Noreastfog, 12 Pot Ebb & Grow, First Ever Grow

Day 10 Pics!!! I still have 2/3 runts but they are showing signs of growth, hopefully they will catch up. It is amazing how much "Greener" they look under normal light.






I'm pulling up a chair! I just purchased the ebb and grow system and am setting up my grow room as we speak! My first grow was unsuccessful with the BCNL Producer but hopefully this grow will go better! Good luck to you and I will be tuned in all the way! PitViper is the man as I have noticed through all my readings of alot of journals! Take his advice.

I'm as NUb as a Nubie can be, IMHO there are a few fundamental rules to a successful E & G grow. Get on 420 mag, observe the masters, when in doubt ask questions. I'm not sure where the patience comes from to answer the seemingly endless stream of questions, but I'm glad they have it.
I would not want to learn this by trial and error (after error) on my own.
They're looking mighty fine NorEast!

(Little bit of yellowing on the leave ends? That should be ok if new growth looks good)

Looking at these vs. page 1 pics, one can see definite growth and vigor.

You'll need a machete pretty soon!



Yeah the little bits of burn is pretty random and isolated to older leaves. I think they all look pretty good in spite of all they've been through.
Thanks for the PH / nutrient uptake chart, I had seen something like that before (but didn't save it), thanks for the reference right in my journal.
Okay need some advise.

My light schedule is still 18/6 of course. On at 6 PM off at 12 Noon. I checked my room this morning and the lights were off. From the location of the "off" tab on the timer it looks like they went off at 6 AM.

Question should I turn them back on immediately and keep the same light schedule (6 PM to Noon), or just have them come on earlier 3 PM instead of 6 (or whatever). NOT ready for bloom yet.

I'll use pliers to tighten the damn thing this time, arrh
Okay need some advise.

My light schedule is still 18/6 of course. On at 6 PM off at 12 Noon. I checked my room this morning and the lights were off. From the location of the "off" tab on the timer it looks like they went off at 6 AM.

Question should I turn them back on immediately and keep the same light schedule (6 PM to Noon), or just have them come on earlier 3 PM instead of 6 (or whatever). NOT ready for bloom yet.

I'll use pliers to tighten the damn thing this time, arrh

Morning NEF.

I'd turn that light back on. An hour or two of missing light won't disrupt the sched too much. But leaving it off longer until your next cycle might be a bit too long. You using a digital timer or just a standard analog with the tabs you push in or out?

With ya man.

Hi everyone!
I'm back after a couple of busy, stressful days away from my grow. Actually kind of therapeutic, great to be focused on something else to put things into perspective. Weeds grow :smokin:, just try not to get in the way.
I WAS kind of frustrated with not knowing what I am doing, especially when random sh!t happens.
Deep breath
Plants look healthy... I just reviewed the day 10 pics (Monday), some very good growth.
Still have runts, that haven't done much of anything, doubt they will catch up.
Res change tonight.
SF I just use the CAP Fill pump. I just pull the hose off the controller and pump into a bucket. Maybe next time.
I read in your journal where someone vacs out the bottom of the res tank to get the sludge. Last time I only took out what pumped out, I think this time I will do a more thorough drain.
I will do a photo update later on
Hey Man.

Looking forward to it.

I hear you on the stress days. I have this one particular "war" game that I play on on the PC. Either that or a nice long nap...both tend to be very therapeutic as well. It does help to get your mind off the grow. Last night I swear I was having dreams of the plants attacking me.

Have a great weekend!
Hey Man.

Looking forward to it.

I hear you on the stress days. I have this one particular "war" game that I play on on the PC. Either that or a nice long nap...both tend to be very therapeutic as well. It does help to get your mind off the grow. Last night I swear I was having dreams of the plants attacking me.

Have a great weekend!

AHAHAHA, I have totally had dreams of my garden, some good, some bad.
Things haven't worked out for pics this weekend. Camera wasn't home.
Things are looking really good. Good color, good growth!!!
Res change went smooth. I'm not sure though that I understand how to read my PPM stick?

Bluelab "Truncheon"

It has two scales. EC / PPM (EC X 500)

CF / PPM (EC X 700)

I know last week I had "issues", and that I had calculated "light".

This week 5ml per liter @ 120 liters = 600ml = approx 2.5 cups (of A and B)

I have been using the EC / PPM (EC X 500) to determine the PPM
My reading after adding 3 cups of A and B is an EC of 1.6 for 800 PPM

However, if I use the other side of the scale CF / PPM (EC X 700) my measurement is CF of 16 for 1120 PPM

The plants look good so I'm not worried about them. I did read the manual, but that was in the middle of a barrage of other info I was trying to absorb.

Can't wait to update you guys with pics :surf:
So... After not having a camera, to lens errors, I finally have some pics.

Apologies for the "lights on" light wash but you get the idea.

I have repositioned the girls under the lights to try to maximize the light to the smallest.

I have a new "nute" meter. It was reading "lite". I'm still reading lighter than my previous res 900PPM vs 1050PPM but the girls are looking great and lacking nothing.

Some of the runts have begun to grow, I have one very pronounced runt left. I like underdogs though.






The tallest are now between 8-9 inches tall, I will be switching to bloom at 12-14 inches.

Can't believe the difference the humidifier and air stone have made!
Hey NEF.

Looking great! Now the fun begins, ;-)

(did you mention previously if you have a fan blowing on these ladies?)


Definitely happy with the progress, looking forward to having a forest like yours.
I have two fans. One that is on all the time and one that is timed with the lights. The "timed" fan is coupled with the Co2 and so only applies Co2 with the lights on. I do not have a Co2 meter and just use a cycle timer that delivers the Co2 15 min of every hour. I'm honestly not SURE of the effectiveness of my set-up, my room is vented (albeit into my basement, so it would recycle)
Hey NEF!

Just stopping in man. I'm dealing with all kinds of climate BS, can't seem to get anything dialed in. Had to stop my CO2 for a bit to see what's going on.

They say these problems make us "stronger" growers, but don't you wish you could just put some seeds in the Microwave, and out would come a couple ounces of bud without any of the growing pains? I think we could make some $$ if we could figure that one out.


Just wanted to say I feel any and all of your pain, and I'm here with you man!

Have a great day!
SF I hear ya on the microwave. Funny how there is no shortcut to experience. It will be nice when our plants "talk" to us and its not foreign language.

I have been watching (with concern) your battle with things. You have capable help.

My girls are happy and growing! My runt even grew about 3" in two days
I'm now close to 3 weeks of veg, and I may not make it to 4. I don't want/can't have them get to big.

Just earlier as I was lost in thought gazing at my little beauties, I figured out how I will move some plants around with my res change to give more breathing room.
SF I hear ya on the microwave. Funny how there is no shortcut to experience. It will be nice when our plants "talk" to us and its not foreign language.

I have been watching (with concern) your battle with things. You have capable help.

My girls are happy and growing! My runt even grew about 3" in two days
I'm now close to 3 weeks of veg, and I may not make it to 4. I don't want/can't have them get to big.

Just earlier as I was lost in thought gazing at my little beauties, I figured out how I will move some plants around with my res change to give more breathing room.

Reading is a shortcut to experience, because you get to experience others problems and solutions before you encounter it yourself. . . and an open mind coupled with open ears and open eyes can be a huge shortcut if you hear and see a lot of good things, which is why it's so important to have good teachers. it shortens the learning curve significantly.

you still have to put in the work though, your right, and there really is no comparison to actual experience.

you'll be reading your plants real soon, learning the habits of each strain, but they still always say something you dont understand once and a while no matter how experienced you are. we're all students of the game till we die. :reading420magazine::reading420magazine::ganjamon:
Reading is a shortcut to experience, because you get to experience others problems and solutions before you encounter it yourself. . . and an open mind coupled with open ears and open eyes can be a huge shortcut if you hear and see a lot of good things, which is why it's so important to have good teachers. it shortens the learning curve significantly.

you still have to put in the work though, your right, and there really is no comparison to actual experience.

you'll be reading your plants real soon, learning the habits of each strain, but they still always say something you dont understand once and a while no matter how experienced you are. we're all students of the game till we die. :reading420magazine::reading420magazine::ganjamon:

Thanks Wheelo! :amen: and long live 420 Magizine for providing the "forum" and community. :nomo: Long may you grow
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