New to Site - 14 Strains Under 2000 Watts in a 5x10 Tent

I would tranplant your clones now, you have sufficient roots on your clones. Your plant does have pollen sacks that should be removed if you let the plants continue growing.

Hey KJC, good to see you back! I actually just ended up cutting the entire cherry pie (hermied plant) down completely to play it safe. Wasn't all too bad, I ended up letting my other girls that were next to the cherry pie stretch their branches out a little bit to fill in the hole in the canopy.

As for the clones, I transplanted them on thursday and they look happy. Starting to see the first new growth on the tops. There is a lot of leave discoloration on almost all of them though. Is that the plant way of using up stored energy in the leaves to survive, or am i doing something wrong? Next watering I'm gonna start giving them veg nuts at 1/4 strength.

Your plants are looking great Keegan420, sorry to hear about your hermie.
25/25 clones the first time, outstanding. Can you tell us how you started your clones (what did you use). How often did you water, how did you water (spray) or what type of watering tool did you use? What if any nutrients did you use? How often did you spray the dome? And did you use a heat pad? What was the temp/RH in the dome. Thank you for your help. 25 in, 25 out, is outstanding.
Thanks KJC,

Quick question do you think I should water with plain h2o or with a small dose of nutrients for the first couple weeks? My soil mixture for the clones is as follows: 1/2 pro-mix hp, 15% ffof, 25% happy frog, and 10% perlite with a good amount of azomite mixed in.

Your plants are looking great Keegan420, sorry to hear about your hermie.
25/25 clones the first time, outstanding. Can you tell us how you started your clones (what did you use). How often did you water, how did you water (spray) or what type of watering tool did you use? What if any nutrients did you use? How often did you spray the dome? And did you use a heat pad? What was the temp/RH in the dome. Thank you for your help. 25 in, 25 out, is outstanding.

Thanks 60cal and you betcha!

I started the clones in root tech cloning gel by technaflora in rock wool cubes, soaked for 30 mins in water ph'd to 5.6ish i think. After I made the first cuttings I sprayed with a b1 green vitamin/water mix which helps reduce shock, every spray watering after that was plain water, and I tried to go in and spray them as much as possible to keep the RH above 70% for the first week. After that I went and sprayed whenever I thought about it. I watered the cubes whenever they looked dry with a little bit of ROOT66 and some sugar daddy. It turns a darker color when wet and you can press on the top and just know when it needs some water. I just used a gallon milk jug with a hole in the lid to spray the cubes. I used a little heating pad from an old lizard cage. Temp was a little high, 80F and RH for first week was 70-80% under the dome. And for the first couple days I left the vents closed, but I decided a little fresh air would be good so I left both half open for the rest of the time. I posted some pictures a page or so back if you want to check those out too for a visual.

Hope this helps!
Flower room update: Day 24
Last watering was yesterday w/ full nutrients + bud candy at 8ml per gallon and big bud 5ml gallon PPM: 1400

Stretch is done and buds are beginning to form, quite well actually. Scrog is definitely gonna bump up my yield, no questions asked. But there are some down sides to the scrog in my opinion as well:
1. You can't move your plants, AT ALL.
2. I can't get under the trellis to give as much care to the middle row of plants as the rest
3. Watering could be an issue if you're hand watering. I use a 30g reservoir that I mix my nutrients up in because i usually need 15 gallons for the flower tent. And i have a 185gallon per hour sump pump in the res connected to a hose and a wand sprayer. I can reach to the back side of the tent so I can do all of my watering from one side of the tent. That is one of the only ways you could do it, unless you are hydro, or have some sort of drip watering device for each plant site.. which I don't, not yet at least. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Here are some pictures I took tonight as lights were coming on!










Update: Day 30 flower

Hello 420mag, its been a week since last update and things are looking good. Buds are starting to connect and filling out. I gave them their first flush yesterday. Nute mix was just additives, bud candy and sugar daddy full-strength plus a new product I got at the store the other day, Black Diamond by General Organics which is a liquid humic acid. PPM:650. I think I got a slight nutrient burn from last feeding (which was 1500ppm) on my grape dream, cinex, and ace of spades so i think I've hit my ppm ceiling. Here are some pictures I just took.




















As for the veg tent, I topped all of them a couple days ago and plan on doing that a good 4 or 5 times over the next month or more. Been watering every 5 or 6 days with plain water with 2 tsp of root66 per Gal.

For my next grow i want to get a couple more tents, and do monster plants instead of little ones, possibly with LEDs, I'm currently deciding between Intellegentgro's Mars II and the PlatinumLEDs, currently waiting on some of platinums 420mag sponsored grows to show me the way :). If my offer goes through with the house I'm hoping to buy, i will have a lot more room, and the ability to expand my electrical power supply. Since I'm limited by a plant count, not only will my yields be better per plant, Ill have the ability to harvest a couple monster plants every month. Each tent would have two of the same or similar strains, and each room could be tailored for that particular strain so it can grow in optimal conditions.

Oh, also I gave 2 of my clones to a buddy, one xj13 and one cinex.

They look great my friend!!!

One thing. Lets not tell people to PH adjust water for soil, there are a few reasons for this. First a well built soil will adjust itself to 6.4 all on its own. Secondly...This is important please take notes...If you PH adjust water for something full of bacteria and fungus what are you doing to them?? Thats right you just hit "ctrl alt del" in your pot. So pretty please with sugar, whipped cream and cherries on top lets not tell people with an active medium to dump acid into it.

Update: Flower day 36
Got a ton of pictures of both the veg and flower room :high-five:

Picked up some new goodies at the store! A 4ft 8 bulb T5 fixture for 148$ after tax and my little frequent flyer discount she gives me.It has added some extra heat in there, 85 degrees, and I have no ventilation options in that room. I think it will be fine though. Also got a bottle of Humboldt County's Snow Storm Ultra which I'm going to use as a foliar spray. This is a product that KJC uses and it obviously works for him! This is my first foliar Ive ever given my plants so Im excited to see the results.

Ive also been doing some low stress training and topping. Buds have been packing on weight, but it is very clear that my grape dream is gonna be at least a 11+ week flowering because she is still pushing out a ton of white hairs and not packing on weight like the rest of them. The White has hairs that are almost completely brown and swelling nicely, Im thinking she willl be a 7-8 weeker. Ive been doing bug bombs and spray every once in awhile to make sure spider mites don't come back and I accidentally burned the leaves on a couple plants. Everything else looks good, nice green shiny leaves.

Heres the pictures, first up is the veg tent











And the flower tent.. I tried to get a couple size comparisons with a bic, my grow room is really hard to take pictures in. No ceiling fixtures, only have a table lamp as artificial lighting.



















KJC- Thanks for the heads up, I sprayed this morning right after lights off. Do you water with it too or just as a foliar?

Skunny- Thanks man, I'm really liking the new light too! All of the girls are looking perky and reaching for the light.

Speaking of veg tent I gave them their first nutrient feed today. 1/3 strength + black diamond(humid acid). PPM: 410
KJC- Thanks for the heads up, I sprayed this morning right after lights off. Do you water with it too or just as a foliar?

I do not add Snow Storm Ultra to my nutrient mixture. I use Snow Storm Ultra as a foliar spray at 1.25 millilitres per litre in flower every 7-10 days and discontinue use 1 week before harvest.

I will only spray Snow Storm Ultra just before the lights go off for the darkness phase of flowering.

(Click on the photographs for direct links to the product )
Looking like a garden party, very nice job Keegan420.
Good luck on buying your new house.
Looking like a garden party, very nice job Keegan420.
Good luck on buying your new house.

Just added a new strain to my veg tent. I saw my local clone store had Williams Wonder a strain that I've wanted to grow since I started. Its a really awesome indica dom hybrid and supposed to be a huge yielder. 1500-2000 grams per sq. meter. My plan is to veg her for 3-4 months and give it her own 5x5 tent that I will scrog her in and see what she can do with that.
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