Old G New Grow Spring 23 ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro Sponsored Grow

I had the lite at 11 inches think it was too close for this early, bottom leaves curled in. Moved the lite to 17 inches plant looks a lot happier


Day 16, SMQ is sativa dominant but it’s not showing any sensitivity to nutes. Lots of bud sites underneath. I’m keeping the lites 17 inches and it seems to be loving it


Looks healthy. What are you feeding them?

She’s growing great, I top dress geoflora veg every 2 weeks and I gave my first feeding of FF Grobig today . I’ll switch to bloom feeding in 2 more weeks I’m getting my first flowers growing up underneath, plant has beautiful structure. The flowers when they start ripening turn almost black, very nice to watch grow. The lite I used for 2 years wasn’t strong enough , this is a new experience having the ViparSpectra, brings the flavor out from the terpenes. Had I known the difference having a good lite made in the finished product I would have bought a good lite at the onset, live and learn .This has become a passion for me and I love growing, so do all my friends that I give my pot too lol
It looks really nice in shape and the color looks really healthy. Glad to receive feedback that XS1500 PRO brings the flavor out from the terpenes. That is wonderful!
Day 20, gave my last veg nutes today , the pre flowers are all coming out. It’s a different beast with a good lite, I have to water more frequently for sure but the plant is absolutely growing faster


She’s growing great, I top dress geoflora veg every 2 weeks and I gave my first feeding of FF Grobig today . I’ll switch to bloom feeding in 2 more weeks I’m getting my first flowers growing up underneath, plant has beautiful structure. The flowers when they start ripening turn almost black, very nice to watch grow. The lite I used for 2 years wasn’t strong enough , this is a new experience having the ViparSpectra, brings the flavor out from the terpenes. Had I known the difference having a good lite made in the finished product I would have bought a good lite at the onset, live and learn .This has become a passion for me and I love growing, so do all my friends that I give my pot too lol
👍👍Beautiful structure! It seems to be very happy with this nutrient feed. Will add other nutri to help her stretch?
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