NorthernCosmos' First Indoor Soil Auto Grow: 2019

I also tried replacing the medium inside a filter and this is very hard to get right and the carbon comes in many different shapes dust, grain or pellets. I tried the pellets from aquarium filters and I think I paid ~50$ for the amount needed for a 4"/100mm filter. Handling this stuff is a nightmare with black sot and dust all over plus the inconvenience of taking the filter apart and putting it together again with the producer not having this in mind for us to be able to do this easy.

So I have the same experience as you @Virgin ground , don't try this just get another one.
Yeah, I'll skip the refill route. I don't need blacklung on top of everything :lot-o-toke:

I got word back from the supplier who suggested a blasting with compressed air, so the shake, blast, bake process will commence shortly.

They all got a feeding last night. Apart from the burnt cola on the AK420 and some yellowing and a little reddening on the BCN, they all look healthy and happy - I have no worries. The new Amnesia and White Widow are dwarfing the previous gen - more than 1/3 taller, more colas and better green colour, and as you can see much bigger than the AK420 and BCN (which had root aphids and continuous day for 1.5 months) - comparing the yield will be interesting.

The chop-happy @CraZysWeeD will be happy to hear that the AK420 gets the chop on Thursday after a 36h dark period :cheesygrinsmiley:

I think this shows the tent at max capacity. I no longer entertain the idea of cramming 8 plants in there... Six autos is just right to utilize the resources. With the the AK420 leaving on Thursday and the BCN leaving 14 days after that, two seedlings will move in and it will look a little less crowded again. TOG[1] FTW!


A few leaves on Barbarella the BCN has a funny asymmetry with a sideways bend. It also has a blue'ish tint to parts of the leaves, although there seem to be less of that as the plant grows. A genetic trait, or something else? :

Day_26_ Barbarella.JPG

[1] TOG = Triple Overlapping Grow :cool:
I have no worries

What's the secret behind that? :D

AK420 gets the chop on Thursday

Chop-soy-deluxe! :laughtwo:

I no longer entertain the idea of cramming 8 plants in there...

Ah man you should at least try! This is how craZy that can look... think this madness is two years ago now.


Barbarella the BCN has a funny asymmetry

I have plants with leafs that look like that often. Don't know if its a def or not but they usually turn out ok in the end.

Your tent looks awesome Cosmos, keep it up! :)
What's the secret behind that?
Take the wisdom, consolation, encouragement and reassurance you get here on 420, and your worries will evaporate :)

Well, as least to some degree. I admit that there's some worry - there should probably always be just enough worry to keep you on your toes. But not worries of the defeated and depressed kind, just of the aware and at-the-ready kind ;)
Those leaves could mean nothing as Crazy mentioned, but keep an eye out for something that may look like K def. Normally the leaves will darken quite a bit then pick up a blueish hue to them before the edges start to curl up and brown. Again, it could be nothing but at least you know what to be looking for if it's a def.
Hooray - the filter is now fixed! The details are in the filter/fan thread here.


Glad you got it working! :)

I miss that madness! Every time I see your tent I wish it looked like that grow even with all the troubles at the end.

I miss it as well, that's the benefit of running same strain instead of the potpourri I got. Man I wish I could grow like you and give a rats ass about what people think. That's one of the dangers with this forum one looses even more perspective of what's really not legal here.
I found something very scary when chopping the AK420. This is that big cola that started to yellow and dry out (mentioned a few postings back here). It sort of split open when I handled it, and it was not a pretty sight:


Here is a close-up. That looks like some sort of mycelium. So we're looking at mold here, right? It does not smell bad - maybe slightly different than the other colas, but not disgusting or any other familiar smells.

This plant was that one that was so bushy it was impenetrable, the one I considered defoliating some... I don't know if that would've helped.

Now, the one thing I'm really scared of is that there may be mold spores on the other colas, or even in the tent. Especially after it split open in proximity to everything. I have thrown it away now, and washed all the trays and tools I used.

Is there danger of spread in the drying box? Is there anything I can do to be on top of this? Is this the situation where I should take my H2O2 and do a bud wash?

Damn so sorry to see that NS :(. The fact that it was living in the tent with fans blowing means the spores are already spread, so the best you can do is to keep the RH down and the fans moving. Not sure what your RH is in the tent but getting it down into the low 40% range would be good.

You also might want to speed up the drying on the remaining hanging buds with a fan for a day, just to get them out of the damp stage faster.
Damn so sorry to see that NS :(. The fact that it was living in the tent with fans blowing means the spores are already spread, so the best you can do is to keep the RH down and the fans moving. Not sure what your RH is in the tent but getting it down into the low 40% range would be good.

You also might want to speed up the drying on the remaining hanging buds with a fan for a day, just to get them out of the damp stage faster.

The harvest is not wasted though right? It can be used for oils?
That's what I'm afraid of - spores everywhere :eek:

The other colas had no visible signs of mold. Are they safe for smoking? Bubble-hash? Edibles?

If he tossed it then good riddance to bad rubbish. It could be cleaned and used for topical oils, but it's a stinky process as well as the fact that you need a good amount of bud to make topicals, so I'm not sure it's worth it for a few ounces of finished product.
I tossed that cola. There has been ca. 40% RH in the tent. But... are you saying it's all ruined?

Is there a chance that the spores will not take hold and die out if I run the RH low? Or is there a greater chance, or a near certainty, that it will spread to every plant in the tent?

Can I spray the plants with diluted vinegar? I'll wash everything with it anyway, tent, tools, trays...
I wouldn't spray my plants with acetic acid personally. I have sprayed them with 3% H2O2 but I haven't found it all that effective for bud rot. I would just keep the air dry and moving.

The rest of the harvest is fine unless you see mold growing on any of the buds. Everything we eat has mold spores on it anyway.

When the tent is empty I would clean it with diluted bleach solution and let it air dry. Protect your lungs, eyes, and hands though!
The rest of the harvest is fine unless you see mold growing on any of the buds. Everything we eat has mold spores on it anyway.
That's a relief to hear. So there's no such thing as "microscopic invisible dangerous death mold" that will make itself undetectable and spring into action and destroy everything later on? Unless I find anything by visual
l inspection of the harvest and the plants in the tent, I can keep things going and the produce will not be "dangerous" in any way?

The action plan so far:
- keep a low low RH to begin with in the drying box
- open windows and tent, let the cold, dry winter air through
- inspect the plants thoroughly every day
- move the plants out of the tent and clean it inside
- wipe down everything in sight
Not much more I can do...

How long after the last mold-sighting will it take before I can declare my setup mold-free?

Stupid Qs and all that, but I'm in alien territory here...
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