Nobody's COB Perpetual: Various Strains & Some Edible Fun At Times In A Tiny Tent

MMG Nagual 1:1 (Pf)x2 - Day 141 - outside June 1

Unknown C99 photo @ 62 days
Greenhouse Seed Company Diamond Girl @ 46 days

Barney's Pinā Pronto @ 40 days

Dutch Passion Auto Durban Poison @ 34 days
Dutch Passion Auto Cinderella Jack @ 34 days

Dutch Passion Auto Glueberry OG @ 27 days - wonky leaves

Today I wrapped the auto hindu kush and auto blueberry in napkins and placed in a warm windowsill. It's fucking hot out, last night here in the urban it was 100 at 9pm still. I am doing my best to keep the rootball of the Nag moist and cool, it does get some shade <10K lux during the hottest 4 hours of the day. With my lux meter, 4pm is like 200K.(FWIW, my tent is 35K full blast at canopy w 480w)Today I gave the Nag 2L of 500ppm, another 6L of 200ppm (just big bloom) and a few sprays with the hose.

She showed a few yellowing leaves, so the 1st 2L of the day had a bit of Grow Big in it. I will probably repeat this tomorrow. I also sprayed with Spinosad again last night-this was this plants second application. I noticed a touch of PM here and there. I ordered some of the same 'cide that @InTheShed is currently using and plan for an evening application soon-i do have slightly warmer temps and lower RH than shed has, so I expect marginally better results. With any moisture in the air say above a certain RH 50%, your going to have this IMO.

This morning at 10am my family and I did a little test. We took my son's RC car temp gun (200 bucks-considered reliable) and measured the surface temperature of several pots outside. The air temp was about 90-92.

Plastic White Pot in Direct Sun
Glazed Terracotta Pot in Partial Sun
Glazed Terracotta Pot in Shade
Terracotta in Shade
Smartpot (Nag) in Direct Sun

Guesses? It is and is not what you think.
Inside a plant might show pistils in 7-10 days. Outside it will be more like mid to late July, or 3-4 weeks after the longest day of the year.
None of my outdoor girls are showing any pistils yet. I keep waiting to see something. Looks like the Northern Light is starting to stretch a little so she might be getting ready to start throwing pistils.
MMG Nagual 1:1 (Pf)x2 - Day 141 - outside June 1

Unknown C99 photo @ 62 days
Greenhouse Seed Company Diamond Girl @ 46 days

Barney's Pinā Pronto @ 40 days

Dutch Passion Auto Durban Poison @ 34 days
Dutch Passion Auto Cinderella Jack @ 34 days

Dutch Passion Auto Glueberry OG @ 27 days - wonky leaves

Today I wrapped the auto hindu kush and auto blueberry in napkins and placed in a warm windowsill. It's fucking hot out, last night here in the urban it was 100 at 9pm still. I am doing my best to keep the rootball of the Nag moist and cool, it does get some shade <10K lux during the hottest 4 hours of the day. With my lux meter, 4pm is like 200K.(FWIW, my tent is 35K full blast at canopy w 480w)Today I gave the Nag 2L of 500ppm, another 6L of 200ppm (just big bloom) and a few sprays with the hose.

She showed a few yellowing leaves, so the 1st 2L of the day had a bit of Grow Big in it. I will probably repeat this tomorrow. I also sprayed with Spinosad again last night-this was this plants second application. I noticed a touch of PM here and there. I ordered some of the same 'cide that @InTheShed is currently using and plan for an evening application soon-i do have slightly warmer temps and lower RH than shed has, so I expect marginally better results. With any moisture in the air say above a certain RH 50%, your going to have this IMO.

This morning at 10am my family and I did a little test. We took my son's RC car temp gun (200 bucks-considered reliable) and measured the surface temperature of several pots outside. The air temp was about 90-92.

Plastic White Pot in Direct Sun
Glazed Terracotta Pot in Partial Sun
Glazed Terracotta Pot in Shade
Terracotta in Shade
Smartpot (Nag) in Direct Sun

Guesses? It is and is not what you think.
Here are some 2 months outside 'flowering' photos. Overcast today, but still reading 20K lux on the meter. Little cooler....more humid, will spray with the southern anti-fungal this pm.

My cisterns got filled yay....was running low on water.

And a couple from today....

Got almost 3" yesterday with a freak storm. Plant got flushed, lol. So hit her pretty hard w nutes today, will have to start spraying with the hose in a day or so as temps go up. Sprayed with BT tonight.

I have 2 autos in flower in solo cups under the 4K. Guess the little spogs will stay in cups...not going to waste soil or space on them.

My friend dropped off another MMG seed pack's Txaki. I will be dropping one next after I get the Auto Blueberry and Hindu Kush into promix hp. It might get vegged till next spring....who knows.

Txaki (TX-1) is a 1:1& sativa dominant strain. It has a unique heritage taken from the rare Mexican cut Tijuana, a favorite for cannabis connoisseurs worldwide. During testing, Txaki’s CBD count ranged from 17.5% to 8.9%, while its THC count ranged from 11.4% to 4.5%. This strain is recommended for those that are looking for the therapeutic effects of both CBD and THC with a more sativa like cerebral effect. Txaki flowers with bright white colors and high amounts of resin and should provide a wide range of therapeutic properties and pleasant flavor to the medicinal user. Txaki is suitable for both making extractions and vaping/smoking. Txaki (TX-1) can be grown both indoors and outdoors. It is recommended for all environments and grow-media but can often become very large. Therefore, it is recommended that she is given plenty of space.

Breeder : Medical Marijuana Genetics
Genetics : Tijuana x CD-1
Variety : Mostly Sativa
Flowering Type : Photoperiod
Sex : Feminized
THC Content : 4.5%-11%
CBD Content : 8.9%-17.5%
Yield : 300-500 gr/m2
Plant Height : Tall
Grows : Greenhouse, Indoors, Outdoors
Flowering Time : 10-11 Weeks
12 feet outdoors, but everything is bigger in Texas, which is even the first two letters of the strain name!

I saw it listed as: Txaki (TX-1) is a 2:1 Sativa, so I don't know if it's 1:1 or 2:1. MMG's site is down so that's a cached link.

Either way, I'm glad the Nagual stood tall through the storm.

F-yeah. Might drop one and run it inside and pull a clone or two for spring. I am sure I can keep it under 12'.

It's 2 cbd : 1 thc or thereabouts.

It will be interesting to see another MMG strain. We know Candida and Nagual are decent enough. If this plant is as stable as all there other stuff, then it should be fun with some killer weeed.
MMG Nagual 1:1 (Pf)x2 - Day 141 - outside June 1

Unknown C99 photo @ 72 days
Greenhouse Seed Company Diamond Girl @ 56 days


Barney's Pinā Pronto @ 50 days
Dutch Passion Auto Durban Poison @ 44 days
Dutch Passion Auto Cinderella Jack @ 44 days

Dutch Passion Auto Glueberry OG @ 37 days - wonky leaves

Today I up-potted the two photos (c99 and Diamond Girl), they came out of the solos fine and it was all a snap. Roots looked good, they got put in smart #4 pots, medium being mixed promix hp with roots organic and a few cups of my old supersoil under it. I did get my 2.5 bag of Mykos in and used that.

The diamond girl has a clothespin on the pot.

The spogfest of autos be spogging along. The pair of plants in the front were transplanted to the larger pots.

Meanwhile, out in the backyard, it's hot as fawk. Temps have been over 100 for the better part of 4 days now, I think it cooled to 83 last night at the house. The Nag gets a break around 6-8 when it's in shade partially. Still getting about a gallon of nutes (and N) a day and another gallon of bib water to keep rootball cool. I am starting to see some pistols starting to mature.....but still have at least a month to go. Weight gain is better than inside the tent with the last plant. I pulled 6.5 zips off Mom, this plant should break a half pound easily.

Another hot ass day. And hot ass night as well. Seems we have quite a few days of this.

It's so hot my dog avoids me.

I gave the Nag a lotta nutes, like 4.5 L, then it got hosed with tap around 3p.

Glare in photos is from the sun coming through the trees, not leaf damage....all my leaves are perfect.

Continue with hot - ness.
Today it's slightly cooler, we got a little rain, there are still some clouds. I am going to spray the Nag with Spinosad later in the day-it's been about 15 days since the last application. I kept her under an overhang so there would not be rain weight on her. I did mix up about 2.5L of stronger than normal nutes, with about 1.25ml of grow big and a bunch of the Roots orgainic Teas up to about 1200ppm. I am also giving this plant Mammoth P at every watering unless it involves the hose.

Some more take up of fan leaves, and in general the fan leaves that are older are now looking more faded. Pistols via eyeball say at least another month....still pretty immature on the buds and their rate of maturity is much slower outside.

Really enjoying this outdoor grow, thinking of 2-4 in 7 to 10g smarts next spring. I think I could pull a couple # off 4 nicely vegged plants of decent strains that I know have performed inside for me.....
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