Nugget is turning brown after one day

Couldnt agree more the bud he has chopped already looks moldy after one day

Looks Moldy?

Something's wrong with your eyes.

No mold on my bud dude.

It's been windy and dry around here lately. The bud in question was dried enough to smoke in less than 5 days sitting on a shaded window sill. Didn't stay wet long enough for mold to set in.
Washing does not break off the trichs unless you are really abusive when rinsing it off... Now if you used really cold water, almost freezing then it might be a different story...... I have washed herb for different reasons and never noticed a significant amount of broken trichs, and yes, I did look at them before and after... As for them being wet when you hang them, if you are getting mold then your environment is wrong, most mold happens in the jar, not while you are hang drying them. I have done this many times and have not seen the effects either one of you are talking about... Have either one of you ever had these problems or are we just assuming that it would happen?
Washing does not break off the trichs unless you are really abusive when rinsing it off... Now if you used really cold water, almost freezing then it might be a different story...... I have washed herb for different reasons and never noticed a significant amount of broken trichs, and yes, I did look at them before and after... As for them being wet when you hang them, if you are getting mold then your environment is wrong, most mold happens in the jar, not while you are hang drying them. I have done this many times and have not seen the effects either one of you are talking about... Have either one of you ever had these problems or are we just assuming that it would happen?

Yeah...I kinda did the same thing. I mic'd them before and after the spray washing and there was just a small amount of broken trichomes. After I spray washed them, the broken branches were hung right outside the back door, under the awning, in the shade, windy outside though. The "test bud" went on the window sill. Both the broken branch buds and the test bud were dried enough to smoke in less than a week so, no problems with mold.
By the way...


I used distilled water stored at room temperature, in a commercial sprayer to spray wash the buds in question.
Oh yeah.

Remember telling a few people about this too.

My Homemade Water Distiller:


I usually have plenty of distilled water on hand.

***nothing wrong with the "water". Was distilling some Garlic and Lemon mash. That's why the water looks cloudy.***
Hey drifter... My bad I didn't notice the worms trying to crash your crop....I didn't relize you lost one...I'm sorry.....yah I would be out there with a shotgun guarding that beauty youve got..I agree that the 3 days will be good too. Maybe you should hire a night guard ?...he
Looks Moldy?

Something's wrong with your eyes.

No mold on my bud dude.

It's been windy and dry around here lately. The bud in question was dried enough to smoke in less than 5 days sitting on a shaded window sill. Didn't stay wet long enough for mold to set in.

Whatever you say mate, each to there own but i personally strongly recomend not washing your weed again haha
Wow that still is amazing brotha...nice work....Wow you've really gott-em fired up in here....ha it is nice to see everyone just being protective of all of our same go :420: peeps.... Love this place....:peace:
Whatever you say mate, each to there own but i personally strongly recomend not washing your weed again haha

Oh brother.


Never mind

Go away.

And I will spray wash my weed again. :thanks:

I'm not gonna leave the BT on it.

You're outta your gourd dude...
And I will spray wash my weed again. :thanks:

I'm not gonna leave the BT on it.

You're outta your gourd dude...

BT is perfectly safe for human consumption. Its used on many crops. It is also tasteless. I can guarantee if you have smoked outdoor buds before you have smoked something with BT on it at least once.

Also washing your buds before u dry them doesn't make sense to me but you can do what you want. Its just going to make the dry time longer and not to mention it will knock off a lot of trichomes. I've always heard it is bad to introduce moisture to a late flowering plant. Some people even let their plants dry out while still in the soil for the week before harvest. You flush then let them sit till harvest.

I don't know where you heard of washing your buds. That person is wrong its a bad idea. But hey if you feel its necessary you can do it. Nobody can stop you
I really do not need all this lecture about me washing my weed before harvest.

Yall wanna smoke your buds with BT, or whatever kinda other shit you might be spraying on them, fine...knock yourselves out.

Yall wanna smoke your buds that have got quite a bit of other airborne contaminants on them, fine...knock yourselves out.

Yall wanna smoke your buds with insect droppings, bird droppings, dead insects, dust, dirt, airborne debris (consisting of who knows what), fine...knock yourselves out.

I think yall are full of it - making all these exaggerated claims about damaging trichomes. If you carefully and mindfully spray your buds with clean water (with a sprayer - NOT A GARDEN HOSE and YOUR THUMB - DUH) it's NOT going to damage trichomes. Real fucking simple: lightly spray with distilled water = no damage to trichomes. HELLO? I've seen the before and after mic shots and I made next to NO DAMAGE to the bud's trichomes. HELLO? After I spray washed them they were hung in the shade to dry. It's been windy and dry around here lately; buds were dry and smokable in less than a week so there was never a problem with mold.

I for one see no problem with what I've done so far because the results I have both observed and SMOKED were better than expected. If you were here, observing the deed and smokin the weed you'd understand what the fuck I'm tryin to get across.
Something else to consider.

Since some of yall aint got the courtesy to read the entire thread instead of just the last post...

If you had the read the thread from the beginning you'd realize this was just a spur of the moment type of thing in dealing with my broken branch buds and a test bud. What I did for this particular scenario is NOT what I'm going to do for my regular and final harvest.


I mean geeze...

Yall done blown this whole thread outta proportion.

I don't need this kinda cluster-fuck mentality.

Lol, a mister can't do anymore harm than all of the rain we have this time of the year. Raining like a mofo now but my ladies are undercover and I mist them once a week.... who gives a rats ass if someone wants to add some "rain" to their crops? Or on the same note, who cares if someone takes a garden hose to their crops...not like we will be smoking them.
Then again...:hmmmm:

I mean, it just occured to me...

Since my buds are so fucking sticky right now...

I mean, I was just out pickin out some worm damaged buds - I got so much fucking resin on my fingers right now :laughtwo: my fingers are like sticking to gether....


I mean so what the fuck good is spray-washing my plants when that sticky resin's gonna hang on to just about everything it comes in contact with it: bird shit, BT, Bat shit, pollen, insect shit, dust, whatever these Santa Ana winds blow at me...



Why even bother spray washing my buds at all?

Will it really help with removing the BT residue?

Will it really help remove anything off of those sticky buds?


I don't think so.

Am I wrong?

Hey drifter ima with you my man....that shits so sticky how could it just wash away's just a spraying's got to be one of the best threads Eva......I know everyone is just saying....

...What did one dead guy say to the other dead guy?.... Is that you coughing?..

I've been giving some serious thought to water curing my buds. I've been reading a great deal about the subject. I've been carefully considering all the pros and cons of the water curing and I'm finding it more and more appealing every minute.

Too late to test it out. Time's too short. I'm harvesting this coming Monday morning - early.

I've got a 33 gallon tote box that would work fine. Should hold all my buds, with enough water, and room to spare. Even have an old rectangular barbeque grill that I can wedge in below the rim of the tote box to keep all the buds submerged in the water.

Hey drifter, where'd you get that still? That thing is freakin awesome. Looks like it might be useful for distilling some corn and barley mash too!
WAshing off chromes,,,,hahaha...if anyone checks my journal...u will see my plants beat-up by a of my plants were horizontal...on the ground...what i'm saying is...if trichromes are that easy to wash off...i would have NONE on my plants...after i tied up stood up my plants chromes were the first thing i checked
Anyone who makes bubble hash knows they don't come off as easy as some people like to think.. That's why we use as close to freezing water as possible, to freeze the trichs so they break off..
Hey drifter, where'd you get that still? That thing is freakin awesome. Looks like it might be useful for distilling some corn and barley mash too!

That's my water distiller.

I made that many, many years ago. Basically copied a design that I saw in some science magazine (don't think it was Scientific American).

The top portion (condenser) is all that I made. The pot is just a standard 8quart stock pot. I had to slightly modify a lid to accept the condenser.

I wouldn't use it for anything but distilling water - works pretty decent in that regard. That's what it's designed for. It's a slow type of distiller - takes about 12~13 hours to distill a gallon of water. It doesn't work very well with making liquors or other distillates - I have tried.
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