New grower - have a few questions about my ladies

First time eh? Haa haa welcome to inground monster grows. Real healthy but yes they will tend to need abit of thinning and alot of support for those big colas coming your way. I no longer do inground cause i can't tend to them well i'm old and not good on ladders LOL just kidding.
Yes take close inspection of where they touch cause those are too close to eachother but you did'nt know better. Remove pencil size stems forsure from main stalk watch a video if you have to get idea. Take your time. How to you plan to support the branches?
Welcome to 420 Magazine @johna1958

What strain do you have growing there?
What nutrient system are you feeding your ladies?

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Tok.. :bong:

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First of all I appreciate all those who welcomed me to the forum. As a first timer the info. helps. Went out to do a bunch of trimming this morning, and evidently had some strong wind last night and lost a couple of big branches. Right after someone on the sight ask how I was going to support my plants. Anyway the strain is Scotty cushmint, and I have been feeding them with a basic miracle grow with high nitrogen. This morning I start a structure that I think will support them, and it is screwed together so it will be easy to remove at harvest.





And FYI, 66 years old from northern California, retired and spend a lot of time outside and thought I would give this a try. So far I have enjoy the experience. But have to say, I think loosing those branches hurt me more than it hurt the
Nice work on the structure bud 👍 a nice mesh net or wire fencing wrapped around your structure would give ultimate support to individual branches if possible. Can't remember if your near flower but once they start to stretch they will definitely need it. Thinking about it even if you had plenty of string and nails you could make your own trellis around it 😁

Do you have different fertiliser for the flowering period? Iirc miracle grow is ok vegging in the ground but not in pots and doesn't make the best quality buds so could switch up the nutrients in flower?

Just suggestions bud I have never used MG nutes or grown out doors just what I've read in the past.. looking great though 💪
Thank you for the response, I thought of putting like chicken wire across the top so it would be like checker boarded. But I thought it would be kind of hard at harvest. So I'm thinking maybe something like a fish net on the level that's there, and wait to see on bud size to do the top layer.What kind of fertilizer do you recommend. I know there are several stages of flower. Was just going to back off on the nitrogen, and go up on the P and K.
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