Randomandy's Closet Jungle - First Grow

Yeah I'm convinced winter is best time for growing,only from my experience as I only use an open window for air movement. Plus I have a 250w hps,I'm convinced 100% using my method in summer time I would run into a lot of probs.but then again,after the drama that's been happening here,growing isn't on my agenda for a very long time:rollingeyes:
yeah HPS produces a lot more heat than CFL and i struggle with CFL heat as it is, especially these last cople days, its been soooooo warm and my temps are getting up to 29*c + so defo creeping up quite high, so far the girls dont seem to mind, and given that this is Scotland, I'm sure thinngs will cool down again in the next couple days, so im not worrying too much, but yeah winter defo seems like it would prob be the best time to grow, but then the light is a lot more obvious in winter as we have shorter days lol so higher risk, its a catch 22 really when you think of it....
I just went back an double checked your set up.buy a tent random.£50 of Amazon.you won't regret it.you will get years out of it.finish this grow,then please buy one.with the vents open,fresh air gets in easily.my tent was never to hot.mine is still brand new looking.I'm destroying mine,light aswel.its a pity.would love to give you it.but I'm not sending anything through the post.not a chance.whole neighbourhood is watching my every move.so 4get that.plus when you zip it up,no light leaks.in the future,I wouldn't even consider a grow unless I had a tent.plus when you water the plants,especially after flushing,the floor of the tent can get really soaking wet,not a problem, in holds the water.carpet doesn't even get wet.now I say £50.that's actually 4 a 2 plant grow.£67 on Amazon gets you a cracking tent,easily hold 4 plants,its one of the 1st tents on the page.check it out,and so worth the investment.
Snakey, i dont have a space in my house that would fit a tent, and definitely no way i could havea tent and keep it discreet, especially as my house will be full of visitors in just over a month as i have twin girls due to arrive lol so thats y my space is what it is, i dont worry about water run off anyway, as its a concrete floor that my plants are on, so will just need to make do with the space i have lol...
UPDATE: again apologies for not doing pictures yesterday as promised, but when i went in to take pictures of my girls, Sweet Cheese and Blue Cheese appear to have hit flower :( i inevitably knew it was coming, suppose thats a drawback with auto's, their lifecycle is pre-determined... so basically now ill have 3 plants, with next to no vegetative growth, and what growth there is is a bit pathertic and looking very sorry for itself, and now the girls want to flower, so not much i can do about that now, I was hoping to get another week of veg out of them to at least get a couple of leaf sets, but hey ho, just going to have to hope now that the plants have recovered from the Mg deficiency, and that the buds i do get are of a decent quality, as seems like wont be such a great quantity... I WILL UPDATE WITH PICTURES A BIT LATER ON TODAY, AND WILL DO MY BEST TO GET SOME GOOD MACRO IMAGES OF PISTILS FLYING OUT THE TOP OF BOTH MY CHEESE STRAINS!!
ok so here is the pics of my girls...

Sweet Cheese (at start of day 3) [My newest addition to the grow!!]

Big Devil:

Blue Cheese (sorry couldnt get a good slose up on the Pistils!):

Sweet Cheese:

If you either look closely or can zoom in on the bottom image of sweet cheese, pistils can be seen quite clearly :s
just wanted to add, postman has just brought my PH tester, finally lol... have have PH Tested the water i am using to water my plants (im filling a jug and leaving to sit for a few days at a time, and the water is 7.0, so basically bang on where it should be and is PH neutral?? a popped into to top of soil in Blue Cheese, and PH reading came back at 5.9, so will check run off next time i water, see what that reads, but seems to me that PH should be pretty much ok??
yeah feel quite proud of myself on that one Scottish, esp since every1 seemed to keep telling me it was heat or this or that lol not a single person suggested Mg deficiency, worked that out all by myself lol, just wish i had worked it out at least a week earlier than i did, and i maybe wouldnt be in such a bad situation with having such small babies hitting puberty lol but yeah guess the hope is now, that they will at least produce a nice big dense bud for me...
not feeling tooooo disappointed tho i have to admite, its my 1st grow, and i havent touched a single plant of any sort for about 6 years lol so i had kinda expected teething problems, just that this one is bigger than i anticipated, but its a lesson learned, and a learning curve i have had to take to help me out with future grows is the way im looking at it... :thumb:
No, both cheese throwen pistils out the top, big devil looks like she may still veg for at least a few days though, but I was never interested in her lol she was other halfs choice of plant, n a really no so keen on it lol... Yeah my 2nd sweet cheese is steamen along quite happily so far, but the other 3 were the same really at that stage, wasnt until after a couple weeks they took no well, so bot gonna count ma chickens before they hatch lol vut keepen ma fingers crossed enyway lol...
Oh Not Good Ay! We'll Hopefully It Will Be Nice, Your The One That Has To Smoke It :smokin: .. But So Far The Devil Looks The Best Don't You Think?
Oh So Its Just Keeping Fingers Crossed Then.
Have You Any Plans Or Ideas What Your Going To Do And In Future If This One Turns Out Like The Rest? Not Worrying You If You Haven't Thought About It Lol I Just Wondered..
I dony know, i think the Blue Cheese and Big devil both look kinda ok, lol apart from the pistils on Blue Cheese hahaha

But no i have nt really given much thought to what I will do if this Sweet Cheese doesnt work, but then i am feeling confident that she will grow a lot better than the others, but thats y i planted that seed, cos if it ends up the same then i think i may well put the growing on hold for a few months and do what Scottish does and mess about with chilis and tomatos, and i dont mind so much having the problems as it is my first grow and a massive learning curve, i am well chuffed with myself that i managed to diagnose and treat the problem myeslf, but I'm feeling confident, she is growing quite well now, and so far showing no signs of suffering like the others (apart from the very very slightest heat curl on her leaf, but its slight, and it has been warm the past 4-5 days like 30*c+ in there at times!!)

**Page 8 has pics of my 1st 3 plants at day 5, and they seemed to be doing well at that point, wasnt for another week (just under) before i the problems started to manifest itself (page 9/10 in this journal), so far my sweet cheese seedling is on a par with the other at this point, so i guess its going to be the next 7-14 days that will be do or die for me lol**
ok so not sure anyone stops by here anymore, and i havent been on for quite a while. Basically, this grow just hasnt happened for me, girls carried on flowering, but very little growth and going so slow, so have basically given up with these girls... I have re planted as said earlier in the thread, a sweet seeds sweet cheese, she is doing better than my 1st attempt but still going slower than she ought to be!! i have also since planted in a bubblegum auto seed (TH Seeds) and this at a week and a half, seems to be doing a bit better than all other attempts, also have a new blue cheese (replacement for the failure on this grow) and she will be on day one by tommorow, with the blue cheese i have ammended my soil slightly, in the hope this will ammend the problems i have been having, basically i have added approx 40% Perlite to my soil and also a handful of Garden Lime, i have also purchased biobizz bio-grow and will be using this throughout the veg stage, and moving on to bio-bloom for flower... will start up a new diary soon enough with all the detail of this second attempt, in the mean time there will be no more updates on this journal and will be reported as abandoned by myself just shortly...
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Many thanks 420, any grow at all would never have happened if it wasnt for this fantastic forum and all its wonderful insightful members, for this, i applaud you!! i have started another journal for my 2nd grow attempt, hopefully with more success this time!! :thumb:
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