NuttyProfessor And His Herd Of Indigenous Microorganisms

I find that letting roughly half the water weight evap keeps em pretty happy soo far my self my large one was @ over .5" of vertical growth day haven't measured that with the others but they seem to be @ the same rate that plant was @ 2 weeks ago and i haven't fed them anything for a cpl weeks besides bone meal i had on hand and this cal i amended my dirt with .


Looks like a handy bottle of cal you have there , I use a lot of crab meal , fine and coarse the coarse is more for drainage my soil is soilless coco and peat based so maybe letting 50% dry is better

I am now starting to think to continue the double end watering as so far its worked better , th plants are big they are a good shade of green , , they will be bottom watered top fed i am thinking
scallop sugar super food for microbes , adhd microbes will love this , it would send me into hyper mode lol

scallops soaked with sugar for about a week , added some rain water today , shook like mad , sieved into a pot , boiled , stirred as it got thicker , reduced right down , sieved again , will bottle up and use some next feed, hopefully will help with flowering stage , its great mixing a chef with the gardening , i shall serve it to them on a silver tray, might as well be a waiter too :laugh: i just need a couple of violin players , hands up who can play the violin :ciao: i cant :Rasta:

well these 7 gallon pots do feel heavy even when dryer , i put it in for a bottom watering and the medium took 5 litres in 15 mins , i then added a litre to the top

the seaweed, and comfrey smoothie i made yesterday looks awesome :cheesygrinsmiley: its already really black and looks to be a nice feed


i added two 5 litre jugs to the bath , the medium soaked up one jug in 15 mins , do not leave in water bath for anymore than 20 mins , i stop at 15


looks ready to use but ill wait longer ,


fed bathed and put away , job done today , its a nice day so i might do something outdoors to keep my self busy and flexible or my joints dry out too quick lol

Hey Nutty, I've been re evaluating my watering techniques and have thought like you that keeping an extreme dry/wet cycle is to combat fungus gnats more than anything else. I believe there is a "just right" amount and frequency more so though in veg. Just not so severe. I've sickened a few by drying em out too much. Gotta find the balance.
Hey Nutty, I've been re evaluating my watering techniques and have thought like you that keeping an extreme dry/wet cycle is to combat fungus gnats more than anything else. I believe there is a "just right" amount and frequency more so though in veg. Just not so severe. I've sickened a few by drying em out too much. Gotta find the balance.
I think finding the best humidity to match the watering is a big key also . having a good steady environment, ive chopped and changed a bit in this grow , i need to focus on that balance , i have a dehumidifier going and an exhaust trying to get the plants to sweat more so they use it up , organic keeps you on your toes ill tell you that for nothing lol
its fine tuning and sticking to it is the goal :ganjamon:
I think finding the best humidity to match the watering is a big key also . having a good steady environment, ive chopped and changed a bit in this grow , i need to focus on that balance , i have a dehumidifier going and an exhaust trying to get the plants to sweat more so they use it up , organic keeps you on your toes ill tell you that for nothing lol
its fine tuning and sticking to it is the goal :ganjamon:
Yep, get em sweating and remove the sweat quick enough.
scallop sugar super food for microbes , adhd microbes will love this , it would send me into hyper mode lol

scallops soaked with sugar for about a week , added some rain water today , shook like mad , sieved into a pot , boiled , stirred as it got thicker , reduced right down , sieved again , will bottle up and use some next feed, hopefully will help with flowering stage , its great mixing a chef with the gardening , i shall serve it to them on a silver tray, might as well be a waiter too :laugh: i just need a couple of violin players , hands up who can play the violin :ciao: i cant :Rasta:

Would u mind sending me some of you're recipes for microbes ? I swear on my meemahs grave you're secrets will go no farther im going to be doing a lactic bacillium culture ...for when they flip
Would u mind sending me some of you're recipes for microbes ? I swear on my meemahs grave you're secrets will go no farther im going to be doing a lactic bacillium culture ...for when they flip
the microbe recipe in on the journal twice , ,

its here , :thumb: on this link . potato leaf mold and water , nothing on here is secret ;0
so looking really nice today , plenty of microbes in the cultivating bucket now , these microbe will be added to pots i have filled with my new soil , ill be inoculating the medium three to 4 times before planting , this should gibe me a nice fertile balanced pot to start with

Looks like a handy bottle of cal you have there , I use a lot of crab meal , fine and coarse the coarse is more for drainage my soil is soilless coco and peat based so maybe letting 50% dry is better

I am now starting to think to continue the double end watering as so far its worked better , th plants are big they are a good shade of green , , they will be bottom watered top fed i am thinking
Ill deffinatley pick up some crab meal this cheque tks.
I know i just got a lot of ppl im keeping an eye on my notifications come in 80 deep sometimes lol and besides i like talking to you. .
no worries , if you find somewhere , with good trees a little forest , look for the best looking trees and collect some of the broken down leaves , this is where you get the best microbes for free , i got my microbes from 3 /4 different areas to give me a bigger diversity :)
no worries , if you find somewhere , with good trees a little forest , look for the best looking trees and collect some of the broken down leaves , this is where you get the best microbes for free , i got my microbes from 3 /4 different areas to give me a bigger diversity :)
Haven't done the math on that yet but ill have x8 3x3x3cbft planters thatll need filling im going to get some clay and what not from the creek beds that run under my street.
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