New to the Game! First Time

so once again a little change...
raised them all up a couple of DVDs/ books worth lol
pulled up and over the reflective sheet over the whole grow ;)

nice and confined with fan breeze as light is rather close to 1 or 2

inside under the lamp
Be careful even though you have a CFL it can still burn your plant. I would hate to see that happen, also by bringing it up a little higher would help out with the plants that are leaning towards the light. I like the set-up. plants are looking good.
Yeah, Greensmurf has a point. I never used a cfl pulling that many watts, so I have no Idea how much heat it radiates. My 23w's and 43w's could sit at that height all day w/o probs. But your pushin' air though to, so you'll probably be fine. Just keep an eye on it and keep the gals away from the ballast.


The man is correct. My 200 watt CFL heats up enough to back off some. By some I mean nothing! 2 - 6 inches at best with a fan. Yes they will burn the life out of your plant. You received great advice. Those pistils are normal on most need to worry. I'm surprised it took this long to show sex and flower sign..
Do you have a temp and humidity gauge? You need to see if its too hot in there. Everyone seems to say the same as well, maybe just put that sheet around your grow room and leave a few inches or 6 like already said.
300 watts yeah keep an eye on it youll be fine. Is the base a mogul type? Damn Depot does not sell the mogul sockets or step up adapters. I have been looking at the cheaper 125watt to add in with my 200. I think those 125 watt have a standard socket though.
has to be said this site is A* very interesting

Ive started a grow using nothing more than the soil which you see which was in the bottom of the bag which was laid about a year a go lol i mean 2 !

cupboard it is average looking one :)


Ive brought this Huge 300watt dual spectrum Cf L 2700k-6400k [ i know im as shocked as you ! lol i didn't expect it to be that big when i ordered it lol ]

this is a picture of the lights on red and blue

from the top

lay out of the pots only! only 6 going to be used

excuse the pot in the middle i flooded it with nutes and the seed died lol learnt my lesson tho :)


seeds in order

aurora indica was a mixed 10 pack so playing Russian roulette really with 2 male/female ?

blue mystic auto flower 5 seeds use in 2 females!

bubblelicious auto flower 5 seeds use in 2 females!

white rhino mixed 10 pack so playing Russian roulette with 2 male/females ?

and there off!!


seems to be going well

Hey dude, you have exactly the same bulb I am using, it gives amazing light penetration, it's out-put is 10500 lumens, I checked a website for the info. I've had fantastic results so far, I wish you all the success.
P.S the plants can be placed almost touching the bulb as it gives off very little heat :)
Plus I can see from your first pic that they are already stretching to the light!
Just read your whole journal, and by page 5 I was shouting at the computer screen. When I got to page 7 I stopped shouting.

The reason being was seeing your poor babies struggling and stretching for that precious light.

With CFL's and all bulbs; the further away the plants are from the light the more light (lumens) are lost. This means every inch further away you are from the light source; at least a few hundred precious lumens are lost. This means longer waiting for growth, more money on electricity, stretching, weak stems and all sorts of unnecessary initial problems.
This is my set-up showing the distance I have the plants from the light.


I was pleased to see that they are now at the right distance from the light and must stay that distance throughout the whole grow, this will result in nice shortish, very bushy plants with many bud sites.
I "topped" my 3 when they were around 4 nodes high and now they all have 4-5 tops instead of 1, I recommend doing this for increased bud production (it's really easy to do)
Before "top"

After "top"

Loving your grow so far my friend, I will pop in now and again to see how you're getting on. Peace brother. :rollit::bravo::welcome::thumb:
Thank you newbe for taking the time to read threw ... Lol that must have been an emotional rollercoaster lol waiting for
Me babies to get that tad closer ! Hopefully it's doing them well .. As you can see 8 plants may struggle to get the nessarary light thy need ? Only time will tell.. As for your grow wow it's nice to see a true cfl / almost exactley the same . I take it's just a blue tho ? Would or are you going to you any other light source for flowering or stick with cfl ? As I've got
A 250watt hps for this ! Hopefully will do it some justice ? Or just burn a whole
My pocket lol
If you get some good airflow in there you could maybe flower with the 250w HPs ans the 250w CFL , you'd have a wider spectrum of light and more luminens. But flowering with either would be fine. I have flowered all of mine with CFL, check the journals below mate. IMO its not the amount of light you have which determines the size of your harvest, its how well you veg and keep the energy going to the plant constant with no trips along the way, if the plant is well looked after it will be a good producer.
Thanks jbc .. Finger crossed my electric don't run out as many times as it has in the past the past then lol ... Need to get a socket to be able
To use 2 sounds like a plan or even remove all my shirts from the other cupboard and start a fresh lol 8 is never enough hehe ;)
Sayin that I soaked the last 3 bubbles about 3 days ago and they have all spouted just not out of the soil yet I'm going to keep them from seed on the light lol
If you have the right space you can turn 8 into a lot of weed! More light obviously means more buds but you need the care as well.
Just come across your journal dibs. Everything looks great and your plants look really healthy. I know it's easy to say but try not to stress too much - you're plants look fantastic so keep doing what you're doing! You're getting good advice and if anyone spots anything they'll let you know. The more light you can get to them the better - you'll get good results just with the cfl, and better results with an hps.
another update ,,,

take AUTO bubble 1

has any one got any suggestions as to what this could end up bein ?

as its growin under the first set of sun leafs ?

white rhino beheaded

aura indica beheaded

auto blue mystic pistles are showing more

all doing well closer to the light ;) with a help of a strong breeze ya just have to look at bubbles to see the thickness in the steam



3 new seeds just showing auto bubbles :theband: :woohoo:


cheers for help lads ..any suggestions feel free to spill ;)
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