Nor. Light x Skunk #1 (G-Force) L.S.T.

Re: Nor. Light x Skunk #1 (G-Force) *L.S.T.*

Thats what im thinking shaggy, i just want to make sure i cut them at their most potent state. ill keep watching them glands and update you guys.
AlwaysBuzzed- i agree, i only had a certain amount of space inside my box. I thought they would stretch more than they did so i just played it safe and started them after 5 weeks veg.
First time grow though all learning, number one thing ive learned..Figure out a way to house a HPS...hah but for now these will do. :grinjoint:
Re: Nor. Light x Skunk #1 (G-Force) *L.S.T.*

If they are still clear you still have a ways to go.. They will thicken up in the last two weeks of their life. Be patient, it will all start coming together soon..
Re: Nor. Light x Skunk #1 (G-Force) *L.S.T.*

Here are some new a little better quality pics. Day 54 flower. theyre finally thickening up a little. Molasses seems to be working fine, but i need to cut back on the nutes a lil. my tips are browning up a little bit on one of the plants.

here they are.



Soon :bong:

Any of you guys have opinions on hang dry and jar curing? I think thats the method im going to approach, ive been reading and you can simply make a dryer with a tupperware or shoebox with a fan cut into it. then once the stems snap after 4-5 days i can move them into jars and begin burping. Anyone have another approach, or should i stay researching this way?
Re: Nor. Light x Skunk #1 (G-Force) *L.S.T.*

If you put a fan on those they will be dry in a day or two.
I hang them, put them in a jar for a night, then into bags for a day or two then back into jars for curing. Just keep an eye on them and don't let them dry out to much. I also like to sneak into the flower room right before the lights go on and chop that sucker. You gotta be sneaky though so none of the others know what is happening... :smokin:
Re: Nor. Light x Skunk #1 (G-Force) *L.S.T.*

OK guys i just did some major inspecting after my two week break. I havent looked at the main colas buds under the scope since dec. heres what i saw on a clipping from the largest nug. Looked as if all the trichromes are formed some look cloudy others look clear, its hard to tell but none are under-formed. This was my main large cola that is the nicest, most mature looking nud.

I also took a clipping from a lower, smaller nug and under the scope it seemed at the base of the bud leaf the trichromes were formed and clearish but toward the tip of the leaf there were some dog haired looking trichromes, under-formed.

Its day 55 flower considering i gave my time sched. a 21 day grace period for the veg to switch to flower.( so theyre really around 70ish days old) So i figure growing under CFL they would take a little longer anyway, no harm. Some of these nugs are starting to look ready, im guessing within the next month theyll all be done, but ....

Here is one of my questions, Can i cut my two main, most mature nugs and leave the other less mature ones to grow longer? or will the plant start regenerating and take focus of budding? Please let me know im going to take a test nug in 11 days to test potency and taste. Let me know if you guys have any experience on cutting other than the microscope?
Re: Nor. Light x Skunk #1 (G-Force) *L.S.T.*

I wouldn't have cut any until I start seeing some amber trichs. The "day's old" really doesn't matter. The trichs really give a clear time for when the buds are mature. ;-) I swear by this method, so I don't really have any other way to tell. Some strains need more time, and ya have to give it to em. It will be worth it in the end. ;-)
Re: Nor. Light x Skunk #1 (G-Force) *L.S.T.*

Ya i dont have any prob with letting them go its alrdy been 3 months why rush it now. As far as taking a sample in a few weeks will it hurt the plant if i cut a small one off? or will it not effect the plants flowering.

:edit- Also when should i begin the flush (im using clear-ex the 2nd to last week and h20 only the last week.) when the trichs become amber or before that?
Re: Nor. Light x Skunk #1 (G-Force) *L.S.T.*

I wouldn't have cut any until I start seeing some amber trichs. The "day's old" really doesn't matter. The trichs really give a clear time for when the buds are mature. ;-) I swear by this method, so I don't really have any other way to tell. Some strains need more time, and ya have to give it to em. It will be worth it in the end. ;-)

I agree with mrs fox 100 percent. radio shack sells a hand held microscope with a light for like 20 bucks.

you are close.
Nor. Light & Skunk #1 **UPDATE** New H.Q. Pics.. 56K beware

So here they are i FINALLY got a macro camara so i can share the beauty of these things with everyone whos helped so far. Here they are. day 56 Flower.

Here is a picture of the actual nug that the seeds were pulled from that i order from England.
Flying Dutchman G Force (Northern Lights and Skunk 1) Heavy Indica hybrid.

Here is my largest nug of GForce, Can you say like mother like daughter. hahah

Heres a couple more of my fav shots.



Here is a couple tiny nugs



More cool Shots.

Re: Nor. Light x Skunk #1 (G-Force) *L.S.T.*

Look at the sparkle on those ladies! Great job man they look sweeeeeeeet.
Re: Nor. Light x Skunk #1 (G-Force) *L.S.T.*

Yo guys need some advice, ive been feeding them h20 and molasses only for going on 4 weeks now after i noticed a little nute burn. I dont think that im going to flush them really heavily so im only using organics now.

Question is under the microscope the trichs are still mostly milky some clear. I havent noticed any amber trichs yet but when do you think these things will be ready for cut, for now im thinking another 3-5 weeks and then harvest. What do you guys think, ill get more macro photos soon.


Plant #1 no-lst


Plant #1 Main Cola.


Plant #2 LST


Main Cola Plant #2


Cool pic of the smaller nugs
Chopped GForce Nug today!! (Northrn Lights x Skunk) journal

I chopped the most mature nug on the plant so far, saw many amber's beggining to form. The reat of the plant is going to keep going for a couple weeks they are still clearish trichs.

Heres my 7 gram nug that is on day 3 dry in a cardboard box hanging. Going to brown paper bag her soon then it straight to curing for 2 weeks.

How does she look guys?

GForce- (Northern Lights x Skunk #1) by Flying dutchman Seeds.


Re: Nor. Light x Skunk #1 (G-Force) *L.S.T.*

jedwhylee, the ladies are phat, fat, and mature.
Any of you guys have opinions on hang dry
That is all I use is Hang Dry method, sometimes drying upside down for 5-15 days depends on the buds, and then trimmed up, then graded, then into storage containers. I use a combination of Glass Jars, Zip Locks, Seal A Meals, all stored in 5 Gallon buckets with lids.

You buds harvested and the ones growing are beautiful. Good Job
Re: Nor. Light x Skunk #1 (G-Force) *L.S.T.*

Hell ya thanks for the possitive feedback guys. Cant wait for a the cured smoke session..:cheer::roorrip:
Re: Nor. Light x Skunk #1 (G-Force) *L.S.T.*

Hi jedwhylee,

Nice buds, Make sure you post a smoke report on that one. looks tasty!

I have a Lemon skunk in veg for 4 weeks now, it is a similar size to urs when you went into veg - Im using LEDs so I think growth is slowed a bit. Im thinkin bout topping it and leaving it in veg for another week or two, I read earlier on in this journal it would increase yields?

How often do you water your plant? Should it be when the top soils dry or just evry week a bit? Also I havnt used any nutes yet so I think some GROW would help a bit for the last part of vegging?

all the best with your grow! looking good so far!
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