Nobody's COB Perpetual: Various Strains & Some Edible Fun At Times In A Tiny Tent


How do you dilute your BT? I picked up a fresh, stored indoor bottle today, actually wife did. What is spray schedule? Post care after spray (less light?). F-it?

@Virgin ground does not like me squeeshing them. They do pop.
Couldn't help but tease me,eh? I guess I can get behind that.

Also... EEEWWWWW!!!!!!!
How do you dilute your BT? I picked up a fresh, stored indoor bottle today, actually wife did. What is spray schedule? Post care after spray (less light?). F-it?
My BT came already mixed in a spray bottle. I've been using spinosad lately because it's concentrated, so a heck of a lot cheaper...and it kills other bugs as well.

I spray first thing in the morning before the sun heats up the leaves so it evaporates before it might burn. I don't do it at sunset because the dew would wash it off. If it's dry at night by you you could do it early evening instead.
My BT came already mixed in a spray bottle. I've been using spinosad lately because it's concentrated, so a heck of a lot cheaper...and it kills other bugs as well.

I spray first thing in the morning before the sun heats up the leaves so it evaporates before it might burn. I don't do it at sunset because the dew would wash it off. If it's dry at night by you you could do it early evening instead.

My BT is concentrate, from local co-op. I cut it at 2ml per ~15ozs. Per inst for fruit tbsp /gal.

I figure I will start with BT. I don't really see damage, and the bud tops look healthy. But I know the suckers are there, I saw one on my shoe today. If it gets worse or I spot other critters I will get some spinosad.

Whats funny was this plant was covered with critters under the leaves inside, but a few days outside and their all Different environment.

I sprayed this morning, plant stayed in the shade till it evap. Will probably spray it again tonight at sundown. Continue monitoring and spray once good a week. It's my understanding BT only is active for about 12 hours after spraying in our sun/temp and about 18-20 hours if applied at sundown.
12 hours isn't long so it's probably a good idea to do once in the morning and again at night. I don't know if caterpillars have a feeding time. Might depend on species.
I gave it another quick mixing and spray tonight.

I also noticed a caterpillar on a line from the crepe myrtle above, and the big red dragonfly hauled ass with it. lol.
MMG Nagual 1:1 (Pf)x2 - Day 141 - outside June 1

Unknown C99 photo @ 45 days
Greenhouse Seed Company Diamond Girl @ 29 days

Barney's Pinā Pronto @ 23 days

Dutch Passion Auto Durban Poison @ 17 days
Dutch Passion Auto Cinderella Jack @ 17 days

Dutch Passion Auto Glueberry OG @ 10 days - wonky leaves.

Hope everyone is having a relaxing peaceful a little CRB on followed by Santana. It's overcast here and cooler thanks to the storm, I only gave the Nagual about 3 L this morning and that should carry it for the day. Since it's cloudy, i decided to spray it with 15 oz of BT 2ml. Have not seen any activity since I started spraying. My crepe myrtle droppings seem to litter the plant so I pick those off daily.

Over in the veg section we have the photos on the left and the autos on the right, the larger auto is the Barney's Pineapple Express, I am considering topping it and letting the nodes grow a bit before it goes outside in a 2gal smartpot (final pot). I will also top or fim the two photos.

The Nagual clone did not make biggie, I will be dropping another HK Auto and maybe a photo in the next week.

The Dutch Passion Auto Glueberry 1 of 3 that sprouted has some funky leaf thing going.

I continue to treat surfaces in the veg area before lights out with IS. none on the plants though. Have not spotted any bugs yet. Fingers crossed.

Considering breaking down the tent for a few weeks since it's not in use so I can put in a mini split on the master (long story, but between the lights, body heat, west facing, etc, it could use some help over there.) Looking at the Bosch 9000btu unit.
I gave the nagual a good 5-6L of nutes in different batches today, 1st one was around 450ppm, others around 200ppm, some molasses, pro-tekt (helps w heat stress right?), some ofthe roots organic stuff, seaplex, yadda yadda. I have a bunch of nutes, and I just go through the, only thing I watch is the N as it's reduced through the grow until I get yellows, then I give it.

I also hosed off the rootball w the waterhose today. It's just hot AF out. Plant looks happy as long as I keep a sprinkler on it.

Actually listening to the Beatles today- The Hor Zu press of Magical Mystery Tour. I have this love hate thing w the beatles. Many of their LPs as a whole are just wonderful listens, taken in context their amazing. One song in the playlist makes me barf...I almost can't stand them this way. odd.
Today it's hitting 100, the temp, not the index. I gave the Nagual 3L this morning and will be back after a visit to my cousin to pick up some shrimp he brought back from La this week.

Monday night I felt something weird in my mouth, my lower rear molar had basically fractured in half. So got to go visit my 3 closest dentist friends. Endo got a root canal in it with enough top so perio will shave off some bone in the rear of the jaw and proths will place a nice gold crown on it.

I've never had a filling, but a few implants. Jaw was a little sore after the injections. No script or OTC used, just hit some of the Naguals mother last night and that did more than the trick.

I have a pretty tight bite that is difficult to do work in and get it correct. The three doctors working on me are all south american nationals with US boards. Interesting thought to ponder.
Today at dusk I sprayed 16 ounces of spinosad mix on the plant (and a couple other plants). Earlier when I got back from the shrimp run I took the hose to the plant after giving it another liter of nutes-mostly the roots organic stuff.

Now just chilling to some Television - Marquee Moon. Dunno why, but I have been playing the shit out of this for the past 10 days or so.

After that going to listen to a couple Dead Lovelights w Janis joining in. There will be screaming.

Toof is fine today.
This morning after the spinosad application she got about 3L of nutes, mostly organic, but I did add a little grow big for fast N. I do this about 2x a week so I don't get as many yellowing inners.

This plant is going to go much longer outside than it did in a tent. I can't get over that really until I see it. I also sprayed the rootball this afternoon with the hose.
Those stakes will be insufficient when the front of the plant starts dragging on the ground from the buds!

Last time she supported herself mostly in the tent, this plant has a much better spine, I inspect it a lot to make sure there are no cracks or it's V are not splitting, so far, so good.

I have some bamboo in the garage in 6' lengths. I guess I can rig up some sort of tomato cage.
It might be windier outside too! I have no doubt you will sort it out though.
I've a pretty decent slope in the yard. She is supported better than it looks. At night she goes on a concrete pad that is level. I have found her blown over a few times because of gusts during storms, no biggie. Just a big ass fern of sorts.
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