Might As Well Take My Own Advice

Plants look great, roots look healthy (though I cut the bottoms off my net-pots to keep the roots free and clear). All is well!

In terms of massage oil (something I know a bit about), if it's going to be a topical pain oil you will need a good amount of weight to hit an effective ratio of THC/oil. For example, starting with 8 ounces of oil, it would take an ounce of decarbed bud (assuming the plant is at 15% THC) to get effective pain oil.

Just an FYI in terms of harvest.
In terms of massage oil (something I know a bit about), if it's going to be a topical pain oil you will need a good amount of weight to hit an effective ratio of THC/oil. For example, starting with 8 ounces of oil, it would take an ounce of decarbed bud (assuming the plant is at 15% THC) to get effective pain oil.

Thans Shed I will definitely be asking questions when I get there lol. I have seen alot about different carrier oils and stuff. My wife loves coconut oil for massages. Whats your favorite.
Well...massage oil and pain oil are different beasts. For pain I use a 50/50 blend of pumpkin and grape seed oils as they absorb very quickly into the skin and take the THC in with them.

If you want something that will work for both massage and pain, I'd go with something more like 40/40 of the above and add 20% fractionated coconut oil. It's liquid at room temps (unlike straight coconut oil) and absorbs much better than its un-fractionated sibling.
Sings the nemo song....just keep growing just keep growing. This girl already puts the seed donor to shame.


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Well happy plant thursday. Everyother week since recieving the new nutrients I have been 25% strength. Today a fresh 6 gallons was mixed. Ph'ed between 5.5 and 6.0. Sorry best I can do till I get a new digital pen. The ecc for this starting batch was 989. I placed the little lady in a bucket of peroxide water while I cleaned the room and changed water.

While she was out I took the opportunity to do some pruning on the back I cant get to real easy. I also took that time to inspect and take some more pictures of the sticky goodness on the back buds.


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I dunno. When I bite into it it reminds me of sunflower seed and it was very unpleasant when it burned.


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So most of this will go the oils and see what happens with 1.1. I have no other plant matter in the house this time and no new beans to sex. If it was genetically a hermy it will show on 1.1. If it was the ball dropper or some random pollen from purchased stuff 1.1 should run smooth. Am I wrong on those assumptions?
Took a bit and stepped back while I was working on the new holes. The 2 current plants running are known as 1.1 and 1.2

1.1 was an early clone taken. She has adapted well to her aquatic home and tonight will start day 1 of her 12 hr schedule. She is currently seated in 15 15w 2700k led bulbs. I have traded out the large 19 gal tote for the much nicer 9 gal. This will save massive amounts of nutrients. 1.1 was grown roughly 8 nodes tall before being bent over. She had a topping done to slow her down a bit while I finished up the flower cabinet. The lights have 2 raills to sit on and those are the only hight adjustments this time. I also built a screen for the canopy 9" above the plant base. I will be letting things grow into it during early strech. Hopefully I can keep those tops a little more even.

Now 1.2 was transferred into a deep water tote today aswell. She has been rooting nicely in double stacked platic containers of soil till today. She was placed in a 9 gal tote as well. She was fed 6 gal of water with 25% strength of early veg notes. I also 25% calmag and clonex to the water. The water was phed between 5.5 and 6.5 after nutrients were added. 1.2 will be staying on an 18 hr schedule till She is ready.

Hopefully this run will be less reproductive.
A few 1.1 pics.


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