Nugget is turning brown after one day

You should really read the whole post...and not put out info that you haven't experence yourself..u got cameras..take some before and after shots....trichomes don't wash off that easy...drifter is not using a fire hose..if they were that easy to come off..people wouldn't be freezing them so they would come off making by products like keif..

Oh well, can't blame me for wanting to DIY up some whiskey out of the awful amber ale I brewed a few months back... Still, that's a really nice looking piece. Super cool that you've set yourself up with so much of your gear. Makes me feel like a pussy for paying WM and my hydro guys for, y'know, everything.

Oh well, can't blame me for wanting to DIY up some whiskey out of the awful amber ale I brewed a few months back... Still, that's a really nice looking piece. Super cool that you've set yourself up with so much of your gear. Makes me feel like a pussy for paying WM and my hydro guys for, y'know, everything.

I don't drink alcohol. Been so long I can't remember the last time alcohol passed through my lips - beer, wine, whatever.

Fraid I have a very dim and disdainful disposition about most (if not all) alcoholic beverages. As far as I'm concerned it's all "Liquid Lobotomy". Me and alcohol have never gotten along toghether. Never really liked it anyways. Can't stand the smell of it or the taste of it. Don't care much for alcohol's effects either - whether it was just with myself and/or with other people.
What ,so no one here has ever heard of "Water Curing"? And yes it does make for brown buds.. not that, thats what happened here.. jes sayin.

Leave the Drifter to his grow.. Its all good.. You take the good and leave the bad...

And yes I too love this place..;)
I know this thread is old but has any of you read " hemp husbandry" by Robert a nelson.
This is a section I have copied and pasted.

The potency of marijuana can be increased by about 50% simply by simmering a water slurry of the material for 2 hours. Add water as necessary to maintain the level. Cool and filter the mixture, and refrigerate the aqueous solution. Dry the leaf material at low heat. Drink the tea before smoking the marijuana. The effects are much more intense and last longer than those from the untreated leaves. The boiling water treatment isomerizes the inactive CBD, and decarboxylates THCA to THC.

Although Cannabidiol (CBD) has no psychoactivity, it does antagonize THC and produces other valuable sedative, antibiotic, and anti-epileptic effects. CBD can be isomerized to THC. If the plant is Phenotype III (containing mainly CBD in its resin), isomerization can double the yield of THC.

The CBD fraction of column chromatography can be distilled (bp 187-190° C/2 mm; pale yellow resin) to purify it. Isomerization can be accomplished with any of several solvents and acids. Alcohol and sulfuric acid isomerizes only 50-60% of CBD to THC; p-TolueneSulfonic Acid (p-TSA) in petroleum ether or other light, non-polar solvent will convert 90% of CBD to THC upon refluxing 1 hour at 130° F. (16, 17)
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