven't laughed as hard as I just did in a long time!!! I just ran that through my mind, you feeling like shit, him coming to talk to you and hoping you were on the same page as him as he grabbed your ass!!! My lord that is so damn funny!!!! What a joker this man was huh.... I hope you didn't recommend him to any of your good buddies on base, you know, in case of an emergency breakdown when they just needed a hug and a nice hand full of ass!!! Thank you for making me laugh my ass off!! I'm sure he felt silly as you were laughing uncontrollably too huh!!:welldone:

Hi willoby !:high-five:

First I was just laughing my ass off at the total craziness that he would do that right when I needed help! Of all the things to do right then! I have to say it worked big time. When he started to say "Don't tell the Army". That just made it funnier. Reality is a trip. The man helped me more than he would ever know.
Next morning I was a clear headed person again. It was like I was back as a person and knew what I had to do. Mainly Good Bye RS, enough of your BS!
Didn't know what was coming, but once again I was ready for whatever came my way. It was like I was over a bad disease. :Namaste:
The story Continues...............

I think we should close the book on RS for good.

I had for gotten she did come down to my house one more time. I still don't know why she came down. She was only there for few minutes. She looked terrible....her butt was really, really big. In fact she said " I bet you love my ass now!" ???? I just said I loved your cute little butt the way it was. She left?

When window 3 came out and was so graphical in the early 90s, her pictures were all over the Internet. Tao called me and "Dad you should see this." I went over and looked at the pictures....there she was in different hotel rooms butt naked and doing every imaginably thing you could think of with different men. The camera man changed positions all the time, so there were at least three men each time. I really felt sorry for her.

She married a guy...actually a nice guy. She called me up and said she wanted to get all the things she wanted from Greece. Fine, I gave her directions to my new house on Bel-Monte beach. She said don't have any of your whores there. Which I totally forgot.
I had a friend with benefits named Ula and she had slept over with me. We had just finished breakfast when RS arrived. She was really pissed at seeing Ula there. So be it. She also looked at the house and said still living high Huh?
She was livid and started barking at wimp. That's what I called him, because he was a wimp. I liked him a lot, she had lucked out. He kinda looked like a smaller version of me. He stood around looking apologetic. I did get to talk to him a bit and he was a nice guy. I told him to take care of her and he smiled and said "If I can." We both laughed at that. He knew what he was in for.

After they left, Ula said "You were married to her?" "You can do so much better!" I just smiled.

Years passed and I received orders for my next assignment, which was on the east coast. I drove up to Napa to say a final goodbye and to see how they were doing.

I knocked on the door and Wimp opened the door smiled and shrugged his shoulders. There was RS drunk as could be and staggering from one end of the room to the other. She looked at me and said "How do you like me now?". I didn't say anything and left. Crap!

A few years ago I tried to find them on line. All I found out was they had disappeared. RS had inherited her folks house and wimp owned the other. Tao was living in Napa at the time and I asked him to go over see if he could find them. Both houses were empty and run down from being empty. Who knows what happened to them.

To be continued.....................................................................
Hey there OldMedMan been a while hope your in good health still sorting thru a lot of bull still no court date on either the divorce or the growing charges still hanging in there just barely WOW 25 years of marriage down the tubes gets a fella down still need the 420 crews thoughts and good vibes thxs for listening
Hey there OldMedMan been a while hope your in good health still sorting thru a lot of bull still no court date on either the divorce or the growing charges still hanging in there just barely WOW 25 years of marriage down the tubes gets a fella down still need the 420 crews thoughts and good vibes thxs for listening

Hey Buddy. Man, that's terrible. She did this whole thing. She could have warned you at least. I'm fine, thanks for asking. 25 years! Man that is tough....I feel for you. I wish you luck in both cases....I hope they go easy on you for the growing, Here's hoping!

Buddy your always welcome to drop by. Was just talking about you the other day.:ganjamon:
WOW OlMan, what a terrible way to go..I have had the headache of loving someone so damn much and thinking they will change or that she loved me enough to change for us and....I just doesn't happen. This story went a total 180degrees from what I thought was going to happen...I figured she would have stayed a mess, but multiple man love on the web...That shit never goes away...It was possibly one of the best decisions you ever made to not try that out again in life, just to get hurt again but realize you had put another 5 or 10 years into it..Here you are now, after all this time, still alive, making people laugh and enjoy the story of your life...Oh yeah, and you have Jo!!! You may have possibly been dead by now if you stayed around her and the lifestyle she had chosen....I'm glad we all have had a chance to get to know you and enjoy our daily journal entries, it is something I look forward to looking at on a daily basis and I'm sure I'm not the only one....Even though I haven't met you in person, I feel like I know you!! GOODBYE RS....Hello freedom...Next Chapter Please!!!!:welldone:
WOW OlMan, what a terrible way to go..I have had the headache of loving someone so damn much and thinking they will change or that she loved me enough to change for us and....I just doesn't happen. This story went a total 180degrees from what I thought was going to happen...I figured she would have stayed a mess, but multiple man love on the web...That shit never goes away...It was possibly one of the best decisions you ever made to not try that out again in life, just to get hurt again but realize you had put another 5 or 10 years into it..Here you are now, after all this time, still alive, making people laugh and enjoy the story of your life...Oh yeah, and you have Jo!!! You may have possibly been dead by now if you stayed around her and the lifestyle she had chosen....I'm glad we all have had a chance to get to know you and enjoy our daily journal entries, it is something I look forward to looking at on a daily basis and I'm sure I'm not the only one....Even though I haven't met you in person, I feel like I know you!! GOODBYE RS....Hello freedom...Next Chapter Please!!!!:welldone:

Hi My Freind ! :Namaste:
Funny you should say change, in the next part of the story I start to change and actually did some pretty cool things in the Army after all this. I had forgotten how cool it could be, being on your on again. Freedom.

What I wanted to accomplish in telling about RS was a guilt free mind. I accomplished that. I don't flinch when I talk about her anymore. To love someone so much and have it go so bad really hurt my soul. Thanks goodness we heal. Actually Tony helped allot too. To me she was an example of a mature woman and a good one, she was always the same. You knew exactly where were with her. Too bad she didn't like the US.

People actually don't change unless they have a Significant Emotional Event.
Little later in the story...I learned how to create them and it works.

So you went through this too....sorry Buddy!:Namaste:
Hey there buddy! Too bad about RS! That really is too bad....

Your life is so much richer without her! You were blessed to have your eyes opened!!
Hey there buddy! Too bad about RS! That really is too bad....

Your life is so much richer without her! You were blessed to have your eyes opened!!

Yep, whole life changed after her, all for the best! :thumb:
RS was on a mission of self destruct, sounds like you dodged a speeding bullet that could of taken you both down. I admire you OMM, RS made some bad choices and broke you leaving you low, depressed and feeling guilty, you were strong healed your wounds got back to your feet and still wished the best for RS. :love:

The inheritance could of only made things worse, dealing with the loss parents is hard on anyone, this would of gave her motive and alot of money to cause more distruction on her path ok havok.

I kinda feel sorry for RS but she had chances to help herself, with the help you was willing to provide she could of turned her life around!
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