Nick Hardy & Co Graduation: Coco Co2 High EC: Grown in Thailand: Perpetual

Big IT project on and my main internet connection had an issue (its my day job we have two 1G symmetric connections - the one does automations and TV’s was down, intermittent.

After one hour of reporting it…


“Maybe my Uncle wants to buy from you” 😂

The tech is top notch, the hardware for testing fibre is really as good as it gets. To a backdrop of plants - he was wowee by the fact my switch and router are enterprise standard and I have two circuits because day job) but then he cast an eye over the grow setup!
So weird!

We are basically selling everything right now.

So so soooo cool

The Strawberry AK is amazing. We sell as Strawberry Molly because its like pharma grade MDMA love.

Check this out is the size of a pint glass. One of many.


Thats a cracker bud you and Co should have entered that one in nug of the month . Hi Co thanks for posting my letter it arrived safely :adore: and thanks again Nick

We have lots like - hid them she did!

We have too much product for Nug O The Month.

I stopped entering our best a while back - my photography is crap but we have so much yo chose from it doesn’t seem fair.

“Even a topped clock tells the correct time twice a day”

@Bill284 gets it I think.
We are basically selling everything right now.

So so soooo cool

The Strawberry AK is amazing. We sell as Strawberry Molly because its like pharma grade MDMA love.

Check this out is the size of a pint glass. One of many.


Looks like you grow some really good weed. Thats a big ass nug.
Looks like you grow some really good weed. Thats a big ass nug.
We all do buddy - i’ve been on an international tour. Ours is banging.

From pictures I see here (and I appreciate - picture is not the same as a smoke) there’s some fire bud being grown here.

Bu ain’t anyone in the best dispensary telling me that Strawberry AK we grew isn’t for for the High Table 🤣

Remarkable what standard & Co Got to in less than a year.

Love love!

Nick & Co
We all do buddy - i’ve been on an international tour. Ours is banging.

From pictures I see here (and I appreciate - picture is not the same as a smoke) there’s some fire bud being grown here.

Bu ain’t anyone in the best dispensary telling me that Strawberry AK we grew isn’t for for the High Table 🤣

Remarkable what standard & Co Got to in less than a year.

Love love!

Nick & Co
Too bad it cannot come to a dispensary around me.
We have lots like - hid them she did!

We have too much product for Nug O The Month.

I stopped entering our best a while back - my photography is crap but we have so much yo chose from it doesn’t seem fair.

“Even a topped clock tells the correct time twice a day”

@Bill284 gets it I think.
I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you. I think you should consider entering nugs off your personal grows for sunshine and giggles.

Instagram version - Rob you reading this please check your Insta - its a thank you for the mission!

Even with your sub par photography she is brilliant. :welldone::adore:
Looks hand trimmed and given lots of love.
And the co2 brick look to it.
You can see the difference off the hop.
Before you even see the scale.
There is that extra degree of fullness.
Bud through and through, no gaps.
You have snached the pebble grasshopper and turned it into gold.
I'm so happy for the pair of you.:hug:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎

$100 a litre buys some mighty fine wine.

A purchase not made lightly but we missed it in the last grow. Its banging.

Pssst! You could copy that by buying potassium sulfate, measure EC of Dutch Pro Explode and mix and weigh potassium sulfate to RO water until you reach the same strength in EC. Voila! Endless supply of Dutch Pro Explode for pennies!

Pssst! You could copy that by buying potassium sulfate, measure EC of Dutch Pro Explode and mix and weigh potassium sulfate to RO water until you reach the same strength in EC. Voila! Endless supply of Dutch Pro Explode for pennies!

I could and likely will get there - you wanna (I know you don’t!) be a little lazy its worth it. Unlike some others I’ve tried.

$100 a litre buys some mighty fine wine.

A purchase not made lightly but we missed it in the last grow. Its banging.

What do you run this with Nick.. it's all about the NPK and if you prefer your bud with this then add the k onto your standard bloom and find something with that ratio like @Wastei says you could save some pennies
I could and likely will get there - you wanna (I know you don’t!) be a little lazy its worth it. Unlike some others I’ve tried.
I'm very lazy in some senses but not when it comes to Cannabis nutrition and feeding. I cook my own humic acid and kelp extracts from raw leonardite and kelp meal on the stove. Can't be any dirtier and more time consuming than that and something that's better done outdoors.

But the stuff is more concentrated and last me longer than the watered down stuff at the hydro store that almost cost as much as its weight in gold in active ingredients.

You'll find potassium sulfate in some aquarium stores and probably easy to source on Lazada or Shopee or any other site pretty cheap. I order 250g locally from the aquarium store for about ~3 USD.

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