Newty’s Perpetual Pantry Party & Outdoor Grow Show

So I recently learned that h2o2 is hydrogen peroxide lol :D

I guess I never needed it before, but I’m going to add that to my bug treatment regiment. Is it safe to use on flowering plants and how do y’all mix it. I just got mine from the drug store.
Hi newty! H202 is what is recommended for the first bud wash bucket if you have any mold issues (PM etc). So it’s perfectly safe for flowers :thumb: The budwash ratio is 1/3 H202 to 2/3 water, using 3% H202. I’m not sure how you would mix to spray. It will neutralise everything tho! I think SweetSue used it for bugs... as a spray. Check with her maybe.

I thought I’d mentioned it earlier, but maybe I only mentioned Conrad’s success with the alcohol and not the H202... glad somebody did!

I’m so envious of you all with access to H202 cheaply. It’s super expensive here, and I can’t work out why. A 250ml bottle costs me about $16 dollars! :eek:
Ok - Conradino used water and grappa mixture (he never said what ratio). Here’s some snippets of the conversation
Hmm in my long war against mites I tried a lot of stuff, that worked more or less or it didn't, but I never tried mixing water and alcohol. So today to knock the suckers down right before the harvest I added some grappa to my spray and I treated bottom buds/leaves, where they found their home and guess what? It totally worked! It killed them on contact! I checked with my loupe and they were dead as a doornail! The good thing about it is, that alcohol will evaporate in half an hour leaving no residue, which is as good as it gets :)
Yeah I read about it, but then I stumbled into some negative opinions, so I dropped it. In a hindsight I should've gone with alcohol straight away. Well, lesson learnt.
I used alcohol on broad mites and it worked a charm, I used it every 2 days at first to kill any hatchlings popping up. It works!
Washing them in water with hydrogen peroxide kills them all at harvest as well. I don't remember the exact ratio recommended, but a pint bottle in a 5 gallon bucket of water does the trick, and it doesn't harm the resin.
Hahaha sweet find Amy! What is grappa? Lol

I’ll add that to my list of treatments if needed:)

GeeGee and the babies are getting their Safers treatments today. Every 2 days I’ll hit them with a treatment (peroxide) is next. I plan to hit them hard for a week then once a week treatments of h2o2 and perhaps alcohol? Does that sound reasonable or do I just keep hitting them hard for a couple weeks ?

Cool! #learningisfun
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