No, leave the vid's.. They are great info and will be easy for me to find again..
Took some pictures of my babies today.. 3 days since the last batch of pic's and you can see a lot of growth! They REALLY liked the Liquid Karma! I had an old Skywalker sprout that was dead (or at least I thought it was).. Was still in a sprout state for 3+ weeks.. It was green so I just left it. I gave it some liquid karma and bam! It started growing! amazing.. I had written her off.. Just glad I didn't toss her..
This is little Skywalker.. Clearly she is started to grow again after being dormant for 3 or 4 weeks..
This is one of the White Russian sprouts.. showing good growth now.
This is the other White Russian sprout, amazing growth! Just yesterday morning she (hope its a she) was just a small sprout.. was shocked this morning when I checked in on them.
defiantly growing,defiantly indica lol looking good keep up the good work, i know it can be hard but not to much love or water, that is the #1 killer of lings
I fed them their first feeding of light nutes yesterday and they seem to like it. I was worried about them last night when I went to bed thinking I'd get up and see them all dead cuz I over did it on the nutes.. Had a dream tho that I woke up and found they doubled in height from the nutes.. Neither was the case but they are all green and happy.
I didn't transplant yesterday based on bigirishdoode suggestion.. I looked at the bottom of one of the cups this morning and you can clearly see roots circling the bottom.. I might have to transplant because the cup bottom aren't going to last much longer.. Next time I'm at sams club, I'll but a large package of the proper "plastic" cups for future use.
If I do end up transplanting, I'll have to turn on one of the 600w MH lights as the surface area caused by the bigger pots will be to large for my 3 T5's.. How far above the plants should I start it out with? I'm hoping a little heat in there will lower the humidity a bit.. been running around 75% and temps 66F.. I do have a digital dehumidifier I can put in the tent if anyone thinks thats a good idea?l
Probably about a foot away or a little more for a 600w would be a good rule of thumb. Check at what distance from the bulb your hand feels too hot. If its too hot for your hand its too hot for your plants
If your humidity is staying at around 75% I would really try and reduce it by putting the de-humidifier in there. Keeping the air circulating will help to reduce the chances of mold but the humidity will really need to be lowered to about 60% for Veg and about 40% during the flowering period. If you want to prevent mold completely.
High humidity at dark hours is something that should really be avoided if possible. Its the dark, cool, moist/humid environment that mold loves to grow in.
I turned on the exhaust fan (which is attached to my filter) and opened both vent flaps to let air in.. The brought it down to 64RH.. The basement is at 45 so it may drop a little lower. Temp in the tent is 66F
My babies saying good morning! One had droopy leaves this morning and noticed the cup was dry.. Might have missed it while feeding the other day! She had breakfast..
hey ultra did you know you can get full size pics in your post by clicking the "my photos" tab in the lower left corner of the text entry box or the 3rd icon from the right on the top and just click the pics you want, the lings look good,
ahh i see i access the mag on my tablet and phone alot so i cant really see whats in the thumbnails,takes me longer to load the seperate pic page thann just one , no clue how it is for everyone else on load times im on 6meg dsl so load times are snappy on all devices my tablets faster than my laptop cuz it has wireless n and my gameing laptop is a/b/g , in any case no worries brodda! got 9 babies in red solo cups and a few more to join them,got some killer new stuff coming,and i am doing a lot of vids this round,even making vids by request to cover special interest where i can,you should come check it out,and do you know about the 420mag contests? you can win great stuff and meet other cool members , if you need help or have questions im always happy to help,im disabled so im on here alot, i have been known to research things for members that have less time to be here than i
Thanks! I'll try the larger pictures below.. Just took them.. Tomorrow I may start them off with the 600w MH light as they are getting crowded under the T5's right now. I try to position them evenly but its not working out too well and a couple end up laying down trying to get under a bulb. I raised it about 5" above them but thats not working either. My ballasts are dimmable, should I start them off with the full 600w or lower it a bit? I'll of course keep the light high enough not to burn the babies.
I've been researching White Russian grows.. I've seen people try training, topping and super cropping White Russians but they always seem to finish like a christmas tree, one main stalk and a couple side ones. Since this is my first grow I'm wondering if I should just let them run rather than try any of that? Doesn't seem to help much..
In the below picture, the small one on the right, center of the picture is the little Skywalker that came back from the dead. As you can see, she is growing! I'm really amazed by her recovery. Kinda freaky really.. Thinking of naming her "Zombie"
I took a video of my setup yesterday for all of you.. Let me know what you think of my setup.
I did turn on the MH light this morning.. Right now its about 18" above the plants waiting for it to heat up.. Before I leave for work, I'll check to make sure the plants aren't getting hot. I put my hand over the plants and couldn't even feel warmth yet but the light just turned up so I assume over the next hour or so it will start producing some heat that I can gauge with.
good vid!! excellent tent! damn it i wish i had gotten one of those instead of my crappy led hole sale but my new oracle garden tent is real nice tho so it makes up for the other 2, they still work i just had to do some mods and fabricating, ,you have a damn nice setup , lol i started with cfls in a closet tinfoil on the walls, growing bagseed in coffee cans with miracle gro soil and nutes, course that was a long time ago, but from humble beginnings they say come great things, lol
those jacks look afganica to me ! but hybrids can always show different phenotypes than what you may be expecting, the end result will be great im sure no matter the pheno
good stuff ultra vids are so much more info and fun
keep up the good work!
Fucking timers! I hate'em! Bought a new digital timer because my regular one didn't seem to shut off when it should have.. I messed up the programming and now my plants have had 48 hours of light and won't go off till midnight tonight.. Will this stress the plants? I did notice the leaves were a little droopy this morning.. The soil is moist though.. I spray them all with some distilled water this morning after the pictures was taken.
Also, I don't think my temp gauge is working, the temp part is but the humidity isn't.. Says its 85% RH in the room but my dehumidifier says 60%. It feels dry in there..
This morning when I check on my babies, the cups were dry and most started to droop their leaves.. So I gave them all a drink and then decided to transplant them to bigger pots. Most of them had quite the mass of roots in the cups! I didn't think to take a picture while doing that, sorry.. 2 of the smaller ones I left in the cups (1 White Russian and Ms. Zombie (Skywalker). The below picture is them in their new homes with the exception of the smaller cups, I turned a cup upside down and put them in between the pots on top of the cups.. Then gave them all another nutes feeding to moisten the soil.. The ones with the white markers in the pot are the 2 Jack Herer's, the rest are White Russians except for one of the cups which is the Skywalker.
Once they start getting bigger and fighting for light, I'll move half to the other side of the tent and turn on that light. No sense doing it now as they are too small?
I bought a new temp guage and sure enough. the humidity was wrong on my other one.. This one says 60% as does my dehumidifier.. The old one still says 85%
looking good,they did look like they were a lil stressed and hungry, good now the timer thing should not be to bad tho,,lights on is better than dark i think