MMG Nagual 1:1 (Pf)x2 - Day 141 - outside June 1
Unknown C99 photo @ 45 days
Greenhouse Seed Company Diamond Girl @ 29 days
Barney's Pinā Pronto @ 23 days
Dutch Passion Auto Durban Poison @ 17 days
Dutch Passion Auto Cinderella Jack @ 17 days
Dutch Passion Auto Glueberry OG @ 10 days - wonky leaves.
Hope everyone is having a relaxing peaceful a little CRB on followed by Santana. It's overcast here and cooler thanks to the storm, I only gave the Nagual about 3 L this morning and that should carry it for the day. Since it's cloudy, i decided to spray it with 15 oz of BT 2ml. Have not seen any activity since I started spraying. My crepe myrtle droppings seem to litter the plant so I pick those off daily.
Over in the veg section we have the photos on the left and the autos on the right, the larger auto is the Barney's Pineapple Express, I am considering topping it and letting the nodes grow a bit before it goes outside in a 2gal smartpot (final pot). I will also top or fim the two photos.
The Nagual clone did not make biggie, I will be dropping another HK Auto and maybe a photo in the next week.
The Dutch Passion Auto Glueberry 1 of 3 that sprouted has some funky leaf thing going.
I continue to treat surfaces in the veg area before lights out with IS. none on the plants though. Have not spotted any bugs yet. Fingers crossed.
Considering breaking down the tent for a few weeks since it's not in use so I can put in a mini split on the master (long story, but between the lights, body heat, west facing, etc, it could use some help over there.) Looking at the Bosch 9000btu unit.