Not my first grow but I’m still learning and need some guidance

With photoperiod plants (as opposed to autos) you can stay in veg indefinitely, as long as you provide enough of a light period. And it's actually the dark period that the plant is concerned with. Anything around 12 hours of darkness will cause the plant to go into flower as long as it is sexually mature enough to do so. It is sexually mature enough when it starts growing with alternating, as opposed to opposite, nodes on the plant. I suspect yours are already there.

So, the question becomes when to flip them into flower? The longest you'd want to leave them in veg is more of a height issue in an indoor grow.
I'm an outdoor greenhouse grower in a soil/coir mixture, so my comment here is a bit of a crossover between worlds, but perhaps helpful.

I grow my plants as naturally as possible, meaning that they aren't getting more than a normal day's worth of sunlight. To keep them in veg, I use a blast of light 3x during the middle of the night. So, I wonder if simulating sunshine for longer than say, 12 hours, is stressing out the plants in ways that impact natural water and nutrient uptake. Another way to put it... forcing the plants to grow unnaturally.

I have been flipping to flower when the plant basically stops growing vertically; however, I'm starting to feel that I should be flipping sooner. This also relates to pot size.
I feel like I have a shitty ph tester

It may need to be calibrated. I remember buying one but haven't used it yet.
I'm an outdoor greenhouse grower in a soil/coir mixture, so my comment here is a bit of a crossover between worlds, but perhaps helpful.

I grow my plants as naturally as possible, meaning that they aren't getting more than a normal day's worth of sunlight. To keep them in veg, I use a blast of light 3x during the middle of the night. So, I wonder if simulating sunshine for longer than say, 12 hours, is stressing out the plants in ways that impact natural water and nutrient uptake. Another way to put it... forcing the plants to grow unnaturally.

I have been flipping to flower when the plant basically stops growing vertically; however, I'm starting to feel that I should be flipping sooner. This also relates to pot size.
So I should switch to flowering?
the edging is a k def.

question is why ? it may just be hungrier than the others. the taco is usually heat / humidity related, but it can come along with a def.

how big is the grow bag ? i'm wondering if it's a little crowded in there.
the edging is a k def.

question is why ? it may just be hungrier than the others. the taco is usually heat / humidity related, but it can come along with a def.

how big is the grow bag ? i'm wondering if it's a little crowded in there.
The grow bag is 7gallon , I switched from 3gallon to 7gallon not long ago. So it’s safe to say it’s not that. The heat from the lights or from the grow tent? The tent doesn’t goes pass 79 degrees, matter of fact the pass two days it’s be around 69 to 71. Rh is always around 40% but I try to keep it higher but it’s been a hard task. Which leads to one thing, the defect, I believe it’s the defect, which I don’t know what to do it that’s the case
The grow bag is 7gallon , I switched from 3gallon to 7gallon not long ago. So it’s safe to say it’s not that. The heat from the lights or from the grow tent? The tent doesn’t goes pass 79 degrees, matter of fact the pass two days it’s be around 69 to 71. Rh is always around 40% but I try to keep it higher but it’s been a hard task. Which leads to one thing, the defect, I believe it’s the defect, which I don’t know what to do it that’s the case

could be just hungrier. is your ph in check when feeding ?
So I should switch to flowering?
I'll let the indoor experts answer that one; however, I will say that you plant(s) look like they want to grow more in veg, so if they have enough pot size and nutes, you could let them, provided you have enough vertical space in your tent. Your leaves are looking amazing, but also very foreign to me as compared to my outdoor greenhouse plants, so it's hard for me to read your plants. Compared to my leaves, yours look like they're on steroids, which is interesting to me as I'm sure it's the hallmark of killer big buds :).

The grow bag is 7gallon , I switched from 3gallon to 7gallon not long ago.

If they were root bound in 3 gal, it may take longer than expected for the roots to work their way into the new space. Maybe this is why you are seeing the sudden burst of growth at the tips. The degree of being root bound I think is directly proportional to the lag time before the roots "break free", generally speaking. That's my guess.
I'll let the indoor experts answer that one; however, I will say that you plant(s) look like they want to grow more in veg, so if they have enough pot size and nutes, you could let them, provided you have enough vertical space in your tent. Your leaves are looking amazing, but also very foreign to me as compared to my outdoor greenhouse plants, so it's hard for me to read your plants. Compared to my leaves, yours look like they're on steroids, which is interesting to me as I'm sure it's the hallmark of killer big buds :).

If they were root bound in 3 gal, it may take longer than expected for the roots to work their way into the new space. Maybe this is why you are seeing the sudden burst of growth at the tips. The degree of being root bound I think is directly proportional to the lag time before the roots "break free", generally speaking. That's my guess.
When I took the plant out of the three gallon pot, I noticed that it didn’t even cover the entire 3gallon pot. There was a lot of room in that 3gallon pot. I just got a Scrog net, so since the plants just woke up like 30 mins ago imma put it up now and see how it grows
Tops look different every time . But some fan leaves drooping some aren’t. ???
Those plants are looking like they have the potential for the roots to fill a 40 gal. pot!

Lighting and nutrients are like two "dials" that you can turn up or turn down. It looks like you've got both dials turned all the way up. So, maybe just generally dial back. For lighting, you could switch to a 12-hour simulated day, and then give them a couple flashes of light in the night (called "night interruption") which is effective to keep the plants in veg. If you are adding nutrients during watering, you could cut back on that as well.

A Marvel Universe metaphor just came to my mind... your plants are looking like The Incredible Hulk... they are hulking out... literally bursting with overgrowth... a bit scary. Maybe shoot for something more like the The Intelligent Hulk.

But again, I am not an indoor grow person. Others would probably say those plants look just fine, and keep doing what you're doing. They will continue growing after you flip to flower.
Hey New, I'd give it some time before flip if it were mine. Just to fill in the net more and make bud sites larger. Maybe a week? Depends on how you feel when you wake up one day though.

Looks like the new growth is coming in happy (all one color) so the new container helped. A week in the new soil or two is usually what I give on a pot up before flowering.
Well, I just put the netting up, this is my first time ever so no laughing at me if I F up.
Great job! The net will serve several different functions for you. First you can use it to place the bud sites where you want them and flatten the canopy so each eventual bud gets the same amount of light. Also, it will help support the buds if they get too heavy and start drooping over. You'll want to flip before filling the net all the way since the plant will stretch and you'll need some room to deal with that, but I agree with Stone, your plants look nice and healthy.

Many scrog growers use two nets, one above the other for the support purpose.
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