NorthernCosmos' First Indoor Soil Auto Grow: 2019

Yeah I'm with the Shed on this, second time in a week! ;)

The lower leaves are the first to turn yellow anyway, learn not to be afraid of cutting or handling the plant. Its fragile but its not radioactive glass! :) Plants quickly adapts to loosing leaves and in this stage she will produce new ones! I say cut away!
Day 31. The deed is done. That's gotta be enough for one day. I hope they don't hate me... :eek: :p

The only thing that consoles me and keeps me from feeling like a brute, is clinging to the theory that the plants now don't have to keep that foliage alive and can use the energy and nute uptake for the stuff that matters...

What now? Make a salad? :yummy:

theory that the plants now don't have to keep that foliage alive and can use the energy and nute uptake for the stuff that matters...

You are absolutely right about that. You got to cull the heard sometimes to make it thrive! Some plants go bananas when cutting them and start flowering more than before, this is in general outdoor nature I'm thinking of right now. Some of this applies to our friend the Cannabis plant, ex. topping at the right moment in growth makes her develop multiple top colas. But of course some breeds like it more than others...

You made the right decision about taking away that salad, but if you want to eat it is up to you. :)
I think I'll pass on the salad :laughtwo:

Here they are, 18 hours after operation Fearless Defoliation, at the very end of day 31. I'm thinking I'll snip off a few more on the bottom and work on keeping shadowy ones away, but perhaps leaving the plants to "rest" a couple of days first (is that even a thing?).

As you can see, the LST + defoliation have exposed between 8 and 10 sites of good growth which I imagine may be potential cola sites, and hopefully it's in a good configuration for the next phase of growth - am I interpreting that right? They're still pretty small in stature though - oh well, genetics they say...


I'm a reader of your LST thread, Shed - good stuff, very motivational! :)

I'll probably be diversifying the techniques as I progress. Noting that you sometimes use a counter pull far down on the stem to create a nice bend. The principles are becoming clearer, only practice an experience remains. Of course this first grow of mine is slightly stunted in a number of ways, including he low soil level, rather short plants and late LST- all things I expect to improve with future grows.

Oh, and BTW, the twine that I'm using is very thick, soft and fluffy - not the harder, thinner and more abrasive type that is more common. There are no marks on the plants after it. But yeah, I'll try other techniques and materials too.
Looking good NC! I'd try to get your tallest stem tied down further (red arrow) after taking off the leaves directly underneath it.
Upon closer inspection the main stems of both plants had grown some more soft length and nodes. So I moved the tie downs one node further up and got this. Also snipped off another couple of leaves.

Oh yeah - with a little direction from the gurus yet more potential colas/buds have been exposed :cool:

... with Sheds bending advice you will be moving over to steel in the near future. ;)
Well, word has it that Shed has employed expert help in this area. You can see that he has cleverly photoshopped away the evidence in his own thread, but the original has leaked to the net:

Day 32, feeding day. Today's meal consisted of 1ml each of AN Micro, Grow and Bloom, 1ml Root-Stim and 0.5g Epsom salt per liter water. Each plant got 0.75l of this solution, just enough for a tiny bit of run off after slow watering. Also adjusted the LST a little by pulling more on some branches.

I'm considering lowering the lights from 24-23 inches to, say, 18-20 inches to see if the growth (height!) increases. Will leave that experiment until tomorrow, so I can observe the growth spurt resulting from the feeding - always inspiring :)
Day 36. They seem to be getting more thirsty. Note to self: don't be too skimpy on the watering, these are becoming big girls now! Well, actually they only stand 20cm tall above the soil - I should rename the journal to "NC's First Bonsai Grow"...

The LST goes on. Under the bush there are some of those L'ish shaped branches now. I reckon those fading leaves are dead meat and has to go. The new growth looks healthy, I'll keep going with 1/4 , and towards 1/2, doses of nutes + a little bit of that Epsom salt and more frequent feeding.



The Bonzais in all their glory - 20cm tall and seemingly not counting much...


And now, pray tell, what is this!?!? Amnesia:


And White Widow:


As close up of the Amnesia as I can go. I could get a better pic if I weren't in such a hurry, but a macro lens would help - that's my lame excuse and I'm sticking to it. Speaking of sticky... is it really... noooo...???

Alright! :D

But full strength? I keep reading recommendations of low strength for autos. But of course, whatever they want, they get. I'll up it from the usual 1/4 strength to 1/2 strength tomorrow, and then increase gradually from there hitting 1/1 in a couple of weeks, how does that sound?

At some point I guess the AN Micro/Grow/Bloom should be mixed with more Bloom than Grow - they get equal amounts now. Then there's the bottle of AN Big Buds, when should I start mixing in some of that?

I also lowered the light to 20 inches above the tallest growth. It's the Mars Hydro 300W TLS 2000, but turned down to 225W. Unless the plants need more(?), I shall leave them at that setting to go easy on the LEDs and power supplies.

According to Seed Stockers, both should take 75 days, so that's 39 days left... I have read that those numbers may be a bit optimistic though - it'll take how long it takes. In any case, this is getting exciting - I mean pistils... this is for real now! :cool:
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