Newty’s Perpetual Pantry Party & Outdoor Grow Show

I know there are a lot of Vets on this site. I want you to know I appreciate you and the sacrifices you have made. It doesn’t matter what country, Thank you
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love and peace uncle art :peace::rip:
This was a pretty interesting read, especially the history of Cannabis in China. Its been all over the news, with Canadian legalization, citizens travelling from China (among other countries) are being warned not to indulge in legal Cannabis while visiting Canada OR ELSE face serious legal consequences?? I wonder if Sarah is around here??

Historical and Cultural Uses of Cannabis and The Canadian "Marijuana Clash"

Also #newtyjuice (fan leaf oil) is basically the Canadian version of Bhang #history #newtysbhang
This was a pretty interesting read, especially the history of Cannabis in China. Its been all over the news, with Canadian legalization, citizens travelling from China (among other countries) are being warned not to indulge in legal Cannabis while visiting Canada OR ELSE face serious legal consequences?? I wonder if Sarah is around here??

Historical and Cultural Uses of Cannabis and The Canadian "Marijuana Clash"

Also #newtyjuice (fan leaf oil) is basically the Canadian version of Bhang #history #newtysbhang
Thanks Newty
So in Canada cannabis is legal for Canadians only? If you're a foreigner and are caught smoking you're breaking the law?
This was a pretty interesting read, especially the history of Cannabis in China. Its been all over the news, with Canadian legalization, citizens travelling from China (among other countries) are being warned not to indulge in legal Cannabis while visiting Canada OR ELSE face serious legal consequences?? I wonder if Sarah is around here??

Historical and Cultural Uses of Cannabis and The Canadian "Marijuana Clash"

Also #newtyjuice (fan leaf oil) is basically the Canadian version of Bhang #history #newtysbhang

It's not just China. South Korea recently said the same thing about traveling to Canada. If caught when returning it's 5 years or $44,000
So in Canada cannabis is legal for Canadians only? If you're a foreigner and are caught smoking you're breaking the law?
No not in Canada but apparently for citizens of China, Japan and South Korea it might mean prosecution when they get home.
China warns citizens against using marijuana in Canada

Holy Crap, 4000 years ago the Chinese used weed for medicine and everything else! Interesting read Newt. I liked where they treated "absentmindedness" with weed. I'll go ask @Grandpa Tokin if he remembers any of those methods.
Hahahaha I know some of them were funny, cures everything from rabies to malaria but watch out for that uncontrollability and hightened sexual excitement :D

Isn’t it crazy that marijuana has only been used recreationally in Canada since the 1960’s?
Holy Crap, 4000 years ago the Chinese used weed for medicine and everything else! Interesting read Newt. I liked where they treated "absentmindedness" with weed. I'll go ask @Grandpa Tokin if he remembers any of those methods.

I don’t remember...
...that they can remember.

Lol to funny but yea the laws in china an dwn there are rediculous. I mean come on u had some serious good landrace strains coming from asia and beijing had some good hash which hello is made from herb not mention hemp an all its uses but they had a ton of medicinal uses for the herb as well now its u go to prison or pay 44 grand fine?!?! Wtf?!! Messed up i tell u this 2 time in my best oriental accent lmao.
Ill ask over here since i been lookn an cant find any myself maybe someone else here does lol. But ive been looking for some beans from the landrace strain panama red. If any1 knows where i can get ahold of some i wud greatly appreciate it thanx any1 an every1 lol.
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