NTH’s Grow Corner

I’ve been calmly worrying about bud rot this entire grow. I’ve also kept temps in the closet on the low side intentionally to bring out some color. The shades of purple that came out of my closet this winter combined with the bud rot that @Grand Daddy Black experienced recently was more than I could handle. I gave Miss SB a true warriors death. And I’m proud to announce no bud rot!

Looks like some ok flower for the likes of my corner!

Great. :thumb:
I wouldn't want to loose any of those beauties.
Nice work.

Stay safe
I’ve been calmly worrying about bud rot this entire grow. I’ve also kept temps in the closet on the low side intentionally to bring out some color. The shades of purple that came out of my closet this winter combined with the bud rot that @Grand Daddy Black experienced recently was more than I could handle. I gave Miss SB a true warriors death. And I’m proud to announce no bud rot!

Looks like some ok flower for the likes of my corner!

That's wonderful, NTH!

I was concerned about her due to her structure, but I dared not utter a word about it for fearing of being a jinx.

She's a pretty purpley thing! Enjoy! :ganjamon:
That's wonderful, NTH!

I was concerned about her due to her structure, but I dared not utter a word about for fearing of being a jinx.

She's a pretty purpley thing! Enjoy! :ganjamon:

Thinking my dry conditions kept me from failing miserably. It was my hope from the start. I do keep a fan blowing hard at them constantly but it’s probably just dumb luck that I didn’t have any issues. Haha.

Hitting just one toe with a twelve gauge double barrel is serious marksmanship Amigo! Haha.

When you put it that way, your right.
Serious marksmanship-poor target choice :rofl:

Stay safe
Did some cleaning/rearranging to give Miss Blue Ballz the room she has been craving!

Thinking about getting the bamboo ready.

While your plants are amazing I need to take a moment and take in those floors.

They are just beautiful:)
:rofl::rofl: Thats just too damn funny , was wondering myself glad someone else did . 12Ga Damn!!! Hope the quail was good :drool:
Unless that quail was underneath his big toe, he didn't get one that day! :laughtwo:
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