Niwashi Tries Monster Cropping

Thanks @JustMeds ! I will let the roots keep developing.

@Scrogdawg thanks for checking in! Agreed, JM has been keeping me pointed in the right direction :) Now, I do have a DWC question for you! Have you ever run the Advanced Nutrients Trio? I used almost all of my GH Flora Trio on this grow, and the AN trio was actually $3 cheaper than the GH so I picked up the AN.

I see that they advise keeping the whole trio in a 1:blushsmile:1 ratio the entire grow and just keep upping the PPMs. Would love to hear from some AN trio users!

Day 11

Alright, So I have roots on 4 and bumps on 4, the last one looks promising but its hard to tell. It is in the center position in the cloner, and it has the thickest stem. Wondering if its not getting adequate water or if the thicker ones just take more time to show bumps and root. Time will tell. I will post some pics soon.

@JustMeds wow, that stuff is cheap! I didnt go with AN to necessarily save money, but because it was cheaper than the GH trio, I figured why not give it a shot. Also, becuase you use the GH trio in different ratios throught the grow, I dont get even usage, and unless you buy the bottles in a 3 pack bundle its not a great deal, if I'm using AN in 1:blushsmile:1 the whole time, Theoritecaly, I should rund out of the whole set at the same time.

The Chem-Gro is intriguing. I have some buddies that do this commercial in Humboldt County and I'm pretty sure they are all using dry nutes.
I know when I clone in rapid rooters I take a razor blade and shave off the otter layers from the bottom of the cutting. I put in rooting hormone and roots go crazy. I noticed yours are just cut. The suggestion came to be as directed on the rapid rooster gel instruction I think. Not sure if it applied for your style.
@Advocate420 I actually did scrape the stems, but only right at the last internode. There were a couple that I scraped the whole stem on but it’s hard to see in the picture. They all seem to be rooting within a couple days of one another.

The center one has huge bumps on it so she should root in the next day or so.

Fingers crossed for 100% cloning rate!
Day 24

@JustMeds thanks for the advice! With the old crop chopped, I moved four of the clones into the tent. I also have a plant in dirt that I started from an unknown seed that is sharing some of the sweet LED light. If it ends up being female, the cloner will go back into action!

As for what’s in the system:

Aprox 30 gal of 150ppm Tap water
1/8 Cup GH calimagic
1/4 Cup AN Grow
1/4 Cup AN Micro
1/4 Cup AN Bloom
1tsp GH rapid start
pH 5.8
PPM 700

I added 4x top feed drips for the RDWC for until the roots hit the water. Pump runs 5 mins, every 25 mins, recirculating the water and top feeding. I am using a 4 port drip manifold for the top feed, and can shut each one down when the roots hit the water.

Day 34

Thanks @JustMeds !! It’s working pretty well for me. I actually have been away for the past 10 days, with the plants unattended, and miraculously all of them made it. Roots are justs hitting the water. Unfortunately my girlfriend turned the light off on the cloner so I think I may have lost the remaining clones, but the roots still look strong, so I will try to revive them. Pics to follow.
Day 35

I shut off the top feed on three of the plants as their roots were in the water, still have it running on the plant who’s roots haven’t hit the water yet. I also began LST on three of the plants. One needs to grow a bit more before I bend her. Going to whip up a fresh batch of nutes today and most likely double the PPMs.

Day 38
Top feed has been shut off for all plants, and all plants have been bent over

Everything lookin good, except there are a couple brown spots on the roots of one of the plants. How should I treat this? It’s just a little bit of brown slime, but I think the roots are OK

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