At day 60 for the senior Amnesia and White Widow, and I'm thoroughly confused. I did the differentiated feed with more nuites to the yellowing Widow and less to the clawing Amnesia. The White Widow is getting more yellow and more red, but parts of the plant is a nice and fresh green. as can be seen in the picture below (compare to the picture higher up on this page).
Apart from growing up as seedlings with very low RH, all growing parameters are the same as the previous pair of AM and WW, and then it was the Amnesia that took on these colours(!) So a role swap of sorts there, which defies all logic. Just as I thought I was starting to get the very beginnings of something resembling a handle on it, I experience this as an "unlearning" which is a bit disconcerting (but not
worrying, I might add, because I no longer do
I have no explanation, apart from that plants are individuals and can perhaps develop quite differently from seed to seed, possibly depending on uniformity/stability of the strain(?) Your therories are welcome!
The Amnesia looks pretty much the same, but at least the new higher-up leaves aren't clawing - I'm not worried about that one.