NewB Grower Going To Need Your Help

I Just Started My First Indoor Grow. Any of you like to Take a look at my Journal i just started. Any Advice is Greatly Appreciated.

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I Just Started My First Indoor Grow. Any of you like to Take a look at my Journal i just started. Any Advice is Greatly Appreciated.

Sent from my SM-G550T1 using 420 Magazine Mobile App

Link man... link!!!!

Wanna challenge? I need the villages to help!! Teach this young padawan your ways Jedi Masters... help me grow...
NewB Grower Going To Need Your Help
Put me in the against defoliation camp. Slows growth drastically, and never seen a proper side by side show any benefit. It's always "look the defoliated plant yielded twice a as much" then I point out the two plants used different lights and different nutrients :rolleyes3:

I only did a couple side by sides myself in the days when I grew with twin 400 hps. Not enough for proof but my defoliated side by sides then ended with defoliated plant slightly smaller with slightly less yields than leaving it alone. Leaves make the energy for the plant, taking them away slows things down until it regrows them.
Try your own side by side if you want to see for real.
Small yep pretty little update....

Wanna challenge? I need the villages to help!! Teach this young padawan your ways Jedi Masters... help me grow...
NewB Grower Going To Need Your Help

Subbed up over here , sparks torch., passes rig. Looking forward to seeing your ways evolve!!!


Grow With Me - My Grow Journey
I am the same way. Once I find something that works that gives me the results I like I stick with it until I see or try something that surpasses my methods of doing things. Looking good keep us updated. I been so busy I haven't updated my journal in almost a week. I think this evening I will do one. My plants look different. I defoliated and started LST training and things have been going good. Keep up the good work keepem green!!!

Pino's Coco & Perlite - Thunderpaws - First Grow Ever 2017
Ur doing a great job!! Keep it up!! I learn stuff everyday. Today been reading up defoliation then went to town on two of my plants!! Hope it goes well bit wouldn't know if I don't try. If it don't work pop more seeds n learn from it but if it does work another technique in my arsenal!! Keepem green!! We are growing a weed for heavens sake!!

Pino's Coco & Perlite - Thunderpaws - First Grow Ever 2017

Lol my first defol I was like omg wtf did I just do :') few days later I was god damn ! They looked amazing

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Lol my first defol I was like omg wtf did I just do :') few days later I was god damn ! They looked amazing

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Funny I did the same exact thing. One person saying don't do it another saying go for it. Then I looked at my plants and the inner growth was jus screaming for some light. Went threw with then was like wtf did I do!! Woke up the next day n was like damn y'all seem perky!! Lol!! Couple days go by looks jus like I never took any leaves off. But the plants did branch out a lot more!! So n the end of it all m a fan of defoliation. But u talk bout a touchy debate. Some growers swear by it then there are many that swear against it!! Jus have to do your thing and learn your own methods of growing!!

Pino's Coco & Perlite - Thunderpaws - First Grow Ever 2017
I'm giving nutrition 2 a day (330ppm 5.9ph) and water every spray every other day. I'll start rhino shield in about 2 more weeks unless anyone has any info I'm missing out on ... So the defoliating... can someone break down this process for a 3rd grader... just saying .

Wanna challenge? I need the villages to help!! Teach this young padawan your ways Jedi Masters... help me grow...
NewB Grower Going To Need Your Help
I'm giving nutrition 2 a day (330ppm 5.9ph) and water every spray every other day. I'll start rhino shield in about 2 more weeks unless anyone has any info I'm missing out on ... So the defoliating... can someone break down this process for a 3rd grader... just saying .

Wanna challenge? I need the villages to help!! Teach this young padawan your ways Jedi Masters... help me grow...
NewB Grower Going To Need Your Help

Defol imo can be a lil tricky, don't take enough off it don't do anything really but stunt ur plant take to much an R.I.P I only take of bigger fan leaves that are blocking light to inner branches. Doing this allows light in causing them to grow faster bigger an closer nodes.... again just imo. :D some will argue don't do it others (like myself) say if done right will help a lot

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Hey Ottawa green . (clueless mode engaged on my part .) what do you mean? I guess I'm trying to figure out the "recommended" approach... I read somewhere that at seedling best at 40" but after that get closer.... I'm guessing (not just a phrase in this case, I'm literally guessing) I'm in seedling phase going to veg in bout 2 weeks.... I'm just trying to get ready...

I'm about to set up my nutes and this time I'm going to let it sit for 24-36 hours and check the ph again... (didn't know I had to check the ph after adding nutes to .)
If anyone tells you there is a specific recommended approach that encompasses all lights then they are wrong. Every light is different. Manufacturers recommend certain Heights to allow their light to cover a very large area poorly so they can use "covers a 4' x 4' area" as a marketing feature. you want maximum lights on your plants without seeing bleaching.

If you want to be able to visualize this, then take a piece of white paper and hold it about a foot under your light directly under it. See how bright that is? Now move it down 1 foot still in the centre see how it's half as bright? Now move it to the sides and see how it affects it at different heights. What you want is that the light is just high enough so that it covers the whole area of your plants with as much light as you can. I run mine a minimum of 2 inches from the light to the plant to keep the period from touching the light and gooing it up. But I am usually between two and 12 inches away normally, with maybe 18" for clones/seedlings but that is more to keep temps down than light problems as at 12 " a little seeding can get pretty warm under my lights.

Hope that explains it, if not ask questions.

Good luck!
If anyone tells you there is a specific recommended approach that encompasses all lights then they are wrong. Every light is different. Manufacturers recommend certain Heights to allow their light to cover a very large area poorly so they can use "covers a 4' x 4' area" as a marketing feature. you want maximum lights on your plants without seeing bleaching.

If you want to be able to visualize this, then take a piece of white paper and hold it about a foot under your light directly under it. See how bright that is? Now move it down 1 foot still in the centre see how it's half as bright? Now move it to the sides and see how it affects it at different heights. What you want is that the light is just high enough so that it covers the whole area of your plants with as much light as you can. I run mine a minimum of 2 inches from the light to the plant to keep the period from touching the light and gooing it up. But I am usually between two and 12 inches away normally, with maybe 18" for clones/seedlings but that is more to keep temps down than light problems as at 12 " a little seeding can get pretty warm under my lights.

Hope that explains it, if not ask questions.

Good luck!

Dude... I actually understood .. Kool thanks

Wanna challenge? I need the villages to help!! Teach this young padawan your ways Jedi Masters... help me grow...

NewB Grower Going To Need Your Help

NewB Grower Going To Need Your Help
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