NYPD & More

yeah there are definetly colas competing for the top now, but she is small I think cause of the cold. also I looked back I haven't watered her in a week. I think she's making some roots still, and I'm hoping and praying she'll spring up lol.

I've also been using the 6k bulbs. I just switched back to the 3k ones last night. the soil was soaked real good with fertilizer when I transplanted so I just used some lemon and water last night.

I've also had the fan off because it's so damn cold.
b. You dont want to reveg her? It would take 2-3 more weeks off schedule but it would give you the plant size you wish. You just seem upset with the size of her is all ha.. btw SUBBED! ;)

that sounds like a good idea to me at first, but then I think that would set me back 2-3 weeks (like you say) and I can't have the lights on 18 hours a day because I get some traffic in my basement.

I'm just gonna keep adding bulbs and pray.


thanks guys. I actually added more bulbs last night. I now have 8 cfls on her. I should have added all the bulbs from the start. what a stupid move on my part not to. I hope she still yields well.
thanks guys. I actually added more bulbs last night. I now have 8 cfls on her. I should have added all the bulbs from the start. what a stupid move on my part not to. I hope she still yields well.

I'm sure she will yield just fine. Has it been cold all the way through growth? She should be used to it if it has.
it has been cold the entire time. she's getting used to it (I hope).

in other news my windowsill plants are doing well. I cut the flowers off my basil plants today.
I got a couple plants. the tomatoes dont want to flower. i should have done dill instead X.x definitely getting berries outside this spring with tomatoes and some other stuff

its my parents place i dont use that blender thing lol my mom and brother insist on it even tho i tell them you can have too much minerals
Loving the veggies b!

Do your parents not mind you growing cannabis? Or do they not know?


Happy Thurweed day Br :thumb:
yeah as long as it doesn't smell i'm ok. when I had my plants in my room with me and the hid it was hot and the diesel stunk up the place lol. I had no ventilaiton there I just used a air purifier and it didn't work perfectly LOL. in the basement it doesn't smell
7 weeks old, 3 weeks in bloom.

I didn't give her nutes because she is very green at the top. instead I did some lemon water.

I'm glad she got bigger, but I kinda wanted her even bigger.

she grows a lot after I water her. I might have to start watering her more often.

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